The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2048: You are a disaster star

I saw Master Huifang frowning, taking the final step in his hand, and clasping his hands together and said: "The empress dowager, this yin and evil thing is too powerful, with the strength of the grass people, it can't suppress the living thing at all. Now that Master Huiyuan travels all over the world and is missing, Master Huineng is ill again and has difficulty getting up. There is really no one in Xiangguo Temple who can compete with the goods. What the concubine lady just said is reasonable, if she can ask one A ghost exorcist will come, and he will open the altar and give lectures by the people in the altar. He will do both, and maybe let the living thing live!"

Master Huifang's words are naturally reasonable, and the empress dowager hurriedly agreed: "Then invite a Taoist person!"

Because the current emperor does not believe in these ghosts and things, and advocates that the people of the world should not believe in this fictional thing, there is only one person that can be found in the capital at present!

The people in the palace soon invited the half-moon Taoist into the palace.

That half-month Taoist was both excited and nervous. After seeing the emperor and the empress dowager, he said: "The emperor, the empress dowager, Rong Lao Dao will investigate around first."

After speaking, he went to look around just like Master Huifang just now.

When I finished reading the outside of the dormitory, I returned to the inside of the dormitory, somewhat surprised: "The old way has never been before"

Before he finished his words, he suddenly raised his head and looked in Gu Xiaowan's direction again, his eyes full of sharpness.

That Ban Yue Lao Dao is now more than 50 years old, and his eyes are even more muddy, but just now, Gu Xiaowan could clearly see the sharpness and shrewdness in his eyes.

Gu Xiaowan originally thought that she had read it wrong. When she wanted to look at it again, she saw that Ban Yue Dao had already knelt down and her voice trembled: "The emperor, the queen, this evil thing is really powerful, we must quickly get rid of it, otherwise If you do, it will not only affect the empress, but also"

That Ban Yue Lao Dao didn't say what would happen, but the empress dowager didn't dare to listen anymore, for fear that the consequences of this would be exactly the same as what Master Hui Fang had just said.

Now I believe it: "Please also ask the two masters to start the altar as soon as possible, so as to save the evil things!"

In this way, a monk, a Taoist, began to open the altar outside the queen's bedroom.

Monk Na Huifang sat on the futon with his eyes closed and his hands folded. There were nine little monks sitting around him, enclosing him in a circle, in the same posture as Master Huifang, eyes closed, hands Heshi, chanting words in the mouth, seems to be chanting scriptures.

On the other hand, the half-month old Dao on the side saw him peach wood sword, yellow talisman, everything he had. At this moment, he was also wielding the peach wood sword, and the same words were said in his mouth: "Anxious like a law, the old man will show his spirit soon, the monsters and monsters will be fast. "

Gu Xiaowan watched the two masters casting spells, thinking that they had watched a lot of TV in the previous life. Such shots were not unfamiliar.

She had a faint feeling in her heart. She always felt that all these things now seemed to be done by someone deliberately, who did it? Who wants the life of the queen and prince? Who is that evil thing?

Gu Xiaowan felt uneasy, and she went back to the queen's bedroom with the excuse that her legs were weak.

Now they are standing outside, the queen’s bedroom is still tightly closed. Inside the small gilt censer, the incense is still burning, and wisps of smoke are gurgling out. She just walked away. At the time, it was obvious that the incense was about to burn out, why is it so powerful now? Who added the spice again?

"What is the purpose of this incense?" Gu Xiaowan felt that after two sips of the incense, she felt at ease, as if there was gurgling water in her belly, her mood was tranquil.

"In response to the princess, this incense is a soothing incense, which the empress's empress has always used. If she said that she didn't light this incense, she became uneasy and couldn't sleep. Therefore, day and night, she never let the slaves break this incense! "The maid beside the queen hurriedly replied.

Soothing fragrance? Gu Xiaowan looked at the vaping cigarettes, and looked at the gilt incense burner with some powder sprinkled on the outside. She hurriedly twisted it with her hands, but felt that the outside of the incense was greasy, as if it had been soaked in oil. Something.

Tingyin and Tingyan have always been in front of the empress's couch, looking at the empress with distress, and wiped the corners of their eyes with the veil from time to time. Gu Xiaowan secretly wrapped the powder scattered next to the gilt incense burner in a veil and hid it in her arms.

But the hand just now smelled, but there was a strange smell, saying that it was not fragrant or smelly, but it made people feel sick!

Gu Xiaowan thought of something in her heart right now, and she was shocked, just wondering how could that kind of thing appear in the palace.

At this moment, the court lady Hualien who was holding the empress's chin and pouring medicine came in again with the medicine bowl in her hand.

"Aunt Tingyin, Aunt Tingyan, it's time for the empress empress to drink medicine!" I saw the palace lady walk in carefully holding the tray, Tingyin and Tingyan hurriedly wiped the corners of their eyes with the veil, and one of them picked up the empress empress. , Let her lie halfway, the other one took the medicine bowl and planned to feed the queen to take medicine.

After the palace lady delivered the medicine, she stood aside respectfully, listening and listening together, but they couldn't feed the medicine. She became anxious and looked at the palace lady on the side and shouted angrily: "You can't come and help!"

The maid came over hurriedly, just like before, pinching the queen's jaw with both hands, the Queen Leng's mouth opened, and then she was fed the potion, and then, as usual, she started to feed the medicine bit by bit.

The tone of the lectures and practices outside became more and more rapid, and the voice became more and more rapid. Just as Gu Xiaowan was watching the empress empress taking medicine seriously, suddenly, she saw Queen Leng’s eyes suddenly opened, and then she made a loud noise. I had to scream miserably and sharply before: "Ghost, ghost"

Outside, the palace door of the bedroom was opened wide, and Master Huifang and Ban Yue Lao Dao both rushed in at this moment and shouted fiercely: "The disaster star, don't come here soon!"

Master Huifang's hand, Ban Yue's sword, pointed at Gu Xiaowan in unison, making the people behind them shocked!

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