The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2110: move

Gu Ziwen returned home angrily, just when Liang Clan and Liang Dabao were talking to Sun Clan at home, and seeing Gu Ziwen come back with a stern face, Sun Xi'e was worried: "Ziwen, what's wrong with you? What happened? Up?"

Gu Ziwen didn't say a word, ignored Sun's family, and walked into her room directly. Sun's face was embarrassed by Gu Ziwen in front of everyone, and his face was a little embarrassed right now.

Fortunately, Liang immediately stepped forward and said, "Sister, don't worry about it. Xu Shiwen has something annoying about his work, so don't embarrass him!"

Sun's face looked better now, and he glanced worriedly at Gu Ziwen's back: "I am too worried about him too!"

"It's okay. When the children grow up, they always have their own things. As adults, we can't solve them. It's better to let the children solve them by themselves. Although my big treasure hasn't read much, it will make people happy, and, The young people only talked about it when they were together. Why not let Dabao coax Brother Wen, what do you think?"

Sun sees that Liang's people are talking about it, and if there is anything else that they disagree with, it is hard to ask: "Then trouble Dabao. If your Ziwen has any inexplicable lumps, you must tell I, I can discuss it with his father."

Liang Dabao finished the Lu'an melon tea in front of him, jumped up, patted his chest, and said triumphantly: "Auntie, don't worry, wrap it on my body."

After speaking, he bounced down and went to Gu Ziwen's room.

Sun looked worried, and Liang persuaded him: "Don't worry too much. Your children and grandchildren have their own children and grandchildren. Look at sister Tao and Brother Wen. This situation is much better than before. Don’t worry, your life will get better and better, just wait to enjoy the blessings of sister and brother!"

The Sun was joked by the Liang, and he pulled the Liang and talked for a while. Liang did not interrupt, and occasionally asked twice. Sun was inspired by the good wife, and only Liang is a sincere person!

The Liang family also had a heart-to-heart relationship with the Sun family. After talking about some things with Liang Shouyi over the years, they said happily and unhappily that the Sun family felt that the two of them had become very good boudoirs in this capital city. Close friends.

Gu Xintao was pregnant, and Shu Lin did not dare to delay. At that time, he agreed to Gu Chuanlu's request, which was originally a decision made urgently.

Gu Xintao was really pregnant, and Shu Lin wouldn't let her heirs escape, so she really bought a house and informed Gu Xintao that they had moved over!

Gu Chuanlu was the first to hear the news. Now that Gu Xintao is pregnant, Gu Chuanlu is holding him like the emperor Lao Tzu, for fear that something goes wrong. Even if he goes out to do something, he always asks the Sun family. Or go out to do it yourself, for fear that Gu Xintao might make a little mistake.

This is a little elder son, no matter how bad it is, at least it is a royal family. They have taken care of the family for so many years, and they have been born as poor peasants for several generations. If they can give birth to a royal blood relative, it is really a smoke on the ancestral grave. Therefore, you can imagine how much Gu Chuanlu expects from this child!

The same is true for Gu Xintao. Although he was very afraid that things would be exposed, but after so long, it was still calm, so he waited to move, and then think of a way to get rid of the child. In this case, he will feel guilty in his heart. , And can give yourself a little chance of winning, so why not do it.

As a result, Gu Xintao is resting at home every day, and the Liang family comes to talk to her from time to time, and this day is also going well.

It's just that Gu Xintao didn't delay Gu Xiaowan's matter, but felt a little strange. Why didn't the Five Cities Soldier Masi not try the matter of Gu Xiaowan?

But this is also good. If you can wait until you have moved and are on trial, then you can save your heart.

The day of the move was set, it was set on the seventh day of August. It was a good day. Gu Chuanlu wanted to do a big show, but now he thought of how many people are staring at his house with red eyes, so he had no choice but to move secretly. .

The Liang family had also heard that they were going to move, so they brought Liang Dabao to help early in the morning, and Liang Shouyi also came this time.

When the two masters met, they naturally had something to say. The packing up matter naturally fell on the Liang family and the Sun family. Liang Dabao was responsible for carrying the things into the carriage with the coachman.

"Mr. Liang, I haven’t seen you for many years. I heard Jiannei talk about your family’s arrival in the capital. There are too many things in the restaurant and I can’t get out of my body. Otherwise, I should have visited you a long time ago. Why should you come here? !" Although Gu Chuanlu said such words, there was no trace of guilt on the face. On the contrary, his back was straight, and he was even more proud of the tone he spoke when he was too busy to withdraw.

When did the village chief Liang talk to Gu Chuanlu like this? I think he was the village chief back then. Although Gu Chuanlu was a talented person, he was only the clerk of the restaurant. Moreover, because Gu Chuanlu needed his own help, he also needed Gu Chuanlu’s repayment. Although people take what they need, they are respectful!

Seeing Gu Chuanlu's triumphant look now, Village Chief Liang knows that he is gone, and now he can only cling to Gu Chuanlu. It is impossible for Gu Chuanlu to cling to himself!

At the moment, he also put the grievances behind him, and said, "Mr. Gu is polite, he has not seen you for so many years, and Mr. Gu has become more and more prominent. Your family is really the pride of our village. !"

Gu Chuanlu smiled and did not comment, and he lifted the robe in front of him, and the fine brocade robe exuded a faint luster, as if water waves were flowing.

When Liang Shouyi saw such a good material, his eyes became a little straight at the moment.

When Gu Chuanlu saw him who had never seen the world, he smiled and snorted coldly from his nose. Now the distance between the two of them has been too far apart. If he hadn't remembered that Liang Shouyi had helped a lot of himself back then, otherwise, he He wouldn't sit here and chat with someone who has no effect.

Liang Shouyi heard Gu Chuanlu’s cold snort, and hurriedly retracted his gaze, with a wry expression on his face. He rubbed his hands and said in embarrassment, “Mr. Gu, where are you going to move? I heard that you bought a house. The bigger house is moving today. We can’t do much, so we can help and move things!"

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