The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2284: Glittering daughter-in-law

As soon as Shen Jianshen said this sentence, someone said at the time: "My god, I heard that right, they are not married, this Jinxiu cloth house, large and small, is probably more than forty. Home, including their real estate, real estate, my goodness, this is the most expensive daughter-in-law I have ever seen!" Someone exclaimed.

The eyes of the people present all looked at the Shen family and Gu Xiaoyi.

I saw that the Shen family were not surprised at all, as if they had already said it, but Gu Xiaoyi, with a panic on his face, was looking at Shen Wenjun, and saw that Shen Wenjun was saying something in her ear, Gu Xiaoyi's face shook. The son turned red, then looked at Shen Jianshen and his wife: "Uncle and Auntie, how can this be?"

Madam Shen was even more happy when she saw the affection of the two of them. Madam Shen grabbed Gu Xiaoyi and said: "Let you take it, then take it. From now on, you will be the owner of Fairview Cloth Shop. "

"But you are not afraid." Gu Xiaoyi was a little flustered when he thought that the Shen family would give him so many shops and real estate.

Shen Jianshen said without hesitation: "Here it is for you. If you really don't like Wenjun, then our Shen family is not lucky!"

My goodness!

The wealthy Shen family actually wanted to beg for a girl so much, to give more than forty shops to other girls, just to let the girls marry into the Shen family.

Why are they not so lucky?

The faces of Huang Rushi and Shu Min turned green all of a sudden. The Shen family’s wealth is rich. No one in the world knows or knows. Someone once counted it secretly. The Shen family’s income for one year is probably worth the royal year. Tax.

What a terrible number this is!

The Shen family can kill people with a handful of money. At this time, they took out more than forty shops, houses, and real estate, and gave it to Gu Xiaoyi without thinking. If the two are married, it is another matter. , The two people have given so many things before they get married, and they are not afraid that the girl will run away.

However, what surprised everyone more was Mrs. Shen's words: "When you pass the door, all the family business of the Shen family belongs to both of you. We will go all over the world and have fun!"

This is to entrust the Shen family with full power to Shen Wenjun and Gu Xiaoyi.

What's more, when you pass the door, it seems that you don't believe Shen Wenjun alone.

The people present slapped their tongues tightly, all of them looked enviously at Gu Xiaoyi, who was almost ready for gold. It was incredible. It seemed that the Shen family liked this girl!

Shen Jianshen's generosity, Huang Rushi and Shu Min's faces were blue.

The Shen family is rich, but it is not a strong wind. He uses more than forty rooms to give a future daughter-in-law who has not yet passed the door. After passing the door, he will give all of the Shen family's property to the young couple. Take care of it, which proves that the Shen family is very satisfied with Gu Xiaoyi, very satisfied, and satisfied with almost everything.

Shu Min felt as if someone had pierced a dozen or twenty steel needles, and sneered: "Then I wish the Shen family an early marriage to the daughter-in-law in his heart!"

Shen Jianshen raised his hand: "Thank you, the princess, if you are looking at your face, when the time comes, the princess and the princess will come and have a drink!"

Shu Min glanced at Gu Xiaoyi with a dark expression, like a poisonous snake, Shen Wenjun stood in front of her hurriedly, blocking her behind.

Upon seeing this, Shu Min sneered, and suddenly said, "Master Shen should take a good look at his future daughter-in-law!" "What do you want to do?" Shen Wenjun suddenly felt dangerous.

Shu Min looked indifferent: "What the princess can do is to make Young Master Shen take good care of him. This has not yet passed the door, so I don't want to be afraid that she will run away after sending so many family business."

"It's mine, it's mine, don't bother the princess!" Shen Wenjun replied unceremoniously.

Shu Min and Huang Ruyi finally left. The old customers shopping in the cloth house immediately gathered around, and said to Shen Jianshen and his wife, "It seems that the Shen family will have a banquet soon. If you want to give us the next post, come to have a wedding drink too!"

Shen Jianshen was also very happy: "Definitely, definitely!"

Gu Xiaoyi's shameful face was red, and Shen Wenjun saw it, pulled her up, raised the curtain, and went back.

After sending away the old customers, Shen Jianshen and his wife followed Liao Shu also raised the curtain and went in.

Gu Xiaowan hid behind her from start to finish. Seeing that they were all gone, she didn't say hello and followed.

Gu Xiaowan didn't think that Shen Jianshen would really transfer all the Jinxiu Cloth Shop to Gu Xiaoyi. She just treated them as joking and didn't think too much.

As long as there is nothing wrong, Gu Xiaowan is also relieved.

As soon as I walked to the door, I heard someone scream: "Who is the lady in red who walked just now? Why is this insidious!"

The person on the side asked: "What's the matter?"

Gu Xiaowan pricked her ears to listen. She was wearing red clothes just like Huang.

"You came out late and didn't hear what they said. Tsk tsk, how can such a beautiful lady say such dirty things, she said, I pooh, I hope the Shen family won't wear a green hat, tsk tsk, boss Shen But a good person, isn't this person wicked?" The person next to him shook his head and sighed: "If they are not married yet, curse them, it is wicked."

After Gu Xiaowan listened, the blood surged upwards.

What does this yellow ru mean? It's damned!

Zuo on the side was also furious when he heard this, "Girl, do you want me to teach her a lesson!"

Gu Xiaowan didn't speak. After getting into the carriage, she said with a black face: "She said let her say, I am now worried that Shu Min and her will have some harmful ideas."

They were shamed by Gu Xiaoyi and Shen Wenjun in front of everyone today. With such a shame, Shu Min is a person who has revenge, and she will not let it go.

And Huang's words just reminded her.

They wouldn't let Gu Xiaoyi go so easily, just like Shu Min wouldn't let her go.

Gu Xiaowan thought that her sister would be hurt by others, and she was nervous and unable to hold on to herself, even more afraid than when she was framed by Shu Min.

Upon seeing this, Zuo also said, "Girl, what should we do if the lady is in danger?"

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