The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2132: Father and son

When Gu Chuanlu heard this, his face paled in surprise, and his fingers began to tremble. He pointed at Gu Ziwen and couldn't say a word: "How do you know?"

Gu Ziwen snorted coldly: "How do I know, you don't need to know, I just want to ask you, what, what you said yourself, don't you remember?"

"What do you want?" Gu Chuanlu trembled in fright, looking at Gu Ziwen's familiar look, suddenly he felt that this son had never been seen through.

"Father, I think you are still my father, you should leave the capital as soon as possible! You don't need to go to Shuiyu Guzhai, there is no place for you to stay there, and, in this house, you can't stay here anymore. My son has already spoken. Now, as long as I break away from the father-son relationship with you, I will still be the celebrity next to Shi Ziye!" Gu Ziwen said coldly, seeing Gu Chuanlu's face getting paler and paler.

"Ziwen, you and I are your father, how can you agree to this, I am your father!" Gu Chuanlu shouted hysterically when he heard that he was going to leave the relationship between father and son.

"Father? Haha, what have you given me for so many years? Which one is not what I won. If you are a high-ranking official, I will enjoy endless glory and wealth without doing anything in my life, but you don't have it, the eldest son has it. , As long as I don’t recognize you, the son of the world is my second parent, and he will give me everything I want! Who would let you give birth to such a shameless daughter? A idiot who dares to blame the son Lord, an unclean **** dares to tarnish the body of the son of the world, father, blame you if you want to blame, why didn't you teach your daughter well!" Gu Ziwen grinned grimly.

The woman on the side laughed and fell into Gu Ziwen's arms. The wicked smile on Gu Ziwen's face was a dude.

Behind him, a servant brought something out, and said respectfully to Gu Ziwen: "Master, everything is packed!"

Gu Ziwen pointed his finger at Gu Chuanlu, and said lazily: "Hey, throw it to him!"

After the servant listened, he threw what was in his hand towards Gu Chuanlu. If Gu Chuanlu didn't dodge quickly, he was afraid that the burden would fall on him.

The baggage fell on the ground, spilling things on the ground.

They were all Gu Chuanlu's clothes, and they were thrown on the ground like a bag of slag.

When Gu Chuanlu saw it, his eyes straightened, and he pointed to Gu Ziwen's whole body trembling: "Gu Ziwen, you really want to drive me away? I'm your father. Without me, where did you come from? You are so rebellious now. Break away from my father-son relationship, you beast, beast!"

Gu Chuanlu cursed, Gu Ziwen didn't care about it at all. He put his arms around the beautifully dressed beauty and said: "You shouldn't be swearing here. If you want to blame, you offend the son of the world. Fortunately, the son of the world is a clever man. Knowing that I am not in the same group as you. If you are acquainted, go quickly!"

How could Gu Chuanlu tolerate the painstaking effort that he had spent so many years on Gu Ziwen, yet he developed such a white-eyed wolf, so angry that he couldn't catch it in one breath, and he passed out directly.

"You, Gu Ziwen, I spent so much effort to cultivate you, teach you, and finally cultivated you. That's how you treated me?" Gu Chuanlu roared, his voice a little distorted because it was too sharp.

Gu Ziwen sneered: "You raised me for so many years, isn't it just for me to stand out and give you a face? Now I am also ahead. If you die, go down and meet the ancestors, you have cultivated such an excellent son. You have a face. What else do you want?"

"I cultivated you so well, did you turn your face and deny you? I am your father, and if you are so prosperous, I am also your father!"

Seeing Gu Ziwen's cruel look, Gu Chuanlu suddenly felt in his heart that he never knew how to say this son. Moreover, all the filial piety in the past was disguised! "

Gu Ziwen coldly snorted, "You gave it to me? What did you give me? This house was bought by the son of the elder. I am now working in the household department and arranged by the son of the elder."

"I let you read books for so many years." Gu Chuanlu argued: "If you don't have me for you to read, how can you have such great ability to be in the eyes of the son of the world!"

The smile on Gu Ziwen's face became more and more incomprehensible: "What you said, you earn a few taels of silver in the restaurant in the first month, and you can pay me to study? Gu Chuanlu, you admit it, my money for studying is all Gu Xintao bought it with her body!"

Gu Chuanlu was exposed by Gu Ziwen, his face looked ugly and ugly.

That's right, when he was working in a restaurant, he only had a small amount of monthly money a month, let alone reading, and even feeding a few people was a problem. Fortunately, they were living in the restaurant at the time, and they were still alive.

Later, after leaving the restaurant, Gu Xintao climbed up to Jiang Yuan. Although all the things Jiang Yuan sent were confiscated by the Jiang family, they actually used some of the money they sent.

Therefore, at that time, even if Gu Chuanlu didn't do anything, the expenses at home were still very good, even better than when Gu Chuanlu did.

Gu Chuanlu knew that these were the contributions of Gu Xintao, but nowadays, a big man who can't support his family, but relies on his daughter to sell himself. Such irony directly drew Gu Chuanlu's big mouth, and it hurt.

Gu Ziwen didn't want to argue with him anymore. The beauties around him were already impatient: "Gu Gongzi, are we going to leave?"

"Go, go, of course I go!" Gu Ziwen hurriedly hugged the beautiful woman and left with a smile. Gu Chuanlu was not reconciled. He came forward and wanted to pull him. Gu Ziwen really didn't want to have any relationship with Gu Chuanlu, so he moved towards the back now. The servant waved his hand.

Upon seeing this, the two servants came forward and said that Gu Chuanlu had been taken into custody. Gu Chuanlu refused to accept it and struggled: "Let go of me, I am your master"

The two servants were full of disdain: "Where is the lunatic, fight out!"

You punched me and kicked Gu Chuanlu with a swollen nose, begging for mercy, and then limped away.

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