The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2288: Still finished

The Su family is not so good anymore.

After Shu Min entered the mansion from the outside, she was in a very bad mood. However, when she was still so upset, she heard the sound of people talking loudly and laughing loudly.

How could Shu Min see other people happier than herself, when the whole body was full of blood, hysterical people caught those few people who were laughing loudly, and they were about to be beaten to death.

Suddenly, the already depressed mansion was immersed in the breath of death in an instant. The loud shouts of those servants reached Su Ziyue's ears, and Lai Qing also heard the voice from outside and frowned. He sighed.

Who can make people cry and howl apart from the master?

Su Ziyue coughed twice, "What's the sound outside?"

Lai Qing stepped forward to help him pat his back, and said, "Xu is the servant who did something wrong, let's teach the servant!"

Lai Qing didn't say who it was, but Su Ziyue didn't have to guess, and he knew who it was! The Su family definitely did not have the habit of punishing their subordinates. Even if the subordinates did something wrong, they just let them kneel and never punish them physically.

Su Ziyue felt uncomfortable when he heard the voices of the ghosts crying and howling wolves. He said to Laiqing, "Go find the old lady, and let those who I can't hear cry. Let her be in the hands of the Mingdu princess. Come on, save those people, it's a life anyhow!"

Even if she is married now, she has become his wife, and he still only calls her Mingdu Princess.

Visible alienation.

Hearing the miserable and chaotic cry, more than one person was beaten, but it was probably five or six people.

Laiqing knew that the master couldn't bear it, so he said, "Okay, son, you just rest first, and I will come as soon as I go!"

Su Ziyue lay on the bed, coughed twice, and nodded.

After a while, the miserable cry stopped. Su Ziyue knew that these people had been rescued. As soon as he was about to close his eyes and rest for a while, he heard a happy and coquettish voice from outside: "Zi Yue Brother, are you awake?"

Lai Qing also followed in and said, "Princess, the son is asleep!"

Shu Min's face turned dark: "What are you calling him?"

Laiqing knew that he had made a mistake, and hurriedly changed his words: "Princess, Lord Junma is asleep."

In front of Su Ziyue, Su Ziyue never let him say that he was the Junma Ye, probably because he said too much. In front of Shu Min, he almost blurted out at this moment.

Shu Min glared at Lai Qing, who knew that he had said the wrong thing, and stood aside with his head down, waiting for Shu Min's hair to fall. Shu Min wished to slap the slap, and even called Master Su Ziyue, he was already his own princess.

But she knew that she couldn't do it. This man was a close servant of Zi Yue's brother. If he hit him, it would have hit the husband and wife. Shu Min was not that stupid yet. So, she just glared a few times and went to the bed. When Laiqing saw that she was going over, she just wanted to say something to stop him: "The Sheriff"

Shu Min turned her head, her eyes were cracked, and she couldn't wait to eat herself: "I'll talk to my husband for a while, do you have to take care of you as a servant?"

Lai Qing shook his head, silenced his voice, and stood quietly aside.

Shu Min hated him and wanted to kill him personally, but when she came to the bed, she saw that the skinny man on the bed was now only the skinny sweetheart, and her heart was so unbelievable.

Su Ziyue closed his eyes, his original graceful temperament, now tortured by illness, his body was already thin and skinny in a short time.

Shu Min felt uncomfortable, holding Su Zi's scrawny hand, and pressing it against her cheek, the hot tears just slid down her cheek, choked and said, "Brother Ziyue, don't worry, I will definitely seek medical advice from the doctor. Good for your illness! Don't worry!"

Su Ziyue heard what she said, but there was no half of gratitude or touch in his heart. On the contrary, there was only endless disgust and disgust.

She wanted to save him. He didn't want to live, but when he thought of spending the rest of his life with this person, he lost the courage to live.

He doesn't love her, even if the two are now married, he can't love her.

Shu Min said many things on her own. Su Ziyue never opened her eyes. At the end, Shu Min couldn't speak any more. She stood up suddenly, her eyes still had the tenderness just now, which suddenly changed. Severely attacked: "Su Ziyue, I have said so much, you open your eyes and look at me, I know you are pretending to sleep, you don't want to see me, right?"

Su Ziyue didn't move.

Shu Min's eyes stared at Su Ziyue's face unblinkingly, wanting to see the subtle movements from his face, so that she could find that he was not asleep at all, and then she could ask him loudly, she You can vent your anger.

But Su Zi didn't move, as if he was dead, he was not half angry, and he couldn't find any flaws.

Shu Min was furious and desperate, almost mad with hatred. When she came in, he fell ill. He didn't even say hello, and even the bridal chamber was not round.

Who would have thought that she was still in perfect shape after being married for so long!

Shu Min thought that she had tried her best to marry him, but after marrying him, she found that this person was as cold as ice whether before or after marriage.

No, it's not ice, ice will always be hatched one day, this person is just a rock, and it won't be warm no matter how you cover it.

Shu Min is not reconciled, not reconciled. The only thing she wants to do now is to make him get better as soon as possible. She is already married to him, and for the rest of her life, she will be his wife. She doesn’t believe him anymore. Can't fall in love with her!

Thinking of this, Shu Min recovered the superior princess again. She sneered and said, "Brother Ziyue, I will find the best doctor for you. Don't worry, you will get better. It doesn't matter, we still have I will always be with you for such a long way!"

Her smile was brilliant, but her tone of voice was cruel that belonged to her.

When Lai Qing saw her leaving, she looked at Su Ziyue who was still lying on the bed and sighed.

One after another, I don't know whether he sighed twice, or the other person in the room also sighed.

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