The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2065: Sun came to ask for help

It turned out that it wasn’t pain. Gu Xiaowan relieved her heart and hugged Tan Yushu tightly in her arms: “It’s fine if it doesn’t hurt, it’s fine if it doesn’t hurt! Silly boy, you are my sister, we are a family, I don’t love you , Who loves you! Doesn't it? When Ning Ping comes back, you will have more people to love you. The days to come will definitely get better and better!"

Tan Yushu was lying in Gu Xiaowan’s arms, and his expression was moved: “Brother Ning Ping has been to the border for two years. I have been thinking about him day and night, and I hope to hear from him, but I hope not to receive him. I only hope that he can do well at the border, sister, I miss him!"

Can you not think about it? As soon as the two of them settled on their relationship, Gu Ningping resolutely left, just to be able to stay with Tan Yushu in the future!

"Don't worry, don't worry!" Gu Xiaowan didn't miss Gu Ningping, but Ningping has his own plan. He has been insisting on it for two years, and will always be willing to work hard: "rest assured, everything will get better and better!"

Gu Xiaowan patted Tan Yushu's back lightly and whispered softly, as if he was coaxing her own child. Tan Yushu choked "Yes". Hearing Gu Xiaowan's voice choked a little, she wanted to comfort Gu Xiaowan.

She raised her head and said, "Sister, everything will be fine! Don't you." Before she finished her words, she suddenly stopped, staring at Gu Xiaowan in a trance!

Gu Xiaowan was a little confused: "Yushu, what's wrong with you?"

"Jade book?" Gu Xiaowan called Tan Yushu twice. Tan Yushu came back to her senses: "Oh, elder sister, it’s okay. I just want Ning Ping. I know your sister. Don’t be sad. Ning Ping must be soon. Will be back!"

Tan Yushu said hurriedly, and then took a closer look at Gu Xiaowan again, with some doubts in her eyes.

Gu Xiaowan didn't notice the strangeness of Tan Yushu, and she nodded and said, "Yes, I will be back soon. When he comes back, my sister will ask him to find grandpa to propose a marriage and settle your affairs!"

When "Sister" talked about his own affairs, Tan Yushu's face turned red all of a sudden.

She went to look at Gu Xiaowan's eyes again, there was nothing in them, as deep and clear as an ancient well, as if they were holding a puppet in a normal day.

Although Tan Yushu was strange, he didn't ask too much. Xu was so sad just now.

When Gu Xiaowan returned home, she suddenly ran into Sun Xi'e, who was waiting anxiously at the door.

Seeing Gu Xiaowan getting off the carriage, she saw Sun Xi'e rushing over, with a look of worry and anxiety: "Xiaowan, please, help me, help me!"

She looked panicked, as if something big had happened. Seeing her panicked, Gu Xiaowan asked coldly, "What's the matter with you?"

Saying wow, he lifted his foot and walked into the Qingyuan Garden without asking more, Sun Xi'e knew that she was wrong, and she knew what she couldn't say, so she lowered her voice and said, "Xiaowan, go inside and say, okay?"

When Gu Xiaowan heard this, she looked back at Sun Xi'e, and saw that the worry and anxiety in her eyes were not fake. Seeing that she was alone and unable to make waves, she nodded: "Come in!"

Seeing that Gu Xiaowan had agreed to her request, Sun Xi'e showed a glorious face and hurriedly followed Gu Xiaowan into Qingyuan.

As soon as he entered Qingyuan, Gu Xiaowan stopped going forward and said directly to Sun Xi'e: "If you have any words, just say it here!"

Seeing that Gu Xiaowan did not invite herself to sit down in the hall, Sun Xi'e asked herself in the corridor. She knew that she was detesting herself and that she had done a lot of wrong things. Gu Xiaowan was able to let herself in and listen to her words. When she was right, she hurriedly said, "Xiao Wan, please, save my heart peach!"

Gu Xintao? When Gu Xiaowan heard the name, her brows wrinkled: "What's wrong with her?"

"Xiaowan, my heart peach has not come back for two days and two nights!" Sun Xi'e looked anxious and knelt down towards Gu Xiaowan with a plop.

Gu Xiaowan hurriedly stepped aside: "Gu Xintao is gone, just report to the officer. What are you doing here?"

Seeing Gu Xiaowan’s indifferent attitude, Sun Xi'e didn’t know if she was helping or not. She was anxious and hated in her heart, and said hurriedly, “Xiaowan, her auntie can’t report to an official. She was ruined!"

When Gu Xiaowan heard this, she sneered: "Oh, really? Then don't report to the officer. What are you looking for? I'm not looking for someone for someone, Sun, you are in the wrong place!"

After Gu Xiaowan said coldly, she was about to stretch her sleeves. Sun Xi'e saw that Gu Xiaowan was really unwilling to help, and her heart was like an ant on a hot pot, so she hurriedly followed and grabbed Gu Xiaowan's clothes. Sleeve, life and death will not let go: "Xiaowan, you can't save yourself, Xin Tao is your sister, I used to make a lot of mistakes is my fault, if you feel angry and hate in your heart, you will be at me Come on, don't blame the peach, that kid is just arrogant, she is not bad-hearted!"

Nothing bad?

Gu Xiaowan listened, sneered, and said in a cold voice: "You said she was not bad-hearted? In the twelfth lunar month, she pushed me down into the frozen river and almost killed me. I won't talk about the rest for the time being, just In this matter, you said she didn’t have any wickedness? You are not allowed to ask someone to help me or call for help, just watch me die! This is nothing wicked? Sun, your mother and daughter said Let’s just say, this isn’t a bad-minded eye, what is a bad-minded eye? You approached the county lord Mingdu and did many things that framed me secretly. Isn’t it in your mind?”

Sun was choked by what Gu Xiaowan said, and he didn't know what to say, and he was choked up at the moment: "Xiaowan, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"

Sun’s nose and tears kept knocking his head on the bluestone slabs. After a while, his forehead was already bruised and blood was seen in the place where the skin was broken. It seems like that. I really knew it was wrong!

"Xiaowan, the auntie knows that she is wrong, but I'm just such a girl, please, be merciful, and you will save her, okay? Just this time, when she comes home, I will take it She went back to her hometown and never dared to target you again! Xiaowan, I'm just such a girl! Auntie, please!"

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