The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2338: Don't move the body

"The minion doesn't know. The Shen family has been doing business with integrity for so many years, and it is also an imperial merchant. It stands to reason that it should not have any conflicts with others. Moreover, Shen Jianshen has been in business for so many years and has long been confused with officials of the court. Familiar, I really can’t figure out why his son would kill! Killing the court commander is a crime of beheading. This time, the Shen family is afraid that it will be a major event!” Grandpa Qi was also puzzled.

"Well, even though it was the Shen family killing people, after all, one was an imperial merchant, and when the first emperor was alive, the Shen family went bankrupt to help each other. In any case, this matter must be investigated clearly. Although Fang Zhengxing is mediocre, he is also an official of mine. Let Su Mang come over and see me tomorrow. No one can be partial to all the twists and turns!"

Qi Gonggong said hurriedly.

Su Mang is also waiting for the results of the autopsy, but he has waited for a long time, and the results of the autopsy have not come.

He was in a hurry. The corpse had to be put down again. It had to be stinky. If the corpse stinks, it would be difficult to find out the real cause of death of Lord Fang!

He made people call Wu Zuo and asked him why he hadn't brought the report. He also looked helpless: "My lord, it's not the little one who is lazy. It's really that Mrs. Fang is blocking the little one. What a test!"

"What? Madam Fang stopped you from letting you test? What is going on? Why didn't you come to tell me before?" Su Mang shouted.

Then he shrank his neck and said innocently: "The youngest person will be waiting in Fang's house today. According to your instructions, you will have an autopsy on the deceased. Mrs. Fang just promised well, but after you left, she suddenly rushed. Coming in, lying on the deceased, just not letting me move, saying that Master Fang was wronged for death. He was stabbed before death, and now he is going to use the knife again, saying that after the deceased died, there will be no peace!"

Su Mang frowned: "You can't check it, why don't you report to me in time? Do you know that if the corpse is not inserted early, the information on the corpse will disappear, and it will be more difficult to find out who is the real culprit."

He made a look of helplessness: "My lord, it's not a small shirk, it's Mrs. Fang, she, she, small, really, don't know how to start!"

A second-ranked lady who was sitting next to the corpse all day long and crying, how did he start this!

Su Mang frowned with his helpless and innocent look.

If Mrs. Fang insisted on refusing to do an autopsy, then they would not be able to do an autopsy. However, without an autopsy, they would not know the real cause of death of Lord Fang, and then Shen Wenjun was a thorough investigation of the murderer.

Su Mang felt that he still had to go to Fang Mansion.

Su Mang took two people. When he arrived at the gate of Fang's mansion, he saw white lanterns hanging high above the gate of Fang's mansion. The inside and outside of the mansion were covered with white silk, and everything was solemn.

Sounds of mourning and crying came one after another. When Su Mang came to the mourning hall, he saw Huang Ruyi kneeling in front of the mourning hall in coarse linen. She was the only one kneeling in the mourning hall, and the rest were not.

Fang Zhengxing has three daughters in total. The eldest daughter has already entered the palace and became a noble person. I heard that they are already on the way. The other two women have not yet come out of the cabinet, but it is strange why they have not been seen.

He still has a concubine, and he hasn't seen it now, which makes people feel strange.

"Master, your death is terrible, sir, how long will it take to marry and enter the door, you will let go, what do you want me to do? Oh, sir, your death is terrible!" Huang Ruyes Very sad, the maid next to her, heard that she was called Songqin, also knelt aside, threw paper money into the brazier, and cried as she threw it away: "Master, you went all the way well. It was Shen Wenjun who killed you. You are in Huangquan, and you must also seek revenge from Shen Wenjun!"

Su Mang felt a little strange upon hearing this.

It was the maids and the little servants who saw Shen Wenjun killing people.

Someone said something to Mrs. Fang in the past, only to see Huang Ru wiping away his tears quickly, and then looking outside, he saw Lord Su Mang coming, his face pale, sad and painful, he was obviously already crying. Day.

Songqin knew that his wife was going to meet the guests, so he threw the paper money into the brazier, and randomly dropped a stack of paper money into the brazier, where she could see the respect of her counterpart, on the contrary, she seemed a little absent-minded and ignorant. .

Song Qin clapped her hands and hurriedly reached out to help Huang Ruye. I don’t know if she has been kneeling for a long time, her legs are a little sore, and she accidentally crooked when she got up. Song Qin hurried to help her with a worried look on her face. : "Madam, be careful!"

Huang Rushi leaned half of his body on Songqin's shoulder and walked towards Su Mang step by step.

Su Mang bowed to her, and he had seen it.

His face was full of distress and distress.

Huang Ru is a weak Liu Fufeng Fufu body, said dumbly: "Master Su."

Su Mang glanced at Huang Ruye, and saw the tears that she had stopped streaming down again.

The one who is really crying is called a pear flower with rain, and it is already beautiful, but now that it is crying, it makes me feel pitiful, but any man who sees it can't afford this hand.

Huang Ru was crying miserably, and Su Mang frowned.

She cried and said: "I just got married in less than a year, and something like this happened. How can this make me live? The Fang family has no heirs. If you come to me, you will be extinct. I'm sorry master, sorry master Ah! Master Ou, wait for me, if you let you be buried in a splendid manner, then go down to accompany you!"

Crying and yelling, the person on the side was embarrassed: "My lord, look at this little one."

It's really embarrassing!

Huang Ru almost fainted from crying, and Songqin stared at her with good eyes, for fear of her having any problems: "Madam, madam, don't cry, let your grief change smoothly! Be careful that your body is broken by crying"

"Oh oh oh oh oh" Huang Ru directly cried and fainted, Songqin hurriedly shouted: "Come here, come here, Madam fainted, Madam fainted."

Then I saw many maids rushing out of the mourning hall, hurriedly sending Huang Ruye back to the room.

She didn't say anything and agreed, who would dare to square the corpse without authorization?

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