The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2112: Gu Fangxi's worry

Gu Chuanlu didn’t understand Gu Xintao’s thoughts, and hurriedly explained to Shu Lin: “That’s what Shi Ziye said. Although this house is far away, the house where we lived was three years old. I have two maids and two minions, and they said that although they are farther away, they are safe and convenient. If you come to see you in the future, you don't need to be sneaky, so that it is not easy for others to find out." Gu Chuanlu touched Gu Xintao's hand and comforted.

When Gu Xintao heard this, she had no choice but to give up. She could only get her stomach up, and said sadly, "After that, it will not be so convenient to go to the street to buy something!"

Gu Chuanlu frowned, and just wanted to open his mouth to reprimand Gu Xintao, knowing that there is this piece of meat in his stomach, that is the golden lump of the whole family, and going out will be avoided in the future.

Sun did not see Gu Chuanlu's unhappy expression. To please Gu Xintao, she hurriedly smiled and said, "Xintao, if you want to go to the street, mother accompany you!"

Gu Chuanlu curled his lips and glanced complainingly at Sun's family. He blamed her for having said her own words. Sun's family didn't know what Gu Chuanlu meant, and he glared at him complainingly. The hairs all over his body were erected and shrank. Shrunk his neck and stepped back!

Seeing Sun Xi'e looking at herself like a mouse when she saw a cat, Gu Chuanlu felt smug in her heart, snorted, then looked at Gu Xintao, and said lovingly, "Heart peach, you are pregnant now, what if If you go to the streets, what if something happens to the crowd? Don’t worry, just in the past few months, if you want anything, there are maids and minions in the house, just call them!"

Gu Xintao also knew the value of this piece of meat in her stomach, so she pouted and had to answer.

Gu Chuanlu saw that Gu Xintao had agreed, and looked at Sun Xi'e with a stern voice: "You mother, Jing is fooling around with the child. Xintao is pregnant now, and you are very precious. If you hit the street, you will be ten. This child can't be killed!"

Sun Xi'e was a little scared, she shrank her neck and didn't say anything. Gu Chuanlu saw her useless look, so she was annoyed at the moment and said, "If there is something wrong with Xin Tao and the child, I will just ask you. You understand No?"

Seeing that Gu Chuanlu seemed to be eating herself, Sun Xi'e nodded hurriedly. Gu Chuanlu didn't continue to scold him, and Gu Xintao looked out the window from start to finish, and didn't say a word for Sun Xi'e at all!

In the carriage behind, Liang Shouyi's family of three sat on the carriage. Liang Shouyi approached Liang Shouyi and secretly asked, "What did you say to Gu Chuanlu just now? Why are you so happy to see you come out?"

"Gu Chuanlu promised to let us live in his house for a while!" Liang Shouyi said with a smile.

"Really?" When Liang heard it, she laughed. Her voice was a little loud, and she covered her mouth hurriedly, and said triumphantly: "You are amazing, how did you let him live in the house for us?"

"He is a face-saving person. If I coax him a few more words, he agreed. Besides," Liang Shouyi leaned into Liang's ear and whispered, "We know that he has done so many harmful things before. If we don't lend us a place to live, I will show what he did and see how he ends up!"

"Well, the head of the house, we will have a place to live now!" Liang said cheerfully, "But, it would be nice if this house belonged to ours!"

Liang Shouyi glanced at her: "You are stupid. Gu Xintao asked you to testify to Gu Xiaowan. After the incident is completed, they will not benefit us? Don't worry, this house is on loan, but you can rest assured that after the opening of the church, That house must be for us! Maybe it will be bigger than this house!"

The Liang glanced at the excited Liang Shouyi, and suddenly asked: "Master, you said, what if we help Gu Xiaowan?"

Faced with Liang's sudden question, Liang Shouyi was stunned, and looked at Liang with a look of disbelief.

The carriage walked quietly, slammed through the crowds, the streets, and finally stopped in front of a secluded house.

The door was open, and two maidservants and two minions stood respectfully at the door. Seeing the carriage coming, they hurriedly stepped forward to ask for peace: "Please peace with the old lady!"

The minion and the maid had bought them a long time ago, and they only said that it was Gu's new house that nobody cared about.

After all, Gu Chuanlu is working in Suiyu Guzhai. The conditions there are much better than before. It is normal to have spare money to buy a house.

After finally moving, and seeing this new house more than three times larger than before, Gu Chuanlu became more proud of himself and became more concerned about Gu Xintao.

When Sun Xi'e saw such a big house, she was shocked to close her mouth from ear to ear, and the Liang family on the side was also shocked when she saw it: "My brother and sister, you are so blessed to live in such a big house in Beijing. It's a master!"

Standing next to Gu Chuanlu, Liang Shouyi also said enviously: "Yes, Chuanlu, you are more and more capable now, but now you are more developed! It is really gratifying!"

After hearing the compliments of the Liang family and his wife, Gu Chuanlu became more and more triumphant. He looked at Liang Shouyi and said: "Mr. Liang, if there is nothing wrong in the future, he will come to my house for a drink, just like in the village!"

Liang Shouyi murmured and hurriedly responded, looking like a special honor.

Gu's big house moved, and Gu Xiaowan heard the news soon. Gu Fangxi was a little emotional: "I didn't expect them to have such a family background after only a year in Beijing, alas"

Gu Xiaoyi asked suspiciously, "Auntie, are you happy or unhappy?"

Gu Fangxi shook his head: "As a younger sister, my brother has money and bought a big house. I am definitely happy for him. As a bystander, what is the situation of Shuiyu Guzhai and how much money he can have in a month? It’s more or less familiar, let alone Suiyu Guzhai, even Mr. Jinfulou's accountant, he can't buy such a big house with more than a year's money! That Suiyu Guzhai is Lord Ming If he knew about his property, alas"

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