The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2134: You have to have a little eye

"I know, I know, boss Xiao, don't worry, I will definitely never interact with these people again!" Gu Chuanlu felt ashamed of being chased by these beggars, and now he has become so prosperous, and he will not deal with these beggars anymore. .

In this way, Boss Xiao took Gu Chuanlu to a house. After cleaning, it was a large table of delicious food. Gu Chuanlu hadn't eaten such a delicious thing for a long time. He feasted on it and ate it until he was filled with food. There were no other things, so I burped.

While picking his teeth, Boss Xiao came, and Gu Chuanlu stood up and said: "Boss Xiao, when will you take me to see Shi Ziye! I want to apologize to Shi Ziye!"

Boss Xiao straightened his clothes, sat down in the armchair, and said with a smile, "No hurry!"

"Urgent, how can I not be in a hurry! As long as I think that the first two **** in my family have done something like this to Shi Ziye, I feel uneasy. Now Shi Ziye forgive me, I will not apologize. No matter what, I also want to say thank you!" Gu Chuanlu concluded that as long as he saw Shu Lin, there must be room for return!

Boss Xiao saw Gu Chuanlu's anxious look and said with a smile: "Mr. Gu, although the son of the world has forgiven you now, but after all, your wife and daughter did such a nasty thing, which affected the reputation of the son. Neither thank you nor your son is important. If you want to see him, should you show some sincerity?"

"Sincere? What kind of sincerity? As long as I have it, I will, definitely!" Gu Chuanlu said hurriedly, patting his chest, for fear that he was one second late, and Boss Xiao told Shu Lin his hesitation.

"Don't worry, you have just arrived, and you have suffered so much the other day. You should take care of your health first, and when you get better, I will come to you again!" After that, Boss Xiao got up and left. Gu Chuanlu thought Anxiously like an ant on a hot pot, seeing him go, he hurried forward to chase him.

Chang Yuan stopped him and said, "Mr. Gu, let's take a rest first!"

After speaking, the two went away. Gu Chuanlu could only watch Boss Xiao go away. His heart was filled with infinite regret, and he missed the opportunity to see Shu Lin again.

Boss Xiao didn't introduce him. Gu Chuanlu knew that he would never see Shu Lin in his life. After thinking about it, he settled down so that he could live in this other courtyard.

Gu Xiaowan was busy dealing with Gu Xintao a few days ago, and Jin Fu Lou rarely visited. Recently, I was free, so I planned to visit Jin Fu Lou.

Without telling anyone, I went straight to Jinfu Tower. Just when I got off the carriage at the door, I saw Gu Fangxi walking towards Jinfu Tower.

Gu Xiaowan shouted: "Auntie"

Gu Fangxi turned his head and saw that it was Gu Xiaowan. His face was a little embarrassed. He stopped and said, "Xiaowan, why are you here?"

Gu Xiaowan thought that Gu Fang was happy to come because he was studying new dishes last time, so she asked: "Aunt, the new dishes I researched last time, haven't the chefs in the kitchen learned them?"

"Learned!" Gu Fangxi blurted out.

"Oh, then you come." Gu Xiaowan didn't understand even more. You know, Gu Fangxi doesn't go out of the door on weekdays, and basically doesn't go out, and even if he wants to go out, Gu Fangxi will tell herself. The two rarely met at the gate of Jinfu Tower, and Gu Xiaowan was a little curious.

Gu Fangxi smiled and didn't say a word. Gu Xiaowan didn't think much, and followed Gu Fangxi into Jinfu Tower.

Gu Xiaowan first went to the kitchen for a round and tasted the new dishes developed last time. She felt that the taste was very good, so she returned to the wing.

Li Fan was waiting for her while making tea in the wing, and Mr. Cheng stood respectfully by the side. Seeing Gu Xiaowan coming, Mr. Cheng bowed in admiration: "Princess"

"Xiaowan, come! Try my new birthday eyebrows." Li Fan exclaimed excitedly. Seeing Gu Xiaowan again, Li Fan felt that the suffering of this period was also worthwhile.

What kind of person Gu Xiaowan is, and what kind of people behind her are protecting her, he knows very well in his heart, although he is not very worried, he is always anxious to get angry with such a terrible person!

Gu Xiaowan sat down and took a sip of tea: "Well, it tastes really good, good tea!"

"You don't have to coax me. No matter how good my tea is, why don't you give it to you?" Li Fan teased, "Why use those pots of Lanxue in your house as baby bumps?"

"It's just the tea collected from the rural tea farmers. I'm used to that kind of tea. Other teas are indeed strange." Gu Xiaowan was a little strange: "It stands to reason that your tea should be top-grade, but I drink it. Yes, I still think"

"I still think it's not as good as your tea?" Li Fan asked with a smile.

Gu Xiaowan nodded embarrassedly: "It's really strange."

"It's no surprise, you drink tea now, you should also dabble a lot? Have you ever seen a tea that is better than yours?" Li Fan felt that some things should be disclosed to Gu Xiaowan slowly.

Gu Xiaowan smiled and shook her head: "It hasn't happened yet. Even Yu Shu feels strange that this little-known tea is better than the tea in the palace."

"I have also drank it a few times. It is really delicious. It tastes elegant and tasteful. It can be said to be the top grade among the top grades in tea. I wonder where Xiao Qin comes from. Buying such good tea? Xiaowan, are you not surprised?"

Gu Xiaowan paused with her teacup in her hand.

Seeing that she was silent, Li Fan began to laugh: "Come on, drink tea, finish the tea, read the account book, and see if Mr. Cheng's ability has improved!"

After reading the account book, Gu Xiaowan couldn't help complimenting Mr. Xia Cheng: "Mr.'s account is getting better and better. The monthly expenditures and income, profit and loss, clean and tidy, are clear at a glance. Good job!"

Mr. Cheng hurriedly said in a humble manner: "All the princesses taught me well. For so many years, the grassroots still don't know that there is such a simple but subtle algorithm in this world. It is really impressive!"

Leaving Jinfulou, Li Fan sent Gu Xiaowan all the way to the gate. Gu Xiaowan glanced at the carriage that aunt was in when she came, and asked, "Does my aunt come often these days?"

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