The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2212: The shameless Liang family

Besides, she would go to the Liang family. Originally, it was Gu Xiaowan who watched that Liang Dabao was dead, and Liang Shouyi and his wife were so old that they were still white-haired and black-haired, thinking of pitying them!

But they were so good that they actually treated her as if she was going to beg them. They were telling the truth. They thought it was Gu Xiaowan who was afraid of them, and they thought they were holding her handle, and now they came to threaten her!

Five thousand taels? This Liang family has such a big appetite!

Really, her money came from the wind!

Gu Xiaowan sneered in her heart. She already had a plan, and she said embarrassedly: "Aunt Liang, let's not tell you, all the shops under my name are not owned by me. I am in partnership with other people. Bora management, I really don’t have the final say on this matter. I have to ask my partner!"

Aunt Liang’s eyes lit up all of a sudden: "Oh, oh, okay, you ask first, and I’ll wait for your answer!"

Gu Fangxi was anxious when he heard it: "Xiao Wan"

Gu Xiaowan waved at her. Gu Fang was pleased to see that she would not let herself speak, and stomped her feet anxiously, her expression unwilling.

Old lady Liang saw that Gu Xiaowan only waved her hand so gently, Gu Fangxi shut up and didn't speak, and her eyebrows were instantly overjoyed.

This house belongs to Gu Xiaowan, and Gu Fangxi is just staying, she is nothing.

Gu Xiaowan is still in charge here. As long as she decides, who would dare to say nothing!

Old lady Liang smiled triumphantly at the corner of her mouth. Gu Xiaowan saw it, and she also smiled: "Aunt Liang, you want five thousand taels of silver, which is not much, but you also know it. Thousand taels of silver, isn’t this a thief? Otherwise, I’ll give you fifty taels of silver. You can save money and use it for three days. After three days, I will be rich. , I'll send it to you again!"

The old lady Liang had only fifty taels of silver when she heard that she was very sad, but she couldn't help it. People said that she had no silver in her family. If she was so stubborn, she was afraid that Gu Xiaowan would dislike herself.

Thinking of this, he said generously: "Alright, Xiaowan, my aunt also knows your difficulties, don't worry, as long as you help my aunt take care of these two things, my aunt will definitely not trouble you in the future. Your uncle He used to be a village head, and you are a princess, and everyone has a face, right? If those old sesame seeds and rotten grains are turned out and chewed, everyone’s faces will not be bright, don’t you think? Especially you. Xiao Wan, you are now a princess. Your identity is different from before. You have money and status. Let it pass if the previous things can pass! If Dabao can stand upright in the future, it can also help. You, don't you think?"

Aunt Liang is half threatening and intimidating, half threatening and temptation. If you don't agree to me, I will show all the things you told me to do.

After Gu Xiaowan listened, she kept nodding her head: "My aunt said very true."

Seeing Gu Xiaowan being so obedient, Aunt Liang took fifty taels of silver and left happily.

Gu Xiaowan looked at Zuo, Zuo Xin understood, and then escorted Aunt Liang Shen to the gate of Qingyuan. Auntie and eldest aunt were short along the way, and Mrs. Liang said that she was very excited. Aunt Liang saw that she was so treated by Gu Xiaowan, and the most decent maids around her sent herself out in person. It seems that Gu Xiaowan was afraid of what she just said. .

Feeling that I had grasped Gu Xiaowan's handle, Aunt Liang felt extremely proud in her heart. This is a princess. Just pulling out hairs would be enough for them to live for a lifetime. Besides, they still have the handle of the princess!

Look at today's request for five thousand taels of silver and a shop, Gu Xiaowan promised it all! When they came to the capital this time, they originally wanted to indulge in the big room and eat at the big room. After all, the two of them had colluded in the past, but they had done a lot of bad things!

Unexpectedly, there was a mismatch between the two, and they colluded with Gu Xiaowan. That really helped the Liang family. Their good days are behind!

Aunt Liang went out of the Liang Mansion, and she did not forget to turn her head and say thanks to Azuo: "Your princess is a kind person. The reincarnation of the Bodhisattva, our family, has always been optimistic about her! That's right, that's right. !"

Zuo laughed: "Aunt Liang said that my girl is kind-hearted!"

Aunt Liang saw that Zuo smiled at herself again and was blessed, she felt proud in her heart, as if the maid standing in front of her was her own slave.

She looked up again and looked at the lintel of Qingyuan.

This clear garden is really big!

There are rockery, running water, countless precious flowers and trees, as well as pavilions with octagonal cornices. The things in Gu Xiaowan's house are all good things that she has never seen before.

It would be great if she could live in such a house too!

Old Lady Liang looked at Qingyuan with envy and fell into Zuo's eyes. Her eyes were naked and full of greed and desire, which made people feel nauseous.

Inside the room, Gu Fang almost ran away with joy: "What kind of thing is she? Liang Dabao's thing that the mud can't support the wall, is still standing up and down to help my family Xiaowan? I have seen shameless people, why have I never seen such a thing? Shameless!"

Gu Xiaowan saw that Gu Fangxi was almost vomiting blood and hurriedly comforted: "Auntie, don't be angry, it's not worth it to be angry!"

"I'm not angry? Can I not be angry? The Liang family's brains are flooded. Back then I did so many things I'm sorry to you with Dafang, but I won't mention them, just because I bought it, she told you the truth. Two truths, does this depend on you? Why is she so shameless?"

Seeing Gu Fangxi defending herself in this way, that violent and bold look, there is no other way that she was only promise and timid when she just picked it up from her husband's.

Aunt has changed a lot!

But it is also the change Gu Xiaowan hopes to see! Women are too timid and cowardly, it is too bad, they also need to have the courage, strategy, the courage and courage to strive for their own happiness, to judge right from wrong.

And aunt, obviously has become the kind of person Gu Xiaowan wants her to be.

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