The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2228: The mind of the emperor

They are just ordinary people now, but sitting in front of them are the current Royal Highness Ming and the son of the world. With a finger, they can pinch their royal family to death!

Madam Su saw that her daughter had been found, and now things were slowly getting better. Seeing that Shu Hao had dropped such a large grid to please them, she also quietly took Rasupean's hand: "Master"

There were pleadings and grievances in the voice.

Su Peian thought of these days and the days they had lived, and felt a great pain, so he raised his head and drank the wine in his hand.

This is just a smile.

Sure enough, I heard Shu Hao laugh and drank the wine in his glass with a smile: "The past will be passed away. From now on, we will be relatives. I will buy this house. You will temporarily You can also live here temporarily, the emperor, I will go to intercede for you, saying that Su Ziyue has seen Min'er's good, and has changed his mind. Then, let the emperor reinstate your official position, and you will live again. What do you think of going back to Su Mansion?"

Shu Hao had already made plans for them, Su Peian's wound was a little painful, and he touched his chest with his hand slightly.

The three pieces of meat were severely painful, and they were still warning him. If he didn't agree, the pain would come again soon. When the time comes, he will not be alone, there will be a wife, and a daughter.

People under the eaves had to bow their heads. Su Peian had never compromised with anyone in his life, and now he had to obey Shu Hao.

"Caomin thank you prince!" Su Peian stood up and thanked him.

Shu Hao laughed and said okay.

Then he took Su Peian to meet the guests, and after a few drinks, he returned home with great joy.

There was a mess in the yard, but there were maids and slaves tidying up in an orderly manner. There was no sound at the new house, and Su Peian was not in the mood to look at it. Looking at the strange maids and servants outside, there was something in his heart. Dislike surveillance.

Madam Su also understood, and took La Supean's hand, and said softly: "Master, you are tired, let's go back to the room and rest!"

There was no sound in the huge courtyard.

Su Peian took her daughter and went back to her room. The three people talked about a call in the room. No one knew what they said, except that when Su Qianyue finally came out, her eyes were red.

The servant, who had been sweeping the floor not far away, saw these people coming out, put down his broom, and walked through the back door.

A wedding that should have ended suddenly took place again. The incident caused a great sensation in the entire capital, and the news soon reached the palace. Shu Tianci was listening to Father Qi's voice quietly.

"The Su family went to the Ming Palace inexplicably, and married the Princess of Mingdu. Now the ceremony is already done!" said Gonggong Qi. Shu Tianci smiled: "I don’t know about this. Uncle Wang is a good way to get a Su Ziyue who doesn’t want to retire from his relatives, and then move him again and marry him. Shu Min!"

"The emperor, according to the slaves, I am afraid that the prince has grasped the Su family's handle and made them have to submit!" Qi Gonggong analyzed.

Shu Tianci shook his head: "If there is a handle, the Su family will not retire. For so many years, Su Pei'an has said that he has not made a lot of achievements, but he is a clean breeze for the officials and integrity, and he is still good in the reputation of the people!"

Grandpa Qi nodded: "Master Su is indeed a good official! But the prince still marries his daughter to Su Ziyue now. There is nothing in the Su family now. The princess married a civilian. How can the prince bear his heart?"

"I'm afraid that next time, Uncle Wang will come to me to intercede. There is nothing wrong with Master Su, and it is okay for an official to be restored to his post!" Shu Tianci analyzed: "Min'er likes that Su Ziyue is not a day or two. , I didn’t expect that Su Ziyue didn’t like her! Although this Min’er is savvy and unflattering, she is also my sister. To be teased so much is to despise my royal dignity."

Qi Gonggong smiled and said, "I heard someone say that there is someone else in Su Ziyue's heart!"

"Oh, which girl is it, why didn't I know? If I knew this, I should have grown-up beauty!" Shu Tianci smiled and played with the jade finger in his hand, looking curious.

"The person Su Gongzi admired is Princess Anping! I heard that when Su Gongzi was offering incense at Guangyuan Temple, he met Princess Anping, who was the county owner at the time, and she was the only one in his eyes. I heard that he still I deliberately ran in front of Princess Anping and said about it, but it is a pity that Princess Anping sternly refused!" Qi Gonggong said as he carefully looked at Shu Tianci's expression.

Sure enough, when he said that Su Ziyue's sweetheart was Gu Xiaowan, Shu Tianci's entire face changed.

Qi Gonggong was startled and busy pretending to tell the rest of the matter as if nothing had happened, never daring to look at Shu Tianci again.

How could he not understand the emperor's mind!

In the past, I only felt it occasionally. I always felt that when the emperor talked about the Anping princess, the joy and joy that emanated from his brows could not be hidden no matter how he could hide it. Time, quite fascinated.

The emperor hasn't eaten anything, how could he be interested in a rough barbecue, even if he is interested, as the Ninth Five-Year Lord, he can't eat more!

Therefore, Qi Gonggong had thoughts, but always had concerns. Now, seeing Shu Tianci's changed face, he understood everything.

The jade pull finger in Shu Tianci's hand suddenly stopped. He has a habit of using his jade pull finger when he thinks about things or listens to other people's words. Now Father Qi is still talking, but the jade pull finger is no longer moving.

Father Qi, who had been with him for more than ten years, knew everything about the emperor, and now he understood that the emperor was distracted.

Father Qi finished speaking and stepped aside carefully. I don't know how long it took. Shu Tianci suddenly got up and said, "Yagui hasn't been there for a long time. I'm fine now, let's go and see!"

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Qi Gonggong to call someone to prepare the sedan chair, he walked straight out.

Father Qi followed behind and sighed invisibly.

This Anping princess, hey

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