The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2240: Good morning

The old lady Liang did not expect that Gu Xiaowan would know the past, and her face paled in shock at the moment, and then followed Liang Shouyi to coax Gu Xiaowan: "Xiaowan, what are you talking about? We didn't follow them to do anything sorry for you. Ah, otherwise, we won't help you, don't you? If we help him, we wouldn't be able to say those things at the government office at that time!"

Liang Shouyi snorted: "Xiaowan, don't forget, you begged us to help you at the time. Now you are fine. You have sent Gu's big room to prison. You have now crossed the river and demolished the bridge. Xiao Wan, you must be conscience!"

Gu Xiaowan said in amazement: "Why don't I speak my conscience? You just told a few truths, so I will lend you two thousand taels of silver for you to settle down in the capital. You are just talking, why don't I speak of conscience? "

The money and shop that had come to hand were going to be so noisy, and the old lady Liang was angry to death.

How well this group of rogues were caught by the government officials, and how they brought them here.

Thinking that she might have a hot pot during this trip, Old Lady Liang was anxiously like an ant on a hot pot: "Xiaowan, please, you can help the three of us, the old, the young and the young. Help us one last time!"

Liang Shouyi also seemed to have discovered something. He didn't say a word. Liang Dabao, who was on the side, also drooped his head, and hid straight behind the old lady Liang. He occasionally raised his eyes to look at the group of hooligans behind him, and then retracted his head in shock.

The old lady Liang cried with good tears: "Xiaowan, we don’t mention the past, you know, the uncle and aunt are getting older, and they came to the capital with a child for thousands of miles to be able to Keep the last bloodline of our Liang married, his father is gone, we now only have the hope of Dabao, you didn’t become a mother, you don’t know, how many years can the old woman live when she is old? Please see For the sake of our neighbors in the same village, help us!"

Gu Xiaowan looked at the old lady Liang who had a nose and tears, and sneered in her heart: "How did you use the one thousand taels I lent you last time? Tell the truth!"

The Liang family didn’t understand the meaning of Gu Xiaowan’s words. They only heard her telling the truth, so Mrs. Liang had to tell the truth: “I left fifty taels of silver for my meal. The old man took fifty taels and Dabao took 900. Fifty taels, including the fifty taels you gave me last time."

Liang Shouyi, who was on the side, shook slightly and did not speak.

"Did you lose all?" Gu Xiaowan sneered when she saw Liang Shouyi's movements.

Liang Dabao was anxious: "Grandma, I didn't lose that much money! Where did I get 950 taels? I only took 500 taels. Grandpa has the rest!"

The old lady Liang looked at Liang Shouyi suspiciously.

She remembered that she only took fifty taels of silver at the time, and Liang Shouyi held the fifty taels in her hand. Liang Shouyi had one hundred taels on her body. She also said that she was older, did not know counts, and had no brains. Aura, it's better to put it there.

Liang Shouyi hurriedly said, "Didn't you take the remaining money to buy vegetables and wine? And the prices in this capital are so expensive, you can use up something to eat and drink!"

Liang Shouyi explained the whereabouts of the remaining five hundred taels of silver.

The old lady Liang doesn’t know how to count, she also asked Liang Shouyi to ask for some money, but within a few days of work, how much money she asked for, she also has a rough idea: "Old man, I only asked you to spend three times. In return, you gave me fifteen taels. What about the remaining money?"

Liang Shouyi glared at the old lady Liang: "You don't believe me? I saw something delicious outside. I ate something, but I didn't bring it to you. Why are you in a hurry!"

Old lady Liang was reprimanded by Liang Shouyi, and she couldn't help but feel a little confused. She didn't know how to count, nor did she know.

Old lady Liang believed, but Liang Dabao didn't believe it anymore: "Grandpa, how about four hundred taels of silver? Do you still have money? Then you can quickly take it out and return it to others!"

It's a little bit, you can't let others chop off your grandson's leg!

Those rascals are also personal spirits. They don’t need Su Mang and others to signal, and they immediately said: “Since you are rich, it’s not good anymore. Why, I can’t bear the four hundred taels? Can you exchange one arm of your grandson? Legs!"

Speaking of Liang Dabao's arms and legs, the old lady Liang was anxious, and hurriedly grabbed Liang Shouyi and said: "Old man, you can quickly get the money out and return it to others! Dabao's life matters!"

Liang Shouyi's face was red and white, and he was still saying, "Isn't this for us to plan for the future? You and I are getting older, and your health is not good. You always hurt here and there at every turn. You always had no money before. Carrying it, I will save the money, so that when it hurts you in the future, I can find a good doctor for you and treat you well. I hide the money, and it will be a while. Can't get it!"

Liang Shouyi said quietly, and the old lady Liang was moved and angry: "Old man, why are you so confused! Don't you know which is lighter and heavier? My life doesn't matter, Dabao's life matters!"

Liang Shouyi also took old lady Liang's hand affectionately, and said affectionately: "You are as important as Dabao's life!"

What a deep love and righteousness, this Liang Shouyi, when he tells lies, he doesn't need to type drafts. Needless to say it was Gu Xiaowan now, even Su Mang turned his head when he saw it.

The two of them were still there and they were deeply in love, and they heard a gentle voice that almost dripped water from outside: "Uncle Liang, didn't you say that you are going to redeem me? Why are you still paying? No! I've been waiting for you for a long time!"

Liang Shouyi's body became stiff!

Gu Xiaowan looked outside, with surprise in her eyes, who is such a masterpiece who even found the friend of the brothel!

Gu Fangxi was also a little surprised. Seeing the dusty woman walking into the main hall, and then looking at Su Mang, he saw Su Mang smiling at her slightly. Gu Fangxi realized it suddenly and nodded with a smile.

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