The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2291: Blood flow

Gu Xiaowan hurriedly walked over and pulled her hand, as cold as ice: "Why are your hands so cold?"

"Miss will be like this every time she comes back to Kuishui, but this time it's more serious." Xiaoyu said from the side.

Tan Yushu's pale face showed a smile of relief, and said: "Don't scare sister, I've always been like this in Kuishui, sister don't worry."

Gu Xiaowan held her hand distressedly: "Would you like to find a doctor to see?"

"No, Dr. Hao Lian doesn't know how many times I've seen it. It's okay, it's okay." Tan Yushu said nonchalantly: "It will be fine after two days, and I can live alive again."

Seeing her pale face still squeezing a smile, Gu Xiaowan had no choice but to give up.

Dinner came quickly, and there was a list of things to eat in the evening, bird’s nest porridge and a few fresh seasonal vegetables and a plate of chicken breast, boiled, and a plate of fresh steamed mandarin fish, and a red date, angelica, and wolfberry soup. Nourishing blood and qi.

Gu Xiaowan looked restless tonight. Tan Yushu got up from the bed while eating. She also quickly realized Gu Xiaowan's worries and asked quickly: "Sister, what happened to you? What happened?"

Tan Yushu saw that Gu Xiaowan was not at home, and looked at Zuo, who truthfully told her what she had seen and heard in the cloth village.

Tan Yushu's face was very pale, almost grayish white. She frowned and said, "These two people are too shameless. In that case, Xiao Wan, you have to be careful with Xiao Yi. Shu Min and Huang Ru are the two. Individuals are all villains, and they will certainly not give up after receiving this insult today!"

Gu Xiaowan nodded gently, indicating that she knew: "I know, I will make them be careful!"

"This Shu Min is very cruel. She chased behind the man's buttocks. She was shameless. Now she blames others. She is afraid that she will not see Shen Wenjun being good to Xiao Yi, so she will go crazy!"

Gu Xiaowan nodded, looked around, and then said, "I sent Ahmad to their side to protect them. Ahmad's martial arts is so powerful that he shouldn't have any forks."

Tan Yushu also said: "That's good, you didn't eat anything, this is the bird's nest porridge that has just been stewed in the kitchen. You can try it soon!"

Tan Yushu ate half of a bowl of bird's nest, and suddenly her face changed drastically. She only felt that the warm current under her body spewed out like mountains and seas, and the two sides were wet like running water. A piercing pain struck, and Tan Yushu supported it. The table stood up, then stroked his stomach, and said uncomfortably, "Xiaoyu, help me get something, I want to go to the hut!"

Naturally, the Kui Shui towel to be picked up, Xiaoyu saw that Tan Yushu was so painful, so he hurriedly went to help Tan Yushu.

Gu Xiaowan also stood up and stepped forward to help her: "Yu Shu, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, it's just that the amount is too much this time!" Tan Yushu said with shame, embarrassment, and then went to the backyard with Xiaoyu's support.

She couldn't straighten up her waist when she walked in pain.

Gu Xiaowan was still thinking about eating, and she followed to the backyard, and saw Ayu standing there, half of her head exposed, as if she was helping Tan Yushu to change things.

Gu Xiaowan waited outside for a while, wanting to wait for them to come out, and then heard Ayu's heart-piercing cry: "Princess, princess" Gu Xiaowan was so frightened that she almost lost her soul, and when she was next to Tan Yushu, she realized that she had fainted, and her body was full of blood.

Come to Kuishui, so many come unexpectedly.

Gu Xiaowan ran to the wing after carrying someone on her back, shouting as she ran, "A Zuo, go and ask the doctor!"

When I ran into the wing room, I saw that the blood under Tan Yushu couldn't help it flow down, and it flowed more and more, and Tan Yushu had passed out due to excessive blood loss.

Ayu said in surprise: "What's going on? How come Kuishui can't stop it? How can it be like this!"

Someone has already called the doctor.

The blood under Tan Yushu's body was flowing down like he didn't need money. After a while, I saw a blush under the bed, and even the bedding was stained red with blood.

Tan Yu's writing was as white as paper, like a lifeless doll.

Gu Xiaowan was frightened to death. She had never seen that coming to Kuishui was so scary. Now she doesn't know what to do, so she said, "Hurry up and fill her with some hot water."

Her body was as cold as ice, and the face of people with excessive blood loss turned pale and chills. Such symptoms made Gu Xiaowan feel at a loss.

It's already dark. Where can I find the doctor? The doctor in the palace who treated the general in the palace entered the palace tonight. However, at this rate of bleeding, even if the doctor finds it, she will be bleeding.

When he was in a state of exhaustion, Yihong on the side opened his mouth: "You can ask Yilu to come over and have a try, she is also a doctor!"

Urgently ill, Gu Xiaowan called out without thinking, "Let her come!"

Yilu came soon, was dragged over in his sleep, and was stunned when he saw the blood on half of the bed: "What's wrong?"

"Quickly, she's coming to Kuishui, how could this happen? I can't stop it!" Gu Xiaowan almost roared!

Only then did Yilu understand, and immediately stepped forward and said, "The princess gets out of the way, and the servants come and have a look!"

After she got the pulse of Tan Yushu, she prescribed a prescription and said: "You go grab the medicine, grab this medicine and fry it with two bowls of water to make a bowl of water, and then feed it to the princess to drink it, and the blood will stop. "

Gu Xiaowan snarled, "When the medicine is ready, the blood will drain!"

After hearing this, Yilu said again, "I have a hemostatic pill here, or let the girl eat it first."

"Bring it!" Gu Xiaowan shouted, and she saw Na Yilu taking out a bottle from the cuff, and then pouring a pill from the bottle: "This is the hemostatic pill!"

"Are you sure this thing is a hemostatic pill?" Gu Xiaowan couldn't believe the two people who had come from the Ming Palace. She looked at the pill in her palm and said uncertainly.

Yilu said, "This is a hemostatic pill. It was bought by the servant girl in the drugstore. When the servant girl came to Kwaishui, there were too many. So I bought more of this and can eat it!"

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