The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2203: High fever

The Minister of Etiquette immediately responded: "The minister must do his best."

Then there were other officials reporting the situation, and Shu Tianci kept sitting on top, listening carefully.

Shu Hao still didn't expect the remarks just now, and he didn't ask the emperor, so he let out a long sigh of relief.

Until Grandpa Qi came to the emperor and whispered a few times, he saw that the emperor’s face changed slightly invisible. It is rare that he did not listen to the minister’s report any more, but whispered in Qi Gonggong’s ear. sound.

Father Qi couldn't help nodding, and after speaking, he resigned and left.

Shu Hao stood below, one and two were weird, today, it is a little strange!

The carriage was galloping on the street, and there was a person sitting at the top of the carriage, wearing a luxurious five-claw python robe, wearing a purple gold crown, and it was stunning.

Ah You gave a detailed report on what he knew: "The girl got up early in the morning and started to have a high fever. Until now, after taking the antipyretic medicine prescribed by the doctor, the high fever has not gone away, and it is even getting hotter. See the doctor. State, scared to say"

"What are you talking about?" The sitting man has his back straight, and there is still no expression on his face, but if you look closely, you can still see that his fingertips are shaking involuntarily.

He was scared, scared like never before!

"He said he had never seen a patient with such a fever, and said that if the girl doesn't get a bit of heat within half an hour, I'm afraid." Ah You felt a little bit unbearable. Seeing the host's eyes, he finally said:" Either you will be burned into a fool, or you will be unable to survive!"

No matter which one is said to be cruel, but Ah You has to say.

Qin Yizhi's brows wrinkled immediately, his voice was a little trembling, his narrow Danfeng eyes were stained with a gloomy dark mist, and his thin lips were pressed tightly into a straight line. He put his hands on his body. Side, tightly clenched into a fist, the interior of the luxurious carriage was instantly filled with an icy breath, as well as deep distress and worry in his eyes.

The master has never done this before!

Even on the battlefield, tens of thousands of enemy troops rushed in like a tide, he never blinked, he was never afraid.

But now, for the girl, he is scared! Gaffe!

Ah You couldn't bear to look again, turned to the coachman outside the car and said: "Hurry up!"

Hurry up.

God knows, when he heard the news that Wan'er's fever was not going away, his heart was about to jump out of his chest.

Now that he heard such words again, he just felt like someone had taken a poisoned dagger and pierced it fiercely in his chest. After the piercing, it was not enough, and he had to turn the dagger to spoil his heart! Qin Yizhi entered the palace without stopping. After changing his clothes while walking, he sneaked out of the secret road of the palace.

When the people following him saw him entering the palace, they disappeared immediately. There is a hidden guard in the palace. It is enough for him to follow him to see where he goes, and the others don't need to follow.

His figure is vigorous, but he was still spotted by the hidden guard and told Ah You.

In the clear garden, Gu Xiaowan was flushed on the bed, while Kou Dan and Gu Fangxi on the side were constantly changing the veil. The veil that had just been put on became hot within a short time and accidentally touched her. Kou Dan felt shocked by the hotness on his forehead.

"What's the matter? It's been more than an hour after taking the medicine. Why doesn't it return, and the fever is getting worse? Is your medicine useless?" Zuo questioned.

That doctor was the best doctor invited from the hospital. It has been more than an hour, and one after another, Kou Hai invited several doctors, all of them said it was a high fever, and all the medicines prescribed were just prescribed by the first doctor. The medicine that I used, but the medicine has been taken, not only did not see any improvement, on the contrary, it is getting worse.

The girl’s body was hot like a soldering iron. Gu Fangxi used to see villagers whose fever persisted and eventually burned into fools or died straight away. Now, when I see Gu Xiaowan’s fever, it’s getting worse and worse, and her hands are shaking with fear. !

She and Kou Dan and Gu Xiaoyi are three people. Gu Fangxi is responsible for wiping Gu Xiaowan’s body and using warm water to cool her down. Koudan is responsible for helping her put on a veil on her forehead, and she also needs to pour a little into Gu Xiaowan’s mouth from time to time. Warm water prevents her from getting too hot and causing water shortage.

Gu Xiaoyi used a kerchief to help Gu Xiaowan wipe the skin on her legs and feet. When she felt the hot burn, both Gu Fangxi and Gu Xiaoyi couldn't support it, sobbing and wiping while sobbing.

But I was afraid that it would disturb Gu Xiaowan's rest, all biting her lips, letting tears drip silently on Gu Xiaowan's bare skin.

The tears dripped down, and within a short while, they were already dried up and disappeared.

Pots of warm water came in, and it was hotter than before.

"I don't know either, the princess is obviously very hot!"

"Yes, she is weak, flushed, dizzy, and muscles are swollen. These are the reactions caused by high fever. We have given her antipyretic medicine, but we don’t know why the princess’s fever is not Retreat!" The doctors who were brought by Kou Hai were all sad and innocent.

They have also seen a lot of patients suffering from high fever, and their medicines are used in the real place. How can they be effective at all, and they are getting hotter?

"Useless things!" Zuo said angrily. She was originally a hidden guard, and she didn't blink her eyes when she killed someone. Now she was anxious and stayed with the girl for too long. She took the initiative to hide a lot of hostility.

Now that she saw the girl's life or death uncertain, she was frightened, and her hostility was released from the inside out. The frightened doctors knelt on the ground with their legs weakened.

As soon as Zuo wanted to go to the doctor again, he heard rushing footsteps from outside, and in a blink of an eye, he saw a tall, straight figure swept into the room like a gust of wind.

He took up a corner of Zuo's robe.

The doctors who were kneeling on the ground, seeing this scene, couldn't help but glance at each other involuntarily, didn't they? It seemed that someone ran in just now!

But this speed is too fast, right?

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