The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2266: Adored

Gu Xiaowan stepped forward to Fufu body, Shu Tianci hurriedly walked over and helped her up personally: "Anping doesn't need to be so polite!"

Shu Tianci's hand touched Gu Xiaowan's elbow, and she backed away invisibly.

A ray of night breeze blows, and Shu Tianci only feels that the tip of his nose is filled with the fragrance of the bath.

I saw that she changed into a moon-white undergarment tonight. The undergarment is very simple. There is no embroidered pattern on the top, and the corners of the skirt and neckline have no other color edges. It is just a pure white dress without any impurities.

Covered with a moon-white cloak embroidered with plum blossoms, and contrasting with the white clothes, is the simple high snail bun that is bunched up high, with the simple but quaint plum hairpin inserted obliquely, although simple, but the princess’s The elegance and prestige are fully displayed.

Looking at the hairpin, Shu Tianci felt an eyesore again for a moment, and quickly moved his eyes away.

Gu Xiaowan's complexion was very white, almost shining with bright light. There is also that pair of deep and enchanting Phoenix eyes. The eyes he saw last time were not as evil as they are now, but seeing them tonight makes people unable to look away.

Her eyes had long eyebrows into the temples, and her phoenix eyes slanted, and the streamer under her eyes seemed to be contaminated with cursive poison, or contaminated with poppies that people can't give up.

Flowers bloom like in full bloom

It's been a matter of time when the flower is open, the dust has passed, how much he knows, he never knows that there is the charm of a woman, and the purity and cleanliness that should not appear at all with it, unexpectedly embedded in the bone marrow.

The two are merged into one, which is unforgettable.

Gu Xiaowan entered the chess room and looked at the furnishings in the room for a moment. There were a lot of snacks and fruits on a round table. She was a little curious, and she saw Gonggong Qi saying, "Princess, these things are for you. If you are prepared, I am afraid that you will be hungry when you play chess. There is bird’s nest in the small dining room. If you are hungry, tell the minion, and the minion will bring it to you."

Gu Xiaowan hurriedly thanked him. Seeing that Shu Tianci had already found a place to sit down, he would often sit in that position. The side where he sits is very simple, there is no pillow, but the side where Gu Xiaowan wants to sit. , But abruptly placed several pillows embroidered with the word "Fu", all stacked on her side.

She thought it was Shu Tianci who handed it over, so she wanted to pass two of them. So many of them were placed next to each other, looking like they were used to support her.

Shu Tianci waved his hand: "I don't need those things!"

Gu Xiaowan was puzzled. He didn't use these pillows, and there were so many in the chess room. Why?

Father Qi hurriedly stepped forward and said, "I'm afraid that the princess has a backache after sitting for a long time, so I prepared it specially!"

Gu Xiaowan smiled: "My father-in-law is so thoughtful, thank you father-in-law!"

The person on the other side snorted coldly, and the father-in-law Qi shrank his neck and stood busy. Gu Xiaowan sank again and put the pillow under his elbow, and never continued the topic.

She took Heizi, and Heizi went first.

Seeing that she didn't speak anymore, Qi Gonggong would retreat if he said abruptly that it was the emperor's purpose.

Shu Tianci played chess very seriously, and Gu Xiaowan was unwilling to let him. The two were not very fierce, because the chess skills of Shu Tianci and Gu Xiaowan were not at the same level.

Because when Gu Xiaowan was in the modern age, she was particularly troublesome since she was a child, and her heart could not be calmed down. In order to calm her mind, Gu’s father and Gu’s mother sent her to learn to play chess when she was very young, but she did not expect her to learn this. Block is very talented.

No matter what you study, it is full of enthusiasm and passion, and in the end, it is also very good. The teacher at the time believed that Gu Xiaowan was the most intelligent and wise student he had taught.

Gu Xiaowan has seen the five thousand years of chess history in China, and some chess games that have not been solved for thousands of years and a hundred years. Therefore, although the ancients are good at piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, they are not as much learned by modern people. After all, what modern people learn is the essence of the ancients.

Gu Xiaowan is quite dabbled in this area, naturally, she will be much better than Shu Tianci, an ancient person!

Sure enough, there was no one around this time. Father Qi also stood at the door of the chess room, bowed his eyebrows and closed his eyes to rest. Gu Xiaowan beat five to two. After playing a dozen or so pieces, he beat the opponent.

After seeing Gu Xiaowan's quick, accurate and ruthless tactics, Shu Tianci was completely shocked.

Looking at her relaxed look again, Shu Tianci realized that this afternoon in the Lihua Palace, after he had laid dozens of children, she won against herself. That was to save her face.

"Did you deliberately let me this afternoon?" Shu Tianci couldn't believe it, he didn't think he was good at chess, he was really good at chess!

In this entire capital, he has played against anyone who can play chess, and he has almost never encountered an opponent. It is not that people only let him see that he is the emperor. He knows that he has this ability.

Even Qin Ziye occasionally loses to him, so his chess skills are generally recognized as good in Beijing, but now

He felt that his weak heart had been hurt by ten thousand points. He was beaten by Gu Xiaowan even more than a dozen people.

Seeing that he could see it, Gu Xiaowan nodded without shy and said, "Well, I play chess faster."

It's so fast that he can't accept it!

But this Shu Tianci was also an emperor at any rate, and he was broad-minded to hold the world, and he immediately looked away.

On the one hand, I am grateful that Gu Xiaowan didn’t cut the mess this afternoon with a knife, and let him take care of his face. On the other hand, he saw such a simple, clear, fast and rude chess routine, which was simply his appetite!

Thinking of this, Shu Tianci was embarrassed. The girl in front of me was afraid that the entire capital couldn't find an opponent, so he could discover that she was a treasure!

The eyes of Shu Tianci watching Gu Xiaowan changed. Gu Xiaowan cleaned up the chess pieces on the chessboard and found someone watching him. When he looked up, he saw Shu Tianci admiringly looking at him like an idol.

"Xiaowan, accept me as an apprentice, and I want to learn to play chess with you!"

So he stopped calling An Ping and called his name directly.

Hey hey hey, you are the emperor, the emperor, please be more reserved! If you want to learn chess, you can teach directly without being an apprentice!

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