The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2058: She is behind the scenes

Zhiqin yelled hysterically that she had all told her that the person who murdered the queen was Zhiqin.

The empress dowager and the emperor were also furious at the moment: "Come here, pull out this cheap maidservant who murdered the prince and empress, Ling Chi put to death!"

Ling Chi, with one knife after another, people can't die, but they can feel the pain. In the end, you can see the bones, but still keep a breath, extremely cruel! But dealing with such a person is not cruel at all!

A guard came forward, but Zhiqin suddenly yelled, "Well, since I can't pull the queen and the prince as a back, my wife is lonely on the ground, I don't mind pulling another back! The noble concubine, do you want to go down, and My mother will be a companion together, this matter, you also have a share! If it weren't for you, how could my cheap maid in Xinzheku get mandala pollen and body oil!"

Everyone looked at Concubine Wang with all eyes, and Concubine Wang was shocked and shouted in horror: "Nonsense, nonsense! The emperor, she said nonsense, she is a mad dog, biting people, no concubines! No concubines! The emperor! This cheap maid framed Princess Anping, and now this cheap maid has come to slander his concubine, the emperor, you must not listen to this cheap maid’s side words!" Wang Guifei shouted hurriedly, with a look of horror.

"Wang Guifei, didn’t you say that you wanted to avenge my mother? Why didn’t you admit it? You also said, this is about to be drafted soon, I don’t know how many young and beautiful ladies enter the palace, you I don’t have a dragon, and I don’t know when I was disgusted by the emperor. I also said that I would take advantage of this period to conceive the dragon as soon as possible. She also said that the empress did not know what **** luck she had, and she was able to be pregnant with the dragon. Said she is jealous of the queen, if you get rid of the queen, she will be the queen!" Zhiqin laughed and saw that Concubine You Gui's face turned from red to white and from white to blue.

"Nonsense, nonsense!" Wang Guifei yelled, "I think for the queen and empress wholeheartedly, and it won't harm the queen, the emperor, you have to believe in the concubine, the concubine is gentle and respectful, how could you frame the empress!"

You said that I retorted the two people, and the noise in the sleeping hall was going to turn the sky: "You don't hurry up and pull this madman down, she defiles the concubines, she defiles the concubines!"

"Why does she not slander others, just slander you?" the queen mother coldly shouted.

"Queen dowager, she can't harm the queen, so she will harm her concubines!" Wang Guifei shouted aggrievedly: "The concubines were wronged, the concubines were wronged!"

"Guei Concubine Wang, the Wing Family trusts you so much. After the queen was pregnant, the Ae Family handed over half of the power of managing the harem to you. Unexpectedly, you are so greedy that you want to take the queen instead."

Grandpa Qi suddenly said at this moment: "Queen dowager, the emperor, there is someone from Wang's mansion, saying that he wants to see the concubine empress, and that he has sent someone to deliver something, saying that he will deliver it to you personally!"

"Wang Mansion sent people to deliver things? What are they sending at this time!" The emperor frowned and asked.

"The minion doesn't know it, only that it must be delivered to the concubine empress!" Grandpa Qi lowered his head and said: "I also said that it is a very important thing. As long as the concubine empress sees it, you will know!"

"Hmph, this Wang Yin is so courageous that he sent the things to the palace!" The queen mother sneered: "Let's let people in, and the Aijia should take a good look at what it is!"

Concubine Wang Gui was also a little surprised at this moment, wondering what Wang Yin would give herself.

When someone came, he bowed his head and bowed, and handed a wooden box in her hand to Concubine Wang Gui: "Emperor Concubine, this is from the lady, and said that anyway, I must hand it over to you!"

The person who came was a maid from the palace. Concubine Wang was still crying here, while looking at the dark wooden box in the maid’s hand, she was a little strange: "Ma'am? What does the mother give me?" is naturally sent by Hao Ying!

"The slave and maid did not know, the lady said that she must hand it over to you, and she also said that you will open it yourself!

Concubine Wang was a little displeased, wiped her eyes with her kerchief, stepped forward to take the box, and when she opened the wooden box and saw what was inside, she screamed.


The wooden box in his hand was knocked over, and something rolled out of the wooden box.

What's in the wooden box is a hand and an eyeball.

"Ahhhhh" Wang Guifei screamed again and again, and was shocked.

"What's this? It's really unreasonable. It's a rebellious thing to send this kind of thing to the palace!" When the queen mother saw it was one, there was also an eyeball, and suddenly shouted: "Come here, Mr. Hao Enter the clan mansion! Let it go!"

The maid who sent the goods didn't know what was in the wooden box. Seeing her hands and eyeballs rolling out of it, her legs and feet were also frightened, and she knelt on the ground: "Ah"

"This hand, this hand is the hand of the little boy!" The girl looked at her hand, and there was a small gray mark on her wrist. She remembered that there was a blue-gray mark on the little boy's hand. Now this hand

Upon hearing this, Concubine Wang looked intently, and sure enough, she saw half a blue-gray mark on her wrist.

She remembered the mark on her brother's hand, and told him that this mark was brought out from the mother's womb. If her brother disappears in the future, she can rely on this mark to find him!

Now, that half of the familiar mark came into view, now that the blood color is gone, the blue-gray mark is more and more obvious!

"Ah, it's Sui'er, it's Sui'er" Wang Guifei didn't care about being afraid. She knelt on the ground and picked up the child's hand, crying and shouting: "Hao Ying, you poisonous woman, you killed me Brother, Hao Ying, you poisonous woman!"

He even brought a Jinpa that fell out of the box. Father Qi saw it and picked it up hurriedly. When he opened it, there were a few words on it, shocking!

"Blood debts and blood!" Grandpa Qi said silently.

When Wang Guifei heard this, she suddenly yelled, as if she was crazy.

"Mu'er, it's her sister who has harmed you, and her sister has harmed you."

Upon seeing this, Zhiqin laughed and said: "Haha, retribution, retribution, you almost killed the queen's child, your brother was dismembered, happy, happy!"

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