The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2254: Should not have thoughts

"The emperor was a little tired from watching the memorial, and wanted to go to the queen to move her muscles and bones. Later, when she knew that Anping and Huguo were both here, she thought about visiting them both too, just in time!" Shu Tianci Sit down beside the queen mother with a natural look.

The queen mother glanced at Father Qi invisibly, and saw Father Qi holding a whisk, standing behind him, nothing wrong.

"What were you talking about just now? When the emperor came in, I only heard you say, Xiao Wan, you girl is very bad. I don't know where this girl is broken?" Shu Tianci drank the tea and smiled. Asked indifferently.

Although the question was about the empress dowager, her eyes couldn't help but glance at Gu Xiaowan, and a flash of surprise flashed in her eyes.

Gu Xiaowan wore a lotus-colored cross-necked shirt today, her small face became more and more delicate, with a skirt skirt of the same color under her body, and a wide moon-white girdle on her waist, which sealed the waist that she was holding Yingying. , More and more slender body.

She doesn’t like makeup very much. Her black hair is pulled into the moon’s temples, and a wood-carved orchid hairpin is inserted diagonally above her. The rest is decorated with a lot of pearls. It looks refreshing and refreshing. Without losing nobility.

Shu Tianci looked familiar with the orchid hairpin, because every time she saw her, she would wear the orchid hairpin forever. The orchid hairpin was carved very delicately, and it was as lifelike as it was alive.

That hairpin

He suddenly sighed invisibly, then averted his eyes, looked at the queen mother, and listened carefully to what the queen mother said.

The empress dowager on the side saw what he had lost in an instant, but she didn't break it at this moment.

After hearing the Queen Mother talk about what happened in Qingyuan, Shu Tianci was a little curious. Watching such a scene, it's a pity that he was not present. Otherwise, it would be wonderful! He said at the moment: "Such a greedy person will continue to pass on my will. Their Liang family will be beggars forever and will never become ordinary civilians."

When Gu Xiaowan heard this, even though she felt that this was a bit wrong, she knew that Shu Tianci was standing up for herself, so she didn't say anything to refute it.

All of this was asked by the Liang family. She was not that Virgin Mary, so she stood up and interceded for them.

As he was talking about the Kung Fu, there was a chant from outside: "The queen is here."

When the queen mother heard this, she looked at Shu Tianci with a smile on her face: "Ai's family is lively here!"

Queen Leng came to greet the queen mother and the emperor with a big belly. Gu Xiaowan and the others also greeted her immediately before sitting down one by one.

When I just sat down, I saw the maid reporting: "The Queen Mother, Empress Liu, Empress Pure Concubine, An Guiren, Qi Guiren, Song Cairen came outside."

When the queen mother heard this long list of names, she turned her head and smiled at Shu Tianci: "Look, you are here, I have been so clean, so you broke it, and I want to listen to Xiaowan carefully. Tell Yushu about external stories!"

Shu Tianci finally saw a look back at Xiaowan, raised his hand and said: "Let them go back, the queen mother is busy here, don't come here!" He was about to send those concubines away.

The queen mother smiled and said: "Don't do this. They are afraid that they saw the queen, so they came to ask for peace. Don't drive them. This is the palace of the Ai family. You have chosen the concubine for so long. The one who entered the eyes of your Dharma has just come right now. Take a closer look. After you have approved the memorial, someone will accompany you to talk to you. The queen is heavy and has a big fetus, so she can’t stay with you until midnight. Now that there are people in the palace, you can also choose one or two that you like. It is always good to study and talk next to you, and not to be too lonely."

This is for the emperor to take a good look at these concubines and choose one or two that are satisfactory.

Gu Xiaowan kept his head down and only listened to these words, but after Shu Tianci listened to the words of the Queen Mother, suddenly frowned, and his eyes began to drift again.

Unconsciously, she looked at Gu Xiaowan below her position again.

She became very quiet, quiet people can't find her presence.

However, she just sat there, like a hibiscus out of the silt but not stained. The beauty is so beautiful that she wants to pick it back and be imprisoned by her side.

Such a thought suddenly popped up in Shu Tianci's mind. He was so clever that he was so frightened. He hurriedly rolled his eyes, even his hands and feet were trembling slightly.

After hearing the words of the queen mother, the queen didn't feel any ripples in her heart. She drank the ginseng tea that came up specially to cover up the loneliness that flashed past her eyes.

When she was in the boudoir, she already knew that she was going to be the queen of the world of maternal rituals, and under the guidance of her parents since she was a child, she knew that she could not have a man alone.

Therefore, she has already let go, and she is destined to not be able to enjoy it alone, so she should not be jealous of others. She is a queen, destined to be a person who has the world in mind and stands on the top of the tower and looks down on thousands of people.

This person is destined to be her, even if there are more concubines behind him, only she can stand with him.

Therefore, if a woman wants to understand things, it is very strange. Although the journey between her and the emperor's young couple is not long, they are so peaceful because they rarely have hope.

Now, she is also smiling, stroking her swollen belly, smiling at the emperor and saying, "The queen said something is right. You should have someone next to you."

No jealousy at all, no taste at all.

This made Gu Xiaowan feel a little sad. She raised her head slightly and glanced up at Queen Leng, only to see that she was tilting her head to look at Shu Tianci.

After Shu Tianci glanced at the queen, he suddenly tilted his head and looked straight at Gu Xiaowan.

The eyes of the two collided in the air, and Gu Xiaowan was surprised.

She felt a little nervous, but she didn't mess around with herself. Instead, she smiled and smiled obediently at Shu Tianci. Then she looked at the queen dowager on the side carelessly, decent and generous, even the queen on the side. I was very satisfied after seeing it.

The girl whom midnight fancy is really good!

It's just a pity. If this girl is not a midnight fancy, she is chosen to be next to the emperor. She is courageous and strategic, and is not obsessed with these conspiracies, but she is a good concubine to assist the emperor.

The queen mother was a little sorry, but she was helpless.

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