The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2362: The emperor is out of the palace

He wore a black robe embroidered with white patterns, covered with a white row of ears, his waist was tied with a black girdle embroidered with white patterns, and a piece of precious jade jade pendant was hung on his head. Came over with his hands on his back.

Smile but not smile, but anger but not anger.

Looking directly at the mourning hall, he stepped forward, his boots walked on the bluestone bricks, and there was almost no sound, but his steps still walked into Huang Ruye's heart again and again, completely disturbing her heart. .

Huang Ru was dumbfounded, and stared at him straightforwardly.

This is the man she has dreamed of for several years, this is the man she has always dreamed of marrying him!

Actually, let her see again.

I don’t know if it’s grievance or other factors. When Huang Ru saw Shu Tianci, he stared at him without blinking. His eyes were full of love, grievance, and pity. He stared at him blankly. , That stretched body seemed to be out of control, so he would gallop over in the next step and rush directly into Shu Tianci's arms.

Seeing the incoming person, Fang Peiya and Su Mang knelt down first: "The Emperor"

emperor? Why is the emperor here?

The people at the head of the house were stunned.

Mrs. Huang also knelt down: "See the emperor for the old body"

Really the emperor?

Where did the servants of the Fang Mansion have seen the emperor, and heard that the emperor had come up for a while, wherever he dared to stand, his mouth closed in surprise, and he knelt down with a plop.

Huang Ru was shocked and couldn't recover for a long while, but Songqin pulled her sleeves on the side, and she knelt down, her tone full of grievance and excitement: "The emperor"

Shu Tianci had already noticed Youdao watching him with enthusiasm, and when he approached him, after seeing Huang Ruye's eyes, something flashed away in his eyes, like hatred, like disgust. .

However, Huang Ru just looked at the man who made her dream, where he noticed the disgust and disgust in his eyes.

Wu pressed down on a room of people. Shu Tianci didn't look at anyone. He stepped forward and helped Fang Peiya up. Then he looked at the others in the room and stretched out his hand and said, "Flat!"

Huang Ruyi stood up with Songqin’s support, and saw Fang Peiya standing beside the emperor. The emperor seemed to be talking to her. The two were close to each other. The pair of jade-like biren, Huang Ru is looking forward to tearing Fang Peiya.

Why, this fat man, even if she has become thinner, there is no half of her appearance, but she is three or four years younger than herself, and she is so blessed that she has entered the palace. what!

Huang Ruhe became more and more angry, his hands clenched into fists tightly, and the grievance and hostility all over his body seemed to be gushing out.

When Mrs. Huang saw the emperor coming, she immediately looked at Huang Ruye subconsciously, and when she saw her looking at Shu Tianci without blinking her eyes, her heart shook.

Oh my god, what are you really afraid of?

Mrs. Huang moved, and moved to Huang Ruye's side invisibly, and reminded: "If the emperor comes, please sit down and pour the tea!" Huang Ru is only now recovering from Zheng Leng and infatuation. She knows that she has lost her temper, and after a busy time, she shouted: "Go to tea, use the best Biluochun!"

Huang Ru knew what Shu Tianci likes most to eat and what tea he likes most.

Originally, she was also going to enter the palace as a concubine to serve him. After she learned so many things, why was it useless at all?

Huang Ruyi felt pain, hatred and angry in her heart, and in a very bad mood, she told Songqin to go on busy.

She really didn't dare to fake the tea for the emperor.

Shu Tianci waved his hand and said, "I am not here to drink tea when I go out of the palace. I am here to burn some paper money and incense for Master Fang!"

Mrs. Huang was flattered, it proved that her uncle was one-on-one in the emperor's heart, and she was a little excited at the moment, hurriedly shouting: "Hurry up, get ready!"

what to prepare?

People want to be busy, but they don’t know how to be busy.

The spirit flags and paper money in the mourning hall were all burned out, and the incense was burned. Where else can I pay homage?

This doesn't count, the corpse is burnt to ashes, can't let the emperor pay homage to a few bones?

The people didn't dare to stay here anymore, they went down to prepare, and all the spare spirit flags, paper money and incense were brought over.

After hearing this, Su Mang and Fang Peiya frowned, and Shu Tianci inspected themselves, and looked at the furnishings in the entire mourning hall. It was misty, as if they had just experienced the baptism of fire.

He couldn't help but frowned: "What's the matter?"

The coffin board opened, and there was a smell of burnt inside from time to time, could it be

Shu Tianci hurriedly stepped forward two steps, and Su Mang stood in front of him: "The emperor, people are already burned out, you still don't want to watch!"

"It's burned out?" Shu Tianci frowned and asked, "How can I burn the body so well? Who did it?"

As soon as Su Mang wanted to say that there was no exact murderer, he heard Huang Ruyi's hysterical cry: "The emperor, you have to call the shots! Master, his death is so miserable!"

If yes?

They are all married. They don't claim to be ministers' wives, but they claim to be by their own fame. This Huang is really thick-skinned.

Fang Peiya thought about it this way. She looked at Mrs. Huang and saw that Mrs. Huang's face was as ugly as she was eating shit.

Huang Ruye had lost his temper just now, and now he shouted such words as if he hadn't passed through his own brain, and he really lost the face of the Huang family.

Shu Tianci pretended not to care, and asked: "Mrs. Fang, what's wrong with you, just say it!"

Huang Ruye was a little bit reluctant and resisted to this sound of Madam Fang. However, the emperor was right. She was indeed Madam Fang. She had to put away the reply. This time she finally learned to behave. The wife’s husband was wronged when she died. She was stabbed to death with a dagger by Shen Wenjun, the young boss of Jinxiu Cloth Village. Now, after death, even the corpse will be destroyed. The emperor is her."

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