The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2365: Someone is back

Shu Tianci took a sip, the aroma was rich, and it was really good tea.

He nodded in satisfaction and praised: "I didn't expect Madam Fang to make tea so well!"

Huang Ru was extremely shy, and his voice became more and more feminine: "The emperor is utterly praised. The minister's wife used to study under Master Wen Yan!"

"It turns out to be Master Wen Yan's apprentice, it's really good!" Shu Tianci smiled, putting the tea aside, and said with some regret: "Master Fang is a politically mature man. Unfortunately, I lost such an important minister of the arm. , I am deeply sorry!"

Huang Ruhe listened, tears slid down his cheeks, and his voice dripped like a valley Huangying: "The emperor"

Fang Peiya sneered when she saw Huang Ru's pretentious appearance.

But Shu Tianci felt unusually disgusted, and his face suddenly changed: "If it's okay, Madam Fang will go back and rest. When the news comes out from Master Su, he will naturally give Madam justice!"

When he came up with the term Huang Ying, a sense of powerlessness swept over him deeply. For some reason, he felt that the voice of the person in front of him was extremely unpleasant, extremely difficult to hear!

Huang Rushi was choked in her heart so much, she wanted to say something, but seeing the emperor's gloomy face, she had no choice but to retire.

When I left, the aggrieved and feminine look made people look at me with pity.

Just now, there are obviously a lot of things to say to myself, how can I change it?

Without Huang, Shu Tianci felt better now.

Empty Valley Oriole?

Hehe, she is not afraid of insulting these words.

When Xiao Shuang came to report the information, Fang Peiya's face was suddenly overjoyed. She knelt on the ground with a plop: "The emperor, the concubine has something to report!"

Fang Lanxin and Fang Zhuyun are back!

Huang Ru had just arrived in the house, and when she heard the news, she almost couldn't breathe.

"What are you talking about? Who's here?" Huang Ruye's eyes widened. If his eyes could kill people, the boy in front of him would have been riddled with holes.

The young man felt cold all over, and hurriedly knelt down and said, "The minions can see very clearly, very clearly that it is the second lady and the third lady who are back. They are afraid they are already in the mourning hall!"

"Who asked you to let them in!" Huang Ru angrily stepped forward and kicked the little boy's shoulder blade, grinning in pain, "Useless things, roll, roll, roll!"

"What the **** is going on? What's the matter?" Mrs. Huang came out, seeing Huang Ru's hysterical look, and hurriedly asked: "What's the matter? What's the matter? What is it like? Don’t forget. Now, you are my wife! The emperor is still in the mansion, you must be careful in your words and deeds!" Huang Rushi almost collapsed: "Fang Lanxin and Fang Zhuyun are back!"

Fang Lanxin and Fang Zhuyun, who were ruined by Xianggu and sent to Shuiyue'an as nuns by Huang Rushi, returned.

"They came back, their father is dead, shouldn't they come back?" Mrs. Huang frowned and said, "They should make a fuss if they don't come back!"

Huang Ruyi smiled bitterly and wanted to explain something, but at this moment, Song Qin reminded: "Madam, you go to the mourning hall, they are afraid they are already there! Let's hurry up!"

Before the emperor heard the movement, he quickly locked up these two people, so that the emperor couldn't let the emperor know these two people. If she knew, her extravagant hope of entering the palace would be shattered.

She didn't explain to Mrs. Huang, she rushed out of the room, and Song Qin followed closely behind her, as if she was facing an enemy.

Mrs. Huang wondered: "What's wrong? My daughter came back for funeral. What's wrong with this? Why are they all the same?"

However, she is afraid that Huang will suffer. This daughter is too arrogant and arrogant. She is afraid that she will suffer.

So, he followed closely to the mourning hall.

When we arrived at the mourning hall, there was the cry of the girl, and Songqin's verbal abuse: "Two young ladies, didn't the madam let you die in Shuiyue'an all your life? What are you doing back for? Do such shameless things? , You still have the face to come back?"

Fang Lanxin and Fang Zhuyun cried sobbingly. When they saw them, they saw them wearing all-in-one nun clothes. The gray nun clothes were all over them, and their thin bodies couldn't cover them, and they looked increasingly thin.

Their hair has been shaved, and Xu Shi Shuiyue's food is not good, they have lost a lot of weight, and they are desolate. It seems that life in Shuiyue'an is not easy!

Seeing Huang Ruye, their eyes burst out like flames of hatred, and looked straight at Huang Ruye, wishing to cut her a thousand times.

But when they think of someone's request, they still respectfully salute: "Mother"

Huang Ru saw that they didn't quarrel with him, nor did they quarrel with him, so he was so quiet and cowering, and the tension in his heart suddenly disappeared a lot.

She coughed twice and asked: "Why are you back? Didn't you let you not come back?" Fang Lanxin and Fang Zhuyun looked at Huang Ruye's questioning, then looked at the coffin, wowly I cried, and knelt on the ground with a plop: "Mother, we just come back to see our father for a ride. We will leave when the delivery is over, and we will go back!"

Huang Ru eased his mind and said fiercely: "Okay, since it's all over, you can go back, I'll let you go!"

After finishing speaking, she must call someone to send two people away. Fang Peiya walked in at this time and saw Fang Lanxin and Fang Zhuyun, her eyes were suddenly red: "Two sisters, don't come here without problems!"

Huang Ruye heard Fang Peiya's voice, looked behind her in horror, and then looked around. He didn't see Shu Tianci's figure. Then he let out a long sigh of relief and felt that he was unreasonably worried.

How could the emperor take care of the private affairs of his courtiers? She was too worried and wanted to enter the palace too much!

When Fang Lanxin and Fang Zhuyun saw Fang Peiya, they also shed tears in excitement: "Sister"

Huang Ru saw the scene where they met, and couldn't help but snorted: "Why, now it's the sisters' affection? You used to be pinching you to death and life!"

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