The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2117: Contradictory

"At Wuyun Teahouse that day, you still held a hairpin and said that I gave it to you. Later, Master Zhou returned me to my innocence. The real hairpin is in my hand. The hairpin in your hand is a counterfeit. You still don’t know. Repent and use a fake hairpin to slander my innocence. I want to ask what your intention is and who instigated you to do it?" Gu Xiaowan stood up at the moment, standing in the middle of the lobby, and asked harshly.

Gu Xiaowan's whole body was cold, and she spoke more sternly, and she stopped Liu Guiyong when she asked.

Liu Guiyong didn't know what to say for a while. He stared at Gu Xiaowan in a daze. Min Xuesi yelled, "Bold prisoner, please explain why you used a fake hairpin to slander Princess Anping? According to the facts!"

As soon as the gavel beat, Liu Guiyong was a little trembling and stammered in a panic: "She gave me the hairpin that she gave me. How do I know that it is fake? She lied to me and lied to me. of!"


Gu Xintao couldn't help but clap and applaud Liu Guiyong. Last time at Wuyun Teahouse, I didn't see that this person has such an ability to reverse black and white!

Now that Gu Xiaowan’s question is re-thrown back to Xiaowan, let Gu Xiaowan answer by himself, this Liu Guiyong is really a manuscript.

Gu Xiaowan smiled: "Oh, really? Then tell me, when, where, and how did I give it to you? Is there any evidence around? What did I say to you at that time?"

"Just one night, I went to Qingyuan to look for you, right in your boudoir. You were warm with me at that time, and then you gave me the hairpin and said that I will be the only one in this life. Man, you will marry me! People testify that if I meet you secretly, how can there be other people."

Gu Xiaowan said, "Oh, that's it." There was no panic on her face. On the contrary, she also wore a faint smile, as if she already knew Liu Guiyong would say this.

"Qin Yizhi has been by my side since I was eight years old. We two are in harmony. Why should we meet secretly?"

"You didn't let them let me approach you, saying that I was not worthy of you!" Liu Guiyong screamed.

"Oh, since they won't let you approach me, can the one who depends on you lie to the two of them smoothly and sneak into my room? I'm afraid that if you move, they will know all about it and let You sneaked into my room and didn't say anything. There is still some gentle rhetoric. Obviously, you are talking nonsense!" Gu Xiaowan pointed to Ahmad and Zuo beside her and asked with a smile.

Liu Guiyong has no skill, but Ah Zuo and Ah Zuo have excellent skills. Just now they quickly dragged Gu Xiaowan up to the chair, and they could see that Ah Mad and Ah Zuo's skill was not low.

How could a person who does not know martial arts escape two people who know martial arts and sneak into Gu Xiaowan's room smoothly?

After hearing this, everyone nodded. Liu Guiyong was flustered at first sight, but hurriedly said: "That was you deliberately leading them away! You deliberately let me in!""Then you are wrong again. Since I despise you, why would I deliberately distract them and let you in? I hate you so much, so they will only drive you away Far away, why bother letting you into my house." Gu Xiaowan didn't see the slightest nervousness during the whole process, and what she said was even more organized.

At this point, Gu Xiaowan’s voice suddenly changed sharply: "You speak with no introductory words and contradict each other. One time you say I abandon you, and the other time you say that I deliberately put you into my room. Contradiction, anticlimactic, I would like to ask, which of your words is true and which is false? Or are all words made up?"

When the people present heard it, they nodded one after another.

"Princess Anping makes sense. If she hates this person, why would she give him a hairpin, leave a handle, and let him enter the room, obviously wrong!"

"I also find it strange that he embarrassed what Princess Anping said. If someone who has really admired him before, how could he be so unscrupulous, not even talking about the affair!"

Everyone didn’t believe Liu Guiyong’s words. Gu Xintao saw Liu Guiyong start to panic and became anxious. She hurriedly stepped forward and said, "Xiaowan, you must be conscientious. You said you don’t know him. , But someone testified that he is your sweetheart, how do you want to deny it?"

"Oh? Really? Someone testified? I don't know who it is?" Gu Xiaowan asked with a smile, looking at Gu Xintao who had finally taken the shot.

Gu Xintao gritted her teeth: "Master Min, I also lived in the village at the time. My mother also met Big Brother Qin and the head of our village. They all knew him!"

"The village chief? Why is the village chief here?" Gu Xiaowan asked with a frown.

"Don't worry about how they came, anyway, you can't deny it!" When Gu Xintao came out, he had already notified the Sun and Liang, and the two were standing outside waiting to be summoned.

Min Xuesi hesitated: "Princess Anping, look at this."

"Since my sister has the certification, let her certification come up. If you disagree, I am afraid that I will say that my sister borrows the status of a princess again, and she doesn't even have the right to speak!" Gu Xiaowan sat back again , Said with a smile.

Sun and Liang came up soon. As soon as Sun arrived in the lobby and saw Liu Guiyong, he shed tears on the spot: "Xiao Qin, haven't seen him for many years, we didn't expect to see him here!"

Tears flowed down Liu Guiyong's eyes, and he shouted affectionately and helplessly: "Auntie Gu, we finally meet!"

Seeing the appearance of these two people, it seemed very familiar.

"I haven't seen you for so many years, where did you go? I went back to Qingyuan to live for so long. I always wanted to see you, but I never saw you. I thought you were working outside. , How do you know hey Xiaoqin, I have suffered you for so many years!" Sun cried sobbing as if he cared for Qin Yizhi in front of him.

Gu Xintao came up, took Sun's arm, and said distressedly: "Mother, don't cry, Brother Qin used to help us so much, but now he is in trouble, so we have to seek justice for him!"

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