The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2273: Freedom outside the palace

Queen Leng smiled: "He is so young, how can he understand!"

Gu Xiaowan said: "He understands, as long as you talk to him every day, he can tell your voice!"

After parting with Queen Leng, Queen Leng asked them to prepare a lot of good materials and jewelry, and asked them to take them back together.

When their carriage left the palace, Shu Tianci just came down to court and asked Father Qi: "I still don't understand some chess skills. You can invite Princess Anping to the Imperial Study Room. I want to discuss it with her."

Father Qi was busy asking someone to find someone, but the person came back soon, and he leaned into Father Qi's ear and said a word, his face turned pale.

"The emperor, the princesses have already left the palace!"

"Out of the palace?" Shu Tianci's voice was a bit sharp, and he looked at Father Qi as if he didn't believe it: "Didn't they say that they would live for two days yesterday? Why did they leave?"

Qi Gongyi said: "I heard that there was something in the princess's house, so I went back ahead of time. If I went to the empress dowager and the queen to resign, the empress and the queen also rewarded them with some things. I am afraid they have already left the city gate at this moment!

Shu Tianci let out a cry, a lonely color quickly climbed up his cheeks, and whispered: "Go away? Why don't you tell me!"

After speaking, I sat on the gods and went to the palace of the Queen Mother. Father Qi was with him, and he didn't hear the emperor say another word along the way.

Please peace in the Queen Mother's Palace, and his face returned to normal. The emperor became angry on the main hall and shut down people. I am afraid that the queen mother already knew about it. After all, those ministers who dare to say these things in the main hall must be the queen mother. Instructed. The queen mother did not mention it, nor did the emperor.

It didn't take long to sit, the emperor used to excuse that there were still many papers that he hadn't read, so he left early, leaving in a hurry.

The queen mother saw him go indifferently and in a hurry, and knew that the emperor was angry, no matter what, he couldn't call someone back anyway.

If it is an ordinary person, just welcome it directly into the palace, even if she already has a sweetheart, how can she compare with the emperor. It happened that it was that person, none of them dared to move.

After Gu Xiaowan got out of the palace, seeing that the towering palace gate was getting further and further away from the carriage, the anxiety in her heart was slightly relieved. Seeing that her whole body was relaxed, Tan Yushu hurriedly asked with a smile: "Sister, there are no beasts in this palace, why are you so scared?"

Gu Xiaowan said: "I still think it's good to be outside the palace. I can be free and go wherever I want. In the palace, it's too cramped, and I'm a little breathless."

Tan Yushu: "Peiya has been in the palace all her life. I don't know if she will be happy!"

Seeing a hint of worry flashing in her eyes, Gu Xiaowan hurriedly pulled her hand and said, "This is her choice, let her go!"

When they were in Princess Lihua’s bedroom, Fang Peiya had visited them. The four of them ate breakfast together. Although Fang Peiya always talked and laughed, she seemed to have a good understanding of Gu Xiaowan. Full of thoughts. And, before leaving, she took Gu Xiaowan’s hand and she seemed to have a lot to say. Gu Xiaowan didn’t ask anything, and Fang Peiya kept talking, saying nothing. She said nothing until their carriage left the palace.

Gu Xiaowan didn't know what she was going to say, but since she chose not to say it, she also respected her choice and wouldn't ask her too much, as long as she knew she had a good time in the palace.

It can only be a good life, happy or unhappy, happy or unhappy, she never dare to extravagant, but she also has the most sincere hope for her.

May her years be quiet and worry-free forever.

After returning to Qingyuan, I packed up the gifts given by the Queen Mother and the Queen. Gu Xiaowan wrote in her own room, and Tan Yushu was lying on the soft couch and knocking on melon seeds. This beautiful scenery gave Gu Xiaowan a sense of tranquility. .

Knowing that someone was staring at her, Tan Yushu looked around and saw Gu Xiaowan staring at her decently. She was a little nervous, hurriedly reached out and touched her face, and said in a panic, "Is there something on my face? "

Gu Xiaowan shook her head: "No, I think, if we were in the palace, we wouldn't be so leisurely!"

As soon as Tan Yushu heard this, he immediately relaxed and stopped knocking the seeds. He put the things in his hands on the low cabinet next to him, clapped his hands, patted the shells of the seeds on his body, and walked over with a smile: "Of course, it's definitely not as easy as we are here. If you are in the palace now, you must be playing chess with the emperor brother. Well, I am in front of the queen mother. The dog legs are like being beaten and telling jokes. Sitting here alone, knocking melon seeds leisurely!"

She didn't count, she squatted down and helped Gu Xiaowan beat her leg and squeezed her muscles, but Gu Xiaowan didn't move, making her mess.

When it came, Tan Yushu did not forget to raise his head to ask for credit: "How about? Sister, are you comfortable?"

Gu Xiaowan easily closed her eyes to rest her mind, only to feel that her veins pulled, and her whole body was relieved a lot: "Well, very comfortable!"

I saw a sly flicker from the corner of Tan Yushu's eyes. Just when he wanted to speak, he heard Gu Xiaowan say, "What do you want to do?"

"Sister" Tan Yushu choked back alive. She stared at Gu Xiaowan with her eyes closed in amazement, and said, "I haven't spoken yet!"

"Well, let me ask you, what do you want to do?" After coming back, she felt that Tan Yushu was a little strange. When she came back, she sat there eating melon seeds, saying that she was reading a book while knocking the melon seeds, but the book did not turn from the beginning to the end. Go one page.

Although she didn't look up, she could feel it, since she had just started knocking the seeds, she had been looking at herself carefully.

"How do you know what I'm going to say?" Tan Yushu was a little dumbfounded.

Gu Xiaowan smiled: "You have been looking at me since the beginning, probably wondering how to speak!"

Tan Yushu felt more and more surprised: "I can't hide anything from you!"

To hide from her?

Gu Xiaowan pointed to her book, as well as the melon seed shell on the plate: "You haven't read any of your books. Although you are eating melon seeds, you can eat the melon seed shell all over. It must be something you are worried about! What do you want to do?"

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