The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2343: Cold-blooded

Where do I know, Fang Peiya said coldly after a brief period of anger: "If my mother is unclear, my daughter will do the same. As long as the murderer can be found, I believe, even if it is My mother knows, she will definitely not blame me!"

Huang Ru was speechless for a while, only staring at Fang Peiya fiercely, and Fang Peiya also looked at her steadily, her expression gloomy.

Fang Peiya knew that if she breathed a sigh of relief, Huang Ru would even insist on not allowing an autopsy. Shen Wenjun was the culprit.

But now, Huang Ru insisted that Fang Zhengxing was killed by Shen Wenjun, and he did not agree with the autopsy. The two compartments were stuck together, and Huang Ru always held the coffin for an autopsy.

"If you want an autopsy, you can do it. I can't keep the body of the master. I'm still a second-grade wife. Let's go to the palace to find the queen mother and the emperor to judge. You are the soldiers of the five cities. These people, the murderers are still at large, you don't want to catch them, but instead to bully a dead person and a weak female class, you are good, good!"

Huang Ruyi screamed sternly, with bright red eyes, as if to fight to death: "I will put the words here today. If anyone touches the body of my master, he will collapse on my body first!"

Huang Ru was full of indignation and excitement. He fainted after crying a few words like before. With such fierce words and extremely excited appearance, he was in good health and very good!

She did not agree to the post-mortem, and now even Fang Peiya was at a loss. She frowned and looked at Huang Ruye excitedly, but didn't know what to do!

Su Mang knew that if he stayed any longer, he couldn't see the body, so he could only say goodbye.

"Ya nobleman, Mrs. Fang, Mrs. Huang, I will leave first!" Su Mang led the people and had no choice but to leave.

Suddenly, the stalemate that had just subsided quickly subsided, and Huang Ru breathed a sigh of relief when he saw 50% of the soldiers leaving.

Fang Peiya gave Huang Ruye a fierce look and found that Huang Ruye had been staring at herself vigilantly. Fang Peiya didn't look at her, and knelt down again, burning a lot of paper money, but from beginning to end, no tears flowed.

Huang Ruyi looked at him with a sneer and said: "Sure enough, he is cold-blooded and cold-hearted. He doesn't cry even when he is dead. What is the use of your father's raising you for so many years, or a nobleman, so unkind and unfilial. Clicked?"

Fang Peiya knelt on the ground and sneered: "That must be better than you!"

Huang Ru is short of breath: "You"

Pointing at Fang Peiya to swear, Mrs. Huang grabbed her and gave her a sideways glance: "You are the second-rate madam, quarreling with your stepdaughter. If this is passed out, you will lose your face! You can't tolerate people!"

"But mother" Huang Ru was anxious, pointed at Fang Peiya and cursed: "She said that I am inferior to her!"

Mrs. Huang smiled: "What are you talking about? People are the nobles in the palace, they must be the masters! But, don't devalue yourself, you are the second-rate madam, you are the main house of the Fang Mansion. Madam! No matter how old the mother is, she is still your daughter, and she will call you mother when she comes back!" Fang Peiya laughed when she heard this.

This old lady Huang's mouth is so powerful, degrading without dirty words, really **** is still hot!

What about the nobles?

It's just the most unbelievable slave, who is rare!

Even if it is really furious in the future, it is also the daughter of Fang's family and Huang Ruye's daughter. When returning to her natal family, she still has to bow her respectfully and call her mother!

Huang Ruye's nasty breath reluctantly swallowed it back. Fang Peiya saw that Huang Ruye was not fooled, and after kowtow, she returned to her courtyard.

When Xiaoyue helped her change clothes, she was still a little frightened: "I didn't expect Madam to be so powerful. You didn't look at her like that. It seems that whoever moves the body of the master, she is going to fight hard. Tsk tsk, I did not expect Madam to love so much. Master, even the corpse of the master does not let anyone move a strand of hair."

Hearing Xiaoyue's remarks, Fang Peiya sneered: "Do you think so?"

Xiaoyue was a little puzzled: "Niangniang, don't you mean it?"

"Huh, how long did she marry in, so she likes my father so much? She was originally going to marry the emperor, but she didn't expect to stay at home as an old girl. She could only marry my father. Moreover, she was pregnant before marriage. Knot, do you think she will love my father?" Fang Peiya sneered.

Xiaoyue was a little puzzled: "But, why did she do that? Wouldn't it be good to find a murderer for the master as soon as possible?"

"She just wanted to strictly press Shen Wenjun's charge of murder. The more impulsive she is, the more I doubt that Daddy's death is not that simple!" Fang Peiya sighed softly.

When "Niang Niang" Xiaoyue heard, it was not easy for the master to die, and she was completely embarrassed: "Is the master really killed by someone?"

"If it was really killed, Huang Ru would not be so resistant to the inspection of his father's body, but if you look at her behavior just now, it is obvious that he was afraid that others would inspect his father's body. Generally speaking, what kind of injuries were on the body. Whether it is fatal or not, as long as you do a check, it will be clear. But she stopped it, which is incredible!"

Xiaoyue then understood and nodded and said, "That’s the case, no wonder she was stopping. Tsk, Niangniang, you say, do you want to tell her about the secret knot of her pre-marital pearls, so that she will stop pointing to Master Shen. Now, maybe it’s dark, are you wrong?"

Fang Peiya looked at the maidservant and smiled silently: "Say you are smart, you are smart, but sometimes you always say silly things. She lost her virginity before marriage, except you know that I know, she knows, Who else knows?"

Xiaoyue has the final say, even Fang Zhengxing is dead, and no one else really knows now: "But you know the mother, I know too!"

"What is the use of the two of us? She will say that we wronged her!" Fang Peiya sighed and said, "Since she has reached this situation, do you think she is not prepared for you and I will come to prove her? I can't mention it anymore. If it is mentioned, it will become evidence that they bite us back!"

Everyone who knew was dead, besides them, there was Ji Chang.

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