The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2122: I want to see Shi Ziye

Gu Xintao's blood surged, and only felt that there was something in the head of his stomach that was constantly rolling up, rolling to the throat, and retching.

Yingchun hurriedly stepped forward and explained: "My lady is feeling uncomfortable recently, she vomits and diarrhea after eating something bad. Today is a strong blow, and I hope Master Min will not blame my lady!"

Gu Xintao retched badly, but couldn't vomit anything. Gu Xiaowan looked at her and wanted to laugh, but finally she couldn't hide things.

"Liu Guiyong, death is approaching. Who else do you expect to save you? Don't hurry up and explain all the crimes you committed!" Yi Yun said.

Liu Guiyong sat slumped on the ground, crying loudly: "I just wanted to steal things, I didn't want to kill people, it was the guy who saw me, and he called someone, I didn't want to kill him."

"So, you stabbed someone and ran away, right?"

"He died, I was scared at the time, so I didn't dare to take the things, so I ran away. I didn't want to kill people, I didn't want to." Liu Guiyong cried with a sob with his head in his arms, where there is still a wimpy look The arrogance and domineering when slandering Gu Xiaowan just now.

"Who told you he was dead?" Yi Yun asked with a frown.

"He didn't move at the time. Later, she was the one who told me that the man was dead. I was so frightened that I didn't dare to return to Lincheng. I was dead." Liu Guiyong's fearful preface was not followed, and he waited until he understood it. , He looked at Yi Yun, widened his eyes and asked blankly: "Is he not dead?"

"Fortunately, your stabbing wasn't deep enough, and people took it back!" Yi Yun drank.

Liu Guiyong's face immediately seemed to change color, and fortunately he cried and laughed: "Haha, he is not dead, he is not dead, I did not kill, I did not kill"

Yi Yun said, "Well, now let's talk about how you pretended to be someone else and slandered Princess Anping's innocence, otherwise, the officer would never forgive you!" Yi Yun drank.

Liu Guiyong sat slumped on the ground, howling and crying: "It's all her. She said that I only need to hold the hairpin to slander Gu Xiaowan, that I am her lover, and that she has always been in chaos and abandoned her. It’s not that I won’t marry. With her identity as a princess, she will surely protect me! She said it, and she let me say it!"

Liu Guiyong put all the things off Gu Xintao's body with a single brain. After Gu Xintao heard it, she was about to collapse: "I don't have one, I don't have one."

Seeing Gu Xiaowan's innocence back, Min Xuesi shouted: "Be bold and spoil the people, bring all the things you did to frame Princess Anping one by one!"

Gu Xintao yelled, "I didn't, I didn't, I didn't harm her, not me!" "It's not you, who is it?" Gu Xiaowan sneered: "You have slandered my reputation outside several times, and now you have found a murderer to insult my innocence, Gu Xintao, I have repeatedly said that you are my cousin's face, and I do not want to hold you accountable. This time, you found such a person and decided to destroy my innocence. This time, I will not be able to tolerate you anymore! Your kindness was used as an excuse to slander me, Master Min, Xiao Wan was unjustly wronged, and I hope Master Min will be fair to Xiao Wan!"

"Prisoner, don't hesitate to recruit!"

Sun Xi'e suddenly yelled: "It was not made by Xin Tao, it was all made by me, it was all made by me! Sir, it is all my daughter's business, I did it!"

Gu Xintao was already desperate. After hearing these words, she suddenly realized: "Yes, she did it. It was she who wanted to frame Gu Xiaowan, not me, not me!"

The mother and the daughter were pursuing the crime, and the other was condemning the crime. Gu Xintao still had the same face as usual, and Sun Xi'e was pushed out when encountering things, and Sun Xi'e was the same, surrendering Gu Xintao again and again.

Only this time, Gu Xiaowan would not let go of Gu Xintao or Sun Xi'e.

"You mother and daughter are embarrassed, ruining my reputation. No matter who it is, you can't escape!" Gu Xiaowan shouted coldly.

"Xiao Wan, all the mistakes are my fault. It has nothing to do with Xin Tao. She is still a child and she doesn't understand anything. Let her go. She also listened to me. What is Xin Tao? I don't know!" Sun Xi'e looked at Gu Xiaowan and pleaded bitterly.

Gu Xintao also explained on the side: "Yes, Xiaowan, I don’t know it, it’s all her, she did it, I don’t know anything, Xiaowan, I’m sorry, I blamed me for misbelieving her, I am Your sister, I am your sister!"

Gu Xintao's selfishness is even more obvious at this moment. Even someone who can betray his own mother, who can imagine that she can be sincere!

Gu Xiaowan stepped back and ignored the pleadings of the mother and daughter, and said coldly: "I knew why today, Gu Xintao, if you could be brave and admit that you did it all, I might be able to make a big deal. Be compassionate, alleviate your sins, but you still don’t know how to repent, and you have shirk all the responsibilities on your mother, selfish, stubborn, and mindful. You have to bear all your mistakes! This time , No one can save you!"

With Liang's testimony and three men from Ruixian testifying, the matter of Gu Jia Dafang and Gu Xintao's indiscriminate concoction has been concluded. There is also an explanation from Master Yi Yun from Lincheng that Liu Guiyong pretended to be Qin Yizhi to frame Gu Xiaowan and was also pointed by others! Liu Guiyong confessed to Gu Xintao, the master behind the scenes. Gu Xintao bought a murderer and framed Gu Xiaowan. It was already convicted. Who saved her!

Min Xuesi ordered: "Gu Xintao slandered Princess Anping's pure reputation, slandered the royal dignity, and the crime was very heinous. Come, take this person to prison!"

"No, no, I don't want to go!" Gu Xintao jumped up like crazy, looked at the servants who came by, suddenly laughed: "You can't catch me, you can't catch me, I want to see the son, I I want to see my son!"

Min Xuesi frowned, how could this matter have anything to do with Shi Ziye?

When Yingchun on the side saw this, he hurried forward to pull Gu Xintao, with a worried look on his face: "Miss, what's wrong with you?"

"Yingchun, hurry, go to Wuyun Teahouse to find Shi Ziye, and say that I am in danger now, let him hurry and save me! You go, hurry up!" Gu Xintao saw that Yingchun had come, as if he was about to die. It's like a straw.

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