The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2207: Frustrated

Seeing his recklessness, Gu Fangxi grabbed him: "What are you running? My sister is still resting, and your eldest brother Qin is also with her inside. You have a bad past now!"

Seeing his recklessness, Gu Fangxi grabbed him: "What are you running? My sister is still resting, and your eldest brother Qin is also with her inside. You have a bad past now!"

Gu Ningan was shocked: "Big Brother Qin is back?" Gu Fangxi nodded, "Well, I'm back! Your sister is sick, he rushed back right away!"

"Didn't he say that he went to Lincheng to see a restaurant? Why did he come back so soon?" Gu Ning'an asked with some confusion.

Qin Mozhi went to Lincheng, Gu Xiaowan lied casually. Qin Mozhi had something, but never told her what it was. Gu Xiaowan never asked it, just like her true identity, too much. It's horrified, it's better not to say.

Everyone has a secret, just see if a secret will hurt the people around him. Qin Yizhi never hurt her before, she believed him, and was willing to help him comfort those around her.

As the sun sets, the sky is getting dark.

Shu Hao, who had been standing outside the Imperial Study Room, had sore and numb legs and a dry mouth. He stood under the corridor of the Imperial Study Room and looked at the appearance of Da Qing.

The broad and magnificent Da Qing that came into view was no longer visible, only the lights of Wanjia were left, and Shu Hao's face turned greener.

The lantern hung under the cloister clearly illuminated his iron face.

He has been waiting here since the next day.

From the shining sun, to the waning west mountains, to the stars.

Shu Tianci said that there was something important to discuss with him, so he let him wait outside the Imperial Study Room for almost a whole day.

The heavy door opened with a "creak", and someone walked out of it. Shu Hao turned around and saw that Father Qi finally came out.

Shu Hao became more and more angry, and was about to start complaining two steps forward, when he saw Father Qi start to speak in surprise: "Master, why are you here? How late is this!"

When Shu Hao heard this, his beard curled up angrily: "Why is this king here? Isn't it that after the next dynasty, the emperor wants to talk to me and ask me to come here?"

When Father Qi heard this, he suddenly realized: "Oh, Lord, didn't you stand here for a long time! Oh, **** it, the minion is **** it! The minion just took care of fanning the emperor and completely forgot it. Lord, you are here too!"

Shu Hao said angrily. He didn't pay attention to Father Qi. He was about to walk straight into the Imperial Study Room. Father Qi hurriedly stopped him, "Master, what are you doing?"

Shu Hao was anxious: "Go and see the emperor!"

Grandpa Qi: "My lord, I'm sorry, I'm sorry that the emperor has too many memorials to approve today."

"Excuse me?" Shu Hao stared at Father Qi and asked: "What do you mean? Can't this king go in?"

"Lord, the emperor has been reviewing memorials since the next dynasty. It has been a hard day!"

Shu Hao looked at the person who had been standing in front of him, gritted his teeth angrily: "The emperor has finished approving the papers now? It's so late, can I go in?"

When he finished speaking, he had to push him away. The father of Qi stood in front of him what he said: "My lord, I really can't help you, the emperor, he has already rested, and he was really tired today. He had some dinner. I have already fallen asleep, and now I am afraid I have fallen asleep!"

Shu Hao's eyes widened suddenly, he was still waiting outside, he fell asleep inside?

Simply outrageous!

The anger on Shu Hao's face seemed to be surging out, and father-in-law Qi hurriedly bent over and said, "My lord, I'm so sorry. Forgive me."

Shu Hao blew his beard and stared at him, but he was not easy to have a seizure. He could only stare at Father Qi violently and then turned and left.

Having dealt with an **** for so long, it simply lost his face. Before leaving, he stared at Father Qi fiercely: "Dead eunuch"

After he gritted his teeth and said these words, he left without checking the expression on his father-in-law's face.

This little emperor who didn't have all his hairs dared to hide himself like this, it's simply impossible!

He didn't walk very quickly, because he had been here today and his feet were a little numb.

Father Qi held the whisk and saw his back and saw his legs and feet descending stairs. He suddenly went up two steps and said with a smile: "The prince is easy to go, and there is no need to be so hurry. After all, the prince will rest after tomorrow. Nothing else. Go slowly, you can’t see clearly at night, but be careful!"

If this was said from Father Qi, Shu Hao would not believe it. Shu Tianci must have asked him to convey this.

He is indeed fine after tomorrow, because after tomorrow it was originally a big event for the Ming Palace to marry his daughter, but now

Ming Palace became the laughing stock of the entire Qing Dynasty.

The good Princess Mingdu was ridiculed so that people would rather give up everything than be with her.

Such shame

Shu Haoguang felt that it was totally outrageous after thinking about it.

And when these words came out of Father Qi's mouth, he felt more and more that Shu Tianci was burying himself today. As an elder, he was played by the younger one like this. How could the bad breath in his heart be swallowed.

He didn't look back, nor was he willing to argue with an eunuch. With the help of his servant, he walked away quickly. Father Qi looked at his leaving back, his face with a faint smile instantly fell cold.

When I returned to the Imperial Study Room, I was supposed to be a person who had already rested. Now he was sitting behind his desk and practicing calligraphy vigorously. He heard the voice and asked without raising his head: "He's gone?"

Father Qi stepped forward and replied respectfully: "If you return to the emperor, you have already left!"

"How do you feel?" The wolf in Shu Tianci's hands never stopped.

"The slave is watching, it's like being furious!" Grandpa Qi thought that he was calling himself a dead **** before he left, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but a little helpless.

Shu Tianci nodded, did not speak any more, and father-in-law Qi didn't say anything. At this moment, someone from outside reported that the doctor Hao Lian had returned, and Princess Anping's fever had subsided, and there was nothing left. It's a big problem.

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