The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2159: One more trick

Originally, there were more than two hundred people gathered. As long as the officers and soldiers went with their weapons, and someone was there to instigate them twice, the head of the people was committing suicide, which would even more inflame the people's emotions.

When the time comes, the people will fight with the officers and soldiers, and weapons will surely injure a lot of people. This is even bigger than the story of the Zhang surname ten years ago. The surname Zhang was finally beheaded to show the public. This time there was another accident. Gu Ningan can't protect himself wisely!

"That girl is not ours. It can be seen that the woman we found has been taken away. Will he tell us about our plan at that time? Shi Ziye, don't be angry, there are many things waiting. Let's do it!" Zhao Xing hurriedly persuaded Shu Lin to see the thunderous rage.

Shu Lin's anger was slightly relieved by Zhao Xing's persuasion, but still reluctant: "I don't understand this world. Gu Xiaowan can't move her or his brother. I don't understand now. Now, this entire capital, is it the world of their Gu family or my Shu family? I think the whole person, why is it so difficult!"

Shu Lin's face was blue and thunderous, and Zhao Xing hurriedly said: "My son, don't worry about it. The surname is Shu in this world, so naturally it is your world!"

"My world, I can't even deal with two humble farmers!" Shu Lin sneered: "Don't worry? Why don't you let me worry, people have been taken away, and our plans have all come to nothing."

"Sister, don’t forget, we still have another trick. What if we catch these people? Those people don’t know anything, they just know they’re seeking their legitimate interests. As long as they kill them, they don’t recognize them. Just want the household registration book to go out of the city, how can they take them? In a few days, the household registration form will be submitted. When the time comes, the mistakes will be repeated. See how they explain to the emperor. At that time, you and Prince Ming will have another copy of him If you can't kill him, you can also make him lose office. Become an ordinary person, and then it will be life or death. Isn't it the son of the world?"

After Shu Lin heard it, he fell silent, but his face was much better than before.

He nodded and said: "Yes, as long as he doesn't have the correct household register in his hand, how can he explain to the emperor? When the time comes, as long as I say a few more words. The emperor will not punish him as a crime of ineffectiveness. Then he will lose it. An official, without the identity of the champion. I see how arrogant he is."

Seeing that Shu Lin listened to his words, the hostility of the whole body disappeared a lot, and he secretly let out a long breath of relief and said: "Second son, you are the son of the son, the royal blood. Your blood is the most noble, no It’s necessary for such an indiscriminate person, even if he can’t bring down his body even if he can’t bring him down? He’s just a flat-headed people, no matter how much he fights with you, he still can’t fight with you. But you, even if you can't beat Gu Xiaowan, you are more than enough to deal with a Gu Ning'an. As long as Gu Ning'an has something to do, can she be a elder sister to protect herself? Even if she doesn't die, we have to let her peel off!"

Zhao Xing said harshly, and Shu Lin heard a smug joy on his face: "Min'er is about to marry. If she gave her such a big gift before then, she probably married happily!"

Those who were arrested, after being interrogated, Liu Laosan, who is looking for life and death, is indeed a hunter. He lives with his wife in Lincheng, which is far away from the capital. It is only because they have a daughter who married to the capital. They came back to the capital. Look at my daughter. Another boss, Jin, who said he is going to do business, is indeed a businessman. The booklet he holds in his hand is also his own. He looks like a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water. I have come to seek justice for myself!

Another doctor who said he was going to see a patient was named Yi, and he was also a doctor in charge of a certain family in Beijing. There was also a patient waiting for him to see a doctor outside the city.

The statements of the three people, except for the one currently being caught by Gu Xiaowan, the statements of the other two people, it sounds like they really came to ask for an explanation for themselves!

These people were imprisoned in the prison of the Five Cities Soldier Masi. After the interrogation, Su Mang told Gu Xiaowan all the information obtained from the interrogation. It seemed that the matter was in a dead end.

"The two Orion couples said that they didn’t know who the person who gave them the gold was. They only said that they asked him to shout and create a scene of death. When the time comes, they will see some blood and stimulate the emotions of the masses. Their mission is It's done!" Su Mang said.

Gu Xiaowan finally caught these people, how could the clues be broken in her hands. But the constant is useless. None of these people have seen the real person behind the scenes. The people who contacted them must be ordinary subordinates. It was so difficult to find that person.

Even if Gu Xiaowan didn't want to break this clue, she had to shelve it temporarily.

"Master Su, it's thanks to you for today's affairs. If you didn't come early, the consequences would be disastrous!" Gu Xiaowan planned to let it go first, thanking Su Mang well.

Su Mang waved his hand and said, looking at Gu Xiaowan with admiration: "The princess is polite, but when the princess was told that she didn’t carry any weapons, she was really puzzled, but now it seems that she doesn’t carry any weapons. The weapon is indeed the right one!"

"The people are most afraid of officers and soldiers, and there is a sense of resistance in their bones. If there is any change on the field at that time, as long as it is a weapon. More than two hundred people, if there is a fighting, it will definitely be damaged, and it will definitely cause a lot of damage. In the event of such a large group of wounding incidents, this incident will certainly not pass so peacefully. Weapons are weapons to protect people, but they can also become sharp weapons for wounding. Whether it is the people, the guards, or not, there is no weapon. , Not only won’t hurt yourself, but also won’t hurt others!"

Su Mang nodded and agreed with Gu Xiaowan's remarks: "Those people saw the officers and soldiers coming, but did not bring any weapons, they were a little loose at the time! This proves that the officials are not willing to hurt them!"

"Yes, the people are like this. As long as the government treats them well, they won't bother them. The first step is to give them a good first impression. Then it will be much more convenient to do things!"

After leaving the Five Cities Soldier Ma Si, Gu Xiaowan heard what Ahmad said about the Huhu.

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