The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2261: What would she want for herself

Everyone thinks that it is normal to want to play a few games with each other. Only Shu Tianci, in addition to wanting to play, has his invisible selfishness.

He admits himself, he doesn't say, no one knows.

After playing chess, he dared not wait any longer, so he raised his foot and returned to the Imperial Study Room. Back in the study, he saw Father Qi, who was looking forward to it, he immediately ordered: "Prepare a late night snack, lighter, and, under the table at the chess room, put two more Persian carpets. A pillow, and then prepare good tea."

When Shu Tianci spoke, Father Qi was a little confused: "Does the emperor want to play against himself at night?"

Shu Tianci was walking up and down in the imperial library with excitement, perhaps he didn't even know it, the smile on his face, father-in-law Qi had never seen such a proud and relaxed smile.

"No, I finally met my opponent. I didn't expect Xiao Anping to be so good at chess. It's great. I must have fun with her tonight!" Shu Tianci clapped his hands excitedly.

Only then did Grandpa Qi understand that he was only playing chess, so what did he prepare for so many things?

I also need to put a few more blankets in the chess room, prepare tea and supper, and prepare pillows. I am afraid that Princess Anping will be tired at that time. Qi Gonggong sighed invisible in his heart, and busy preparing Up.

From that time on, Shu Tianci still had any thoughts to review the memorials again. All his thoughts were in the game with Gu Xiaowan at night.

As the setting sun sets, the red slanting sun hangs to the west, covering the entire palace's blue bricks and red tiles with a layer of gold. Gu Xiaowan and others did not sit on a sedan chair, but walked towards the Queen's Palace.

Seeing the glowing red sunset coming over, Gu Xiaowan was in a daze.

The guards on both sides passed by occasionally and saw them coming. All of them bowed their heads and bent their knees. After they passed, they patrolled the palace uniformly.

Gu Xiaowan walked forward without squinting her eyes, but her heart rippled repeatedly.

The shadow was drawn very long, and several people walked and talked, but they didn't seem lonely.

"This sunset is so beautiful!" When passing by a pavilion, Tan Yushu exclaimed, looking at the scenery outside the palace.

"It's really beautiful!" Gu Xiaowan also said in admiration.

But no matter how beautiful it is, you can only watch from inside the palace, while people outside can chase the sunset to the most beautiful and best place.

Fang Peiya was in a daze: "But how do I feel that the sunset outside the palace is more beautiful than here!"

Gu Xiaowan didn't speak anymore, Tan Yushu and Lihua looked at each other, and they were silent.

Gu Xiaowan stepped forward to take her hand, then led her, and went to the Queen Mother's palace.

Her hands were warm, and Fang Peiya's hands were a little cold. She held her hand and passed the warmth of her body to her through the palm of her hand, which seemed to be comforting.

Fang Peiya was obediently pulled by Gu Xiaowan. Even if she is now the emperor’s woman and the elegant person in the palace, she feels that she is still the Fang Peiya outside the palace. She likes to go to Gu Xiaowan for anything. She will help herself.

Just like her mother and father Heli, it was from the emperor that she knew that all this was the help of her sister. The emperor gave her three promises. She promised nothing. The first promise was given to her and her mother.

This great kindness, Fang Peiya's life, can't be repaid.

Her mind is so far away. Mother now has the life of a first-class fate, her own mansion, and her own salary, even if she has no husband's family now, but no matter what, her life in her natal family will definitely not be sad.

The aunts in the family are kind, and their mothers are in charge. Even if they are dissatisfied, they dare not show it on the bright side, and dare not dare to look at the whole Qing Dynasty, except for Mr. Song’s wife, who There is also the title of Mrs. Yipin.

Gu Xiaowan asked for the glory of her mother. She not only solved her mother's temporary difficulties, but also solved her possible future difficulties.

Just like the emperor said: "If you serve multiple purposes, your mother will live alone, and she will have no worries about food and clothing. No one dares to look down upon you. And you, whether you enter the palace or not, you can find A good man who works well."

At that time, Fang Peiya was so moved that she could not speak, she only vaguely remembered that the emperor was still looking into the distance, and suddenly said quietly, "What would she want for herself?"

Fang Peiya hesitated, should she say something to her? Thinking of their happily playing games and talking today, Fang Peiya felt that she had been thinking too much.

But my elder sister is a good person. She is born to be a free and undisciplined person. If Fang Peiya is really confined to this palace, Fang Peiya would not dare to think about it. The gate of the Queen Mother's palace would have appeared in front of her as she was thinking about it.

Aunt Jin knew that they were coming, and waited at the gate of the palace early in advance. Seeing that the masters did not take the sedan chair but came over by themselves, she was a little surprised at the moment: "Princess, princess, elegant lady, you are "

With their maid behind them, and with these masters, there were nearly dozens of people in the mighty, just walking all the way, the battle was not small.

"Aunt Jin, we came all the way!" Lihua smiled.

"The masters are precious. You are tired after such a long journey?" Aunt Jin said distressedly when she saw that the princess Lihua was sweating on her face.

Princess Lihua waved her hand, wiped the sweat beads on her forehead with her kerchief twice, and said vigorously: "Aunt Jin, I'm not tired, it's good for my body to walk a few more circuits! I'm starving to death now." , I think I can eat a cow."

Aunt Jin hurriedly said: "My good ancestor, what is not dead, you can't say such a thing. If you let the queen mother hear you later, I will have to scold you."

Tan Yushu laughed: "Aunt Jin, she is so hungry that she can eat a cow. Let the Imperial Dining Room prepare a cow for her!"

Everyone burst into laughter.

Gu Xiaowan couldn't laugh either. When he was hungry, he said that he was hungry, saying that he could eat a cow, but if he really gave you a cow, who could eat it, I was afraid that a portion of beef ribs might not be able to eat.

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