The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2379: Another dream

Now that I see that the food in front of me is my favorite, and my stomach is really hungry, how can I not eat it?

Therefore, she never noticed why she looked up and saw all her favorite dishes.

Anan on the side saw her eating happily, and there was a smile in the corner of her eyes that could almost drown. Gu Xiaowan never noticed, but Zuo saw it and was shocked in his heart.

How could she be unfamiliar with Anan's eyes? Every time the master saw the girl's eyes, they were exactly the same.

After dinner, the Shen family is about to leave.

Qingyuan is a low-quality female stream. Shen Wenjun suggested that Anan go to him. Anan smiled: "You are welcome, although I am not from the capital, I have already bought a house in the capital. If you have anything to do, you can Find me there!"

Shen Wenjun was a little excited: "Dare to ask where Big Brother Nan lives?"

Anan smiled, "It's also a coincidence that I rented the house behind Qingyuan-Nanyuan."

When he was speaking, Gu Xiaowan didn't know whether she was too sensitive recently, or she was a little nervous because of Gu Xiaoyi's affairs. She always felt that when Anan said these things, he seemed to be talking to her on purpose.

South Park?

Before Gu Xiaowan could think deeply, she heard Anan say: "If the princess is free, go to the humble house and sit there. There will be a little tea in the lower part. If the princess doesn't dislike it, you can taste tea together!"

Gu Xiaowan nodded, she will definitely go, and thank him too! It's just that the feeling on this person makes people feel weird, as if they have seen it somewhere, but they don't remember anything.

She said: "Thank you Nan Gongzi for inviting me, Xiao Wan must be there!"

Anan smiled, the smiles at the corners of his mouth and eyes made people think, and then separated from the others, and walked away.

He is tall, tall and straight. He is dressed in white, blowing a corner of his robe in the wind. His hair is very long, black, and black like ink. He only uses a white jade crown to crown his hair. Half of the time I lived, the other half was casually draped behind his head. The ink-black hair blew in the wind, followed by the white clothes glued to one place, black and white.

He walked quickly and lightly. Gu Xiaowan felt that the white clothes were like snow before, but he couldn't remember anything for a while.

After sending away the Shen family, she took Gu Xiaoyi back to reprimand and reminded her a few words, then let her go back to rest. Gu Xiaowan fell asleep, changed her clothes, and lay down to rest.

She seemed to have slept for a long time this time. Maybe she hadn't rested for the past two days. She was tired and dreamed a lot. She seemed to dream of a little girl who likes to wear white clothes. At that age, she should be very young. She is afraid of being a teenager. She is dressed in white and has a strong appearance. She runs and plays around, but she is only in the mountains. She was born in a dense forest, a small stream and waterfall, and she seemed to be born in that mountain forest. She had never seen her out of that mountain.

The beautiful and picturesque environment, who is willing to go?

Gu Xiaowan saw the little girl in her dream. She was carefree every day, but she was always alone. Until one day, she ran into a boy who was also dressed in white at a place where she often played.

The boy was obviously older than her and was already a head higher than her. He looked back at the little girl behind him with a bit of shock, but he quickly showed a smile."Whose little girl is this, why did you come to this deep mountain forest? Hurry up with your parents, be careful that there are tigers in the forest, they will eat you!" The white boy Scare the little girl.

Where did you know that the little girl was not afraid at all. She even took two steps forward, swearing domineeringly: "Who are you? This is my place. Why do you come to my place?"

"Did your name be written in your place?" The boy laughed when he saw that the little girl was not only afraid of tigers, but on the contrary, she looked like a tigress with her teeth and claws.

After all, the little girl was young, and seeing him smile, she thought he didn't put himself in the eyes, and said with anger, "What are you laughing at?"

"I didn't laugh, I just thought you were so cute!" The little boy stretched out his hand, trying to touch her head. Where did I know, the little girl jumped away in a hurry, and the boy's hand froze in the air, only to hear The little girl said earnestly: "My uncle said, men and women are not married, don't touch my head."

Seeing the little girl's serious look, the boy in white smiled happily. Gu Xiaowan could feel his laughter in her dream, and she couldn't help laughing too.

Then I heard the boy stretch out a hand and said with a smile: "Little girl, what is your name?"

The little girl in white stomped her feet, her powder cheeks on her face: "Why should I tell you my name."

Then he slipped into the dense forest and disappeared.

The boy in white was going to chase him. He saw that the little girl was familiar with the road, and knew that she should be a villager living nearby, so he didn’t chase, but found a piece of pure white where the little girl had just stood. Kerchief.

A word was embroidered on the veil, crooked, like a dog crawling, but the boy in white still read it out softly.

"Wan" the boy in white said softly, and then he suddenly put his hands on his mouth and shouted: "My name is Anan"

The dense forest is large and endless.

Green hills and green waters will last forever.

The boy in white yelled loudly and stunned the birds that perched in the dense forest. Countless birds rose into the air, making a flapping sound of wings, resounding across the sky.

Gu Xiaowan's brain exploded, and she sat up straight, her face extremely ugly.

Anan, she finally knows why this name is so familiar.

No wonder!

It turned out that this name had appeared in her dreams.

More than once, one after another, let her wake up from her dream again and again.

It is a dream, but it is like personal experience.

Zuo also rested aside. Hearing the movement, he hurriedly opened his eyes, and saw the girl's face was very ugly, she was sitting upright, with fine beads of sweat on her forehead, it seemed like she had done it again. Woke up from a nightmare.

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