The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2230: Buddha Gui

Gu Xiaowan was flushed with anger at the moment, and she felt in her heart how General Tan, who had always been steady, would make such a move.

Ding Lun: "Princess, what you know about the little general is the general's courage to survive. Now there is a clue that he will go like this no matter whether it is life or death! Please understand the general!"

Ding Lun's explanation made Gu Xiaowan's anger a little less. She knew that this was a matter of the Tan family and a general. She was not easy to say anything to an outsider, but she also knew that this matter could not be agreed casually.

"I will take care of the princess, but the general's side." Before she could finish her words, Ding Lun and Chen Meng looked at each other, and then knelt down with a plop, "Thank you, princess! Follow the general and hope that the princess will take good care of the princess!"

When Gu Xiaowan heard this, she suddenly asked, "The general didn't take you two?"

Chen Meng and Ding Lun didn’t expect that Gu Xiaowan would have guessed it all at once, and shook their heads: “The general asked us to protect the princess. It’s just that, since we were born and died with the general for so many years, how could we hide in the capital and survive? We both know The princess is a courageous and strategic person, and she will take good care of the princess. Only then did she dare to ask the princess to take care of the princess and wait for the general to return safely!"

It turned out that these two people meant this, Gu Xiaowan couldn't help but agreed to this matter dumbfounded.

I just hoped that these two people could take care of General Tan.

It's just that Chen Meng and Ding Lun came to lobby Gu Xiaowan, and they knew how difficult Tan Yushu was.

She didn't think about tea and food every day, always thinking about Tan Yexing's affairs. Within two days of work, her eye sockets were sunken, and her chin was sharp.

After Gu Xiaowan learned that General Tan had left, she asked her to pack up and live in Qingyuan. Now that I accompany her every day, I still see that she has lost a lot of weight, and my heart faintly hurts.

"Yu Shu, don't worry, Chen Meng and Ding Lun have followed. With them taking care of grandpa, grandpa will definitely be fine!" Gu Xiaowan could only comfort her three times and four times.

Tan Yushu was still worried. She couldn't sleep well every night. She always saw her grandfather lying in front of her covered in blood. She saw his grandfather's tragic situation, and every time she woke up from a nightmare, she couldn't sleep anymore.

"If you are not at ease, let's go to Guangyuan Temple and ask for the Bodhisattva, okay? We pray for the Bodhisattva to bless Grandpa's safe return, okay?" In order to divert Tan Yushu's attention, Gu Xiaowan could only put this matter on the ghosts and gods. on.

Tan Yushu agreed without thinking, "Okay, let's go, let's go!"

Suddenly, the two took the maid, and Kou Hai drove the carriage to Guangyuan Temple.

Guangyuan Temple is very far away. After walking for more than half an hour on the road, I saw the temple faintly located on the towering mountain.

In order to show their piety, Tan Yushu and Gu Xiaowan did not sit in a sedan chair, but climbed up the steps step by step.

When I was inside the temple, I smelled the smell of incense, and then I saw that Tan Yushu's nervous heart was slightly calmed down.

She didn't know what Bodhisattva to worship, so she simply worshiped all the Bodhisattvas in the temple.

Guanshiyin Bodhisattva, Eighteen Arhats, Manjusri Bodhisattva, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, Tathagata Buddha, Tan Yushu kneeled one by one in front of each Buddha statue, and reverently said his wishes in front of the Bodhisattva. Gu Xiaowan followed her with everything, wherever she went, He also knelt down and prayed with her.

After worshiping the Bodhisattva, Tan Yushu went to the main hall to listen to the Buddhist scriptures and talked about Buddhism with the host. Gu Xiaowan had no interest in Buddhism, and Tan Yushu went in to pray for Tan Yexing's peace. This time, he did not follow, and stood outside the courtyard watching the sunset.

In a flash, they have been out for a long time.

When Tan Yushu came out, they would go down the mountain and rush back.

She stared at an osmanthus tree in the yard, and the afterglow of the setting sun hit the osmanthus tree. The tree seemed to be plated with golden light, and it also exudes a dazzling light.

I didn’t even see Tan Yushu pushing the door and coming out at the moment. There was also a monk in the clothes of the presiding officer who followed her. I saw that the monk was fifty years old, his beard and hair were all white, his eyebrows were kind, and his whole body exuded a figure. Harmony breath.

As he walked out following Tan Yushu, he looked under the sweet-scented osmanthus tree. After only one glance, he stopped. There was a lot of surprise in his eyes.

I saw the woman under the sweet-scented osmanthus tree, looking up at the golden light full of the tree, but she didn’t even notice it. The afterglow of the setting sun also spread on her body. The moon-white cloak, coupled with the dazzling golden light, seemed to Soaring to the fairy world like a fairy.

Just looking at the back, it was a little familiar, but it seemed to have been seen somewhere.

"This is" Xingde endured the shock, pointed at Gu Xiaowan and asked.

This is Gu Xiaowan's second visit to Guangyuan Temple. Naturally, she has never seen Master Xingde who has just returned from a trip. Tan Yushu said, "This is my sister, the current Princess Anping!"

Although Master Xingde has just returned to the capital not long ago, he has also heard of the famous Princess Anping's name, but he has never seen a real person. Maybe he has seen the same figure from behind, so he smiled now: " This princess is destined to my Buddha!"

Tan Yushu was puzzled and asked: "Why?"

"Does the princess know the origin of this sweet-scented osmanthus in Guangyuan Temple?" Xingde smiled.

Tan Yushu shook his head and said that he didn't know, so he saw Xingde and said, "This osmanthus plant is no different from ordinary osmanthus, but it happened that there was once a tree full of golden light, just like the appearance of a Buddha."

"Really? It's really so magical?" Tan Yushu looked at the sweet-scented osmanthus tree again. Xingde was right. The sweet-scented osmanthus tree seemed to glow with golden light at the moment.

But I have never seen it.

"The princess is a blessed person. After seeing these scenes, Lao Na has only seen it twice after having lived so long." Xingde stroked his beard and smiled.

The scenes from ten years ago suddenly came to mind, Xingde knew it, remembered the scene ten years ago, and was filled with emotion.

No wonder it feels familiar. There was a girl wearing white clothes standing under the tree and looking at the sweet-scented osmanthus seriously.

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