The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2312: Go back to the general's house to get things

Aunt Jiang thanked her very much for her kindness. After she came, she began to wonder about the taste of the head of the family, and then she started dinner.

There are rules for eating time in the Qingyuan. Aunt Jiang was afraid that she would be too busy to come. She didn't dare to be too late, and she was afraid that the food she made would be cold, and she didn't dare too early, so she cleaned some dishes early and put them away When I got to the side, I guessed how much time it took for a few dishes, and then I started cooking at one point.

After arriving at one point, Aunt Jiang was almost ready to fry it everywhere, Xiaoqing and Zuo helped put it on the table, and Gu Xiaowan and Tan Yushu were also on the table.

The last soup was served, and Gu Xiaowan pointed to the spot on the side and said, "Aunt Jiang washes her hands and sits up to eat!"

Aunt Jiang hurriedly waved her hand when she heard this: "No, no, how can I sit at the same table for dinner with my boss, no! I can eat in the kitchen!"

A left forward, grabbed her, and brought her to the table: "Let you sit down, just sit down, the rules are like this!"

Aunt Jiang looked at Gu Xiaowan's side. Next to her were the princess Huguo and the young lady. Then down were Zuo, Xiaoyu, two beautiful maids, and Ahmad. There was a space left beside the table. , It seems that I really let myself sit!

Aunt Jiang looked at her and felt grateful. Her eyes were hot and she wanted to cry. How could she have been treated like this before!

The servant sat at the same table to eat with the minion. She had never seen her before. You know, her boss is not just the boss, but the Princess of Anping!

That's an unparalleled person!

After Aunt Jiang took her seat, Gu Xiaowan took the chopsticks, and then everyone else on the table took the chopsticks and started eating.

Gu Xiaowan is a very well-mannered person, but he also has no rules.

The people in Qingyuan, except for Yihong and Yilu, she has always believed that whether it is the master or the slave, they are all in the family, so everyone always eats at the same table!

Aunt Jiang’s craftsmanship is very good. She already knew it at noon. Tan Yushu didn’t know. After eating, she was full of praise. Seeing that Princess Huguo praised her cooking, it was good. A burst of excitement and joy.

After dinner, Gu Xiaowan and Tan Yushu took them for a walk. Aunt Jiang cleaned up the dishes, while Xiao Qing was also helping. She was neat and tidy. Aunt Jiang was also relaxed.

There are a lot of people, but there is no tension and depressive atmosphere. It is like a family. It is nothing more than washing a few more rice and cooking two more dishes. It is exactly the same as at home!

Thinking of this, Aunt Jiang was happy for a while. There are still ten or two months worth of money in a month. She puts her hands and feet to work harder and strives to do more for a while. In this way, she can also save a lot of money, and she will not grow up. You need money to study and marry a wife!

Aunt Jiang didn't know how happy she was, she had a good job, she had a lot of monthly money, and her boss was caring and caring, and she became happier.

In order to let Aunt Jiang know that she cooked well, Gu Xiaowan ate a small bowl of rice tonight, and Tan Yushu also deliberately ate more.

The two walked up and down in the yard, talking while walking, Zuo and the others were standing on the side of the corridor and walking around, or they just leaned on the column and closed their eyes to rest.

While no one noticed her, Yilu secretly pulled Xiaoyu aside. Ahmad had been watching him all the time, so naturally he got up and went to the side.

It's just that, in no one's place, a flying body has reached the roof where the two are talking.

Yilu said, "Sister Xiaoyu, I left my things in the general's mansion, can you accompany me back to get it!"

Xiaoyu now has a much better attitude towards Yilu, and hurriedly asked, "What is it?"

"It's embarrassing to say it, it's the sunflower towel I use myself" Yilu said embarrassingly.

Xiaoyu was really embarrassed when she heard it.

She asked, "You came to that one?"

Yilu blushed and nodded: "I'm afraid it's already here, but I didn't bring that thing."

This is really hard to tell. Moreover, everyone’s sunflower towels are for personal use. After washing and drying them, they use them again. Seeing her ashamed and embarrassed, Xiaoyu said, "Don’t worry, I Talk to the lady and the princess, and then we will go back!"

When Gu Xiaowan heard that Yilu didn't wear a sunflower towel, she looked at her curiously: "I still have some new ones. Why don't you use them first!"

Anyway, there is no name written on the head of the Kui Shui towel, but the soft cotton cloth head is torn into strips without a specific mark.

Yilu shook his head hurriedly: "Thank you, princess, it's just for the servant girl. The servant girl is used to it, and I have to bring two more prose clothes and pants for emergencies!"

That's true. Gu Xiaowan and Tan Yushu agreed: "Then you go! Xiaoyu, you also go with it!"

When Yilu heard this, she was so excited that she kowtowed her head to thank her, "Thank you princess, thank you princess!"

She was so excited that Gu Xiaowan was a little skeptical. After she left, Ahmad quietly followed.

Yilu and Xiaoyu are the generals who walked to. They took a stick of incense. When they arrived at the generals, Yilu went to pack things. Xiaoyu thought that she would go to get some more clothes, and then returned to herself. s room.

Seeing that there was no one beside him, Yilu walked out directly from the room.

She seemed to be aimless, but she just headed in the same direction. Ahmad had seen the topographic map of the General's Mansion. That place was like the general's study.

What is she going to do in the study?

Ahmad followed closely behind her, not daring to slack in the slightest.

But, I didn’t expect that when Na Yilu waited outside the study, she just looked around and didn’t go in. She only left a few tree forks on a tree outside the study, and the tree fork opened up. With the clean white flowers, Ahmad recognized that it was a scented genus, which has the effect of promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis.

Yilu took a few gully incense, and when she returned to the room, she saw Xiaoyu anxiously waiting for her at the door: "What did you do just now?"

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