The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2277: Ten fingers to heart

In the huge courtyard, a huge locust tree is located at the northwest corner. It is now late autumn. The shade of Xia Litou pavilions is like a canopy, and the trees are gradually full of golden color. When the autumn breeze blows, a few golden leaves Then fell with the wind.

The thin gentle breeze and golden yellow leaves fluttered on the ground in curls, and soon fell on the ground.

Tan Yushu loves to look at fallen leaves. When he is fine, he likes to sit by the bed or under the tree, and see the golden trees full of trees blow down with the wind, fluttering and sprinkling, like dust returning to dust and soil returning to the earth. .

But this time, she didn't have any thoughts of hurting the spring and sad autumn.

The two maids sent by the Ming prince's mansion were very hot when she saw them.

She looked at the fallen leaves of the tree, and then at Gu Xiaowan who was aside, and suddenly smiled and said, "Sister, let's go, let's go to a play too!"

Gu Xiaowan put down the book in her hand, a little confused: "What?"

"I don't want to kill her, let her go back by herself and stay in my general's house. What a big deal!" Tan Yushu said angrily with his grinning white teeth.

It turned out to be this time.

Gu Xiaowan looked at no one outside. Yu Shu had been struggling with this matter all the time. It seemed that she still didn't like these two people, and tried to get them to leave.

Gu Xiaowan sighed. If she was stunned, Lord Ming would not send someone away while she was away, but since she has such an interest, it is okay to let the maid suffer a bit!

Right now, he followed Tan Yushu to the outside.

With golden leaves all over the ground and a rustle upon stepping on it, Tan Yushu's face changed at that time: "Where are people?"

Hearing the host's questioning, the lazy Yiluman pretended to rush out with the broom in his hand. Seeing the battle, the corner of his mouth grinned and said, "What is the princess looking for?"

Tan Yushu didn't care about her yin and yang strange aura. He pointed to the fallen leaves all over the ground and asked: "This princess asked you to sweep the leaves. Why don't you sweep so many fallen leaves on the ground?"

Na Yilu lifted the broom in her hand, and said in a panic: "Why didn't you sweep? The slaves and maids swept them all, and the blood blisters were swept up in her hands."

She opened her palms, and she saw a few blisters faintly above her.

Tan Yushu sneered: "You swept, what's the explanation for these fallen leaves?" A large piece of golden yellow leaves fell under the tree. Together with the autumn breeze, the entire yard floated everywhere!

Na Yilu smiled and said, "The fallen leaves are falling every day, and the servants are also swept away. The princess will not be annoyed by the sight of the princess. Scan now."

After speaking, lift the broom and sweep the fallen leaves. In autumn, the leaves fall frequently. When did Yilu ever do such a thing, take a broom and sweep the fallen leaves under the tree if you don’t have to sweep it ten times a day. It's been eight times, and it's normal to have blood blisters in the palm of my hand.

Tan Yushu took advantage of the fallen leaves on the ground, and she avoided laziness again, deliberately came out to find fault!

Hearing that, he said coldly: "It turns out that the royal palace teaches maids like this. It turned out to be a push. The county mainly didn't look for you just now. I'm afraid you are hiding somewhere to hide? Ha ha, the royal maids really teach Not only do you refuse to take the initiative in doing things, but you also know that you are lazy and have blood blisters. If you pick it up, aren't you a doctor? Pick it and sweep it!"

That Yilu didn't guard against Tan Yushu's words like this, and she was a little confused for a while.

Anyway, she is also a woman. Seeing the blood blisters on her hands, she grinned her teeth in pain, and she has swept it seven or eight times today. The fallen leaves are like falling down after sweeping them. Broom, standing under the tree for twelve hours, there are still fallen leaves.

Yilu stood still, and Gu Xiaowan sneered coldly: "Sure enough, it is the maid taught by the Prince's Mansion. You are so stubborn, how can my General's Mansion tolerate your big Buddha!"

Yihong behind Tan Yushu kept her head down. When she heard this, she hurriedly raised her head and glanced at Yilu, nodded invisibly, and then quickly bowed her head as if nothing happened.

Gu Xiaowan stood aside, staring coldly.

Before Yilu moved, she saw that Xiaoyu had taken the front line from the sewing basket: "Since Yilu can't do anything, let the slaves come!"

After speaking, he grabbed Yilu's wrist and pulled in front of him.

Na Yilu was suddenly pulled by her wrist, and she had to pull Xiaoyu’s arm and push her out, but knowing that if she did it herself, the Lord Protector would definitely find this place to send herself back, thinking of this, He endured the fire in his heart and let Xiaoyu hold her hand.

Xiaoyu also saw that these two long demon-like maids were not pleasing to the eye, and smiled grimly, the needle on the right hand rose and fell, and he pierced a blood bubble on the fingertip fiercely. White.

Ten fingers connected to the heart.

Na Yilu's face paled for a while, and she wanted to reach out and push Xiaoyu away, but thinking of Yihong's silent warning just now, she still endured the pain in her heart.

Just now Xiaoyu did it deliberately. The blood bubble on the tip of Yilu's hand was not very big, just lightly pick it, but Xiaoyu didn't take it lightly.

The sharp tip of the needle was inserted straight, the blood bubble burst, and the needle was inserted into the fingertip. After pulling it out, a drop of blood remained.

The rest of the blood blister Xiaoyu repeated the old tricks, and Na Yilu's face was pale, but he did not dare to make any movements. If she resisted, Tan Yushu would have some excuses to send her away.

After finally picking up the blisters, the palms of both hands are already full of holes. After all, I have seen the world. Yilu gripped her hands fiercely, letting the blood in the blisters run across, and she grinned in gratitude: "Thank you The princess picks blisters for the servants, and the servants sweep the floor now."

After speaking, he took the broom and started to sweep the ground.

Tan Yushu was surprised to see that she hadn't said a word just now. After returning to the room, she told Gu Xiaowan of her doubts: "Ten fingers are connected to the heart, she doesn't even shout."

When Tan Yushu looked at it, he was frightened, but after all, it was an enemy or not a friend, and he didn't have any pity for her.

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