The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2053: I have the ability to come back to life

Concubine Wang said that the tears kept falling like a broken bead. All the grievances were written on her face, and she was very sad!

The emperor couldn’t see Wang Guifei’s tears, so he frowned. He looked at the thin and unruly empress’ empress. His heart became more sad, and he became more anxious when he saw the tears: “The queen is still resting, you can stop. Don't disturb her to rest!"

Concubine Wang was busy stopping her tears when she heard it. She couldn't hear her sobbing, but she choked twice from time to time, wiped her tears with her kerchief, her eyes were red and swollen, and she looked at the emperor carefully, her face full of sadness and grievance. , Watching me see You Lian.

It's just a pity that all the emperor's thoughts are now on the queen's body, and I haven't even seen Concubine Wang keep winking at herself!

Seeing the familiar figure outside, Gu Xiaowan said: "Doctor Hao, do you know mandala powder?"

"Mandala powder?" Doctor Hao Lian asked rhetorically.

Gu Xiaowan had been staring at Concubine Wang stubbornly. When she heard the word, the veil of tears stopped and then returned to normal!

"Mandala powder, what is this?" The empress dowager did not understand, and hurriedly asked: "Does this have anything to do with the Queen's illness?"

"It's certainly relevant to return to the Queen Mother. With this mandala powder, the light one makes people hallucinate, the heavy one makes people die!"

When Wang Guifei saw that Gu Xiaowan knew what this mandala powder was, her expression suddenly changed. However, thinking that the man was dead, she adjusted her expression hurriedly and looked at Gu Xiaowan who had been staring at her, and said displeasedly: "You Do you always look at this palace? This palace warns you that you have to stay away from this palace. You are a lone star this day. If you harm this palace, this palace will not let you go as a ghost!"

There was dodge and a trace of panic in Wang Guifei's eyes, but because of her immersion in the harem all the year round, she quickly returned to normal, but she never escaped Gu Xiaowan's eyes.

"What are you talking about? Datura pollen is hallucinogenic? Then you mean the queen, she is also poisoned by the Datura pollen?" The empress mother heard that this pollen can be hallucinogenic, and thought of the empress empress. The good ones always say that there are ghosts and ghosts. Is it because she inhaled the mandala pollen that caused the hallucinations?

The emperor also waited for Gu Xiaowan to explain, and heard Gu Xiaowan say: "This mandala flower is popularly known as a guide flower of the underworld. The pollen it grinds can make people lose their minds, like crazy!"

"Nonsense, Datura pollen, have you seen it?" Wang Guifei hurriedly said, seeing everyone listening to Gu Xiaowan's explanation, "Datura flower, we have never heard of it. You use one. We have never heard of it. To fool us!"

"It's not a fool, Doctor Hao Lian, carefully check the empress's chin, and see if there is any undetectable powder in the wound!" Gu Xiaowan pointed to the empress who was lying on the bed and said.

Doctor Hao Lian didn't step forward. Hearing on the side hurriedly stepped forward to look, and gently wiped the empress's chin with his hand. Sure enough, he found a little bit of fine powder, and he was shocked: "Really! This is! What is it?"

Hearingly heard that there was a little white powder on the fingertips, only a little bit. Doctor Hao Lian looked at it and stretched out his hand. He was a little confused: "Where did this come from?"

"In Hualien's nails, there is Datura pollen, which hurts the empress. Datura pollen enters the blood directly, is absorbed by the blood, and the effect is doubled!" Gu Xiaowan analyzed.

"Nonsense, just with a little powder, you said it was mandala pollen, and you said this thing is hallucinogenic, but you are talking about how this thing can cause hallucinations!" Wang Guifei said disdainfully: " You are going to talk nonsense to survive now! The dead are said to be alive!"

Gu Xiaowan smiled: "My concubine, I do have the ability to come back to life. Would you like to see it?"

Concubine Wang squinted at Gu Xiaowan, ignoring her, with a look of contempt: "Nonsense, if you really have this kind of ability, then you can save the empress!"

"Gui Concubine Wang, the empress empress is in good health, but she has been stunned by the villain. When the villain is picked out, the empress will be better!" Gu Xiaowan said solemnly.

Concubine Wang snorted coldly: "That villain, it's you!"

Gu Xiaowan didn't care, she looked at the empress dowager and the emperor and said: "The empress dowager, the emperor, Xiaowan has a witness, do you want to call up?"

The queen mother and the emperor nodded: "What witness do you have?"

Gu Xiaowan said to the outside: "Bring someone up!"

Seeing Zuo bringing up a person, the person looked like a mass of mud, and was helped by Zuo and walked in.

When he arrived in the sleeping hall, the man's knees softened and he knelt down, shaking like chaff: "See you for slaves and maids."

"Hualien, you are not dead?" When Hua Nong heard the voice, he immediately heard that it was Hualien's voice, and she covered her lips in surprise: "You are not"

Hualien raised their heads, everyone finally saw that face. It was the Hualien who had just pinched the empress's jaw just now!

"At that time, the maid left after taking the medicine. Xiao Wan saw her look a little flustered, and saw her shaking her hands constantly. Xiao Wan guessed that there was something wrong with this person, and asked Zuo to follow her. , She went straight to the well, and jumped down before she even thought about it. Zuo hurriedly rescued her, but Zuo took her clothes, tied a stone and threw it down, causing someone The illusion of falling well!"

Seeing the emperor and the empress dowager, Gu Xiaowan was also puzzled, and hurriedly explained: "And this Huanong, if my person reads it right, you just appeared when someone fell into the well, and thought it was Hualien who fell into the well. Reporting in a hurry, right?"

Hua Nong nodded her head like a pill: "Yes, yes, the servant girl saw that Hua Nong's clothes fell off, so she thought she had fallen!"

"Well, what you said is right for the time being, I will let you go first!" Gu Xiaowan took a deep look at Huanong, who was almost suffocated by Gu Xiaowan's eyes in fear! She hung her head hurriedly, shaking like chaff.

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