The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2386: Name problem

Seeing that Qinghe, no matter what, his brows opened instantly, and he smiled and said, "Are you here?"

Just now Gu Xiaowan and the others didn't go in, and they didn't dare to disturb him when they were painting. Now they saw him put down the pen, they came over: "Nan Gongzi"

Anan leaned on the door and window and jumped out.

Gu Xiaowan frowned when she saw it.

I've seen someone who didn't go through the door, but jumped out through the window, but this person did it, and he did it in an unusually unrestrained manner.

As if, this way, he is real.

Gu Xiaowan didn't know that she had such a thought, so she shook her head and threw it away.

"You don't need to call me Nan Gongzi, just call me by name!" Anan said with a smile.

The smile on his face is like the spring breeze in March, softly blowing into his heart, warm.

Shen Wenjun smiled and said: "How can you directly call Eun Gong's name? If Eun Gong doesn't mind, let's call Eun Gong, Nan Ge!"

Anan's heart suddenly seemed to have been gouged by someone.

The past is vivid in my eyes, as if someone opened the box of memories, the past is like a wave, rushing toward him.

He still remembered that when he met Awan not long ago, Awan only told him to feed.

Anan really didn't want to listen. He was not a cat or puppy, and he didn't even have a name, so he told her, "My name is Anan, Anan, you call me Anan."

"No, I'm not familiar with you!" The little girl looked at Anan, who was sitting one meter away from her, and refused seriously.

"Then what are you calling? I have a name. If you don't call my name again, I will be angry!" Anan also pretended to be angry and said.

Neither of them spoke, they were thinking hard about what to shout.

"How about this, I'm older than you, you call me Nan brother?" Anan said.

"Brother Nan? It's terrible, no way, no way." Awan refused again.

"Then what are you going to call me?"

"Why don't I call you to hello? It's so good that you don't have to be afraid of forgetting, how great!" A Wanqiao smiled.

Anan was about to collapse.

Talking about it, after talking for so long, he still only got a word of hello.

Fortunately, she changed her mind later and called Anan for more than ten years.

He also told him that no one is allowed to call you Nan Ge in the future, you are just like how old you are! I'm not much younger than you. If people call you Nange, isn't that calling me Wanjie? I don't want to, call me old.

As she said, people are not allowed to call his brother Nan, because he looks so old.

Anan refused, his face was plain and light, but he insisted unquestionably: "You should call me Nan Gongzi!"

If she doesn't like it, he will do it without compromise.

Shen Wenjun:

Gu Xiaoyi:

Gu Xiaowan glanced at him earnestly. He was absent for a moment, perhaps because of that absent-mindedness. He thought of some painful past, or that Nan Ge's name was exclusive to others.

She didn't want to spy on people's privacy, and said: "If you don't, call Nan Gongzi, Nan Gongzi is not much bigger than us!"

Anan glanced at her, then nodded in agreement: "Also!"

Anan led everyone into his study. There was a low table in the study. On the low table was a set of tools for making tea. The tea bowl seemed to be old, and there were one or two of them. The edges are cracked.

But it was still white, and the white ceramics in the bowl were as clear as white jade pearls.

Anan took the main seat and asked them to sit down.

Gu Xiaowan was sitting on his right hand, and Shen Wenjun and Gu Xiaoyi were sitting opposite him.

Anan started to boil water and make tea. He didn't talk any more since he boiled water. A pair of slender and white hands scooped, boiled, washed, made, and poured tea. He did every step very seriously. Steps like this went deep into his heart.

Gu Xiaowan watched him pouring tea quietly, then placed a cup of tea in front of her eyes, and stretched out her hand to whisper, "Drink tea!"

Then two more cups were poured and placed in front of Gu Xiaoyi and Shen Wenjun.

"Taste" Anan raised his hand and said with a smile.

Gu Xiaowan picked up the cup, the hot cup body, and the clear tea soup. Instead of drinking it, she put it on the tip of her nose and sniffed it gently.

The smell is sweet and fragrant, the color is clear and transparent, and the mouth is soft and fragrant. It really is a good tea.

Anan Xu was paying attention to Gu Xiaowan. He smelled the smell before seeing her drinking tea, and asked: "The princess is also a tea lover."

Gu Xiaowan drank all the tea in the cup, and said with a smile: "I have nothing to do, and I also make tea at home."

Anan was very curious: "Oh, next time, can I go to the princess's mansion for tea?"

Gu Xiaowan originally didn't want to agree, but after all, they saved Gu Xiaoyi's life. Anyway, if he wants to go, he will definitely not be alone.

He replied: "If Nan Gongzi wants to drink, of course it can! Next time Xiao Wan will cook tea for Nan Gongzi."

"Well, I will taste how the princess makes tea!" Anan smiled, poured another cup of tea, and put it on the tip of his nose and sniffed.

Shen Wenjun is also a tea lover, and immediately said: "This tea has a delicate and pure taste, and the tea soup is transparent and clear. It really is a good tea of ​​the first class."

Anan smiled and said: "What kind of good tea, but I picked the buds and leaves myself and cooked them myself."

Gu Xiaowan couldn't help but glanced at Anan more. The tea leaves are all sprout tips, and I have heard that when the sprout tips are picked, the sprout tips with dew drops are the best, and it should be within half an hour after harvesting. The frying process was completed and everything was done by himself. Unexpectedly, this person loved tea to the point of picking tea by himself.

Shen Wenjun was also curious: "Unexpectedly, Nan Gongzi would also have such a hobby. Tea making requires heat. Too much tea will be old, and too little will be astringent. This tea has no bitterness at all, and the bud tip is soaked in boiling water. Turquoise, like just picked from the tea tree, it is amazing!"

Anan poured another glass and said, "It's not as mysterious as you said, I just do more, so practice makes perfect."

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