The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2388: Her mark

Seeing Anan looking at her, her eyes were as vast as stars, like the blue sea and clear sky, as if deep as if they could **** you into his world.


All three were stunned.

How to find this.

But this person has been searching for ten years.

I saw that he was not talking anymore, but drinking tea alone. His actions when drinking tea were very elegant, but there was a little loneliness in the elegance.

He just sat there quietly, without seeing the sadness, joy, and sorrow, but it seemed to exude a fascinating loneliness, lonely like a welcoming pine standing upright on the edge of a cliff after wind and rain.

Although persevering, but lonely and lonely.

For thousands of years, endlessly dying.

Gu Xiaowan was not prepared to have this thought. A deep sense of powerlessness and distress was like a vine spreading from her heart to her limbs.

Gu Xiaowan only felt that this feeling was too dangerous, so she hurriedly threw away these thoughts, and she suddenly said: "Then I hope you find her soon!"

The man then raised his eyes and glanced at Gu Xiaowan. The gentleness in his eyes was like the sea. Just looking at it, it seemed that he could see into Gu Xiaowan's heart.

Her heart was violently shaken, and she stood up with a squeak, utterly lost.

Gu Xiaoyi looked at her suspiciously: "Sister, what's the matter with you?"

Gu Xiaowan suppressed the gaffe in her heart, tried her best to resist it, and said indifferently: "Mr. Nan, we have been harassing for a long time, and we are leaving."

Anan didn't move. He gave a hum, didn't get up, and didn't give away.

It seems that they just left.

Gu Xiaowan and the others didn't say anything. They left the study, and Xiao Nian, who had been waiting outside, sent them out.

Shen Wenjun asked the child: "Who is your master looking for? Have you seen it?"

If the child has any news, then he can help find someone.

Xiaonian shook his head: "I haven't seen it."

That's right, Nan Gongzi said that he had been looking for ten years, and the child looked like he was only ten years old. How old he was at that time, how could he have seen it!

When Gu Xiaowan left, she felt a pair of fiery eyes staring at her behind her. Always stay on my body and never move away.

She frowned and her footsteps were a little vain. When Zuo saw this, he hurriedly helped her and said, "Girl, what's wrong with you?"

Gu Xiaowan shook her head: "It's okay, it may just be a numb leg, let's go!"

It wasn't until the door was closed that the hot eyes dissipated.

Xiao Nian turned around and saw Master standing in front of the window sill, and rushed over: "Master, they are gone."

Anan nodded, turned around and went to the desk again. Although the painting on the desk looked finished, it still had the most important step.

The woman in the painting has no face.

He finished drawing her figure, but didn't know how to draw that face.

What if you make a mistake?

He could not bear it anymore.

He finally rolled the finished painting into a ball, and carefully put it into the large tank aside. There are already quite a few scrolls there.

Anan bent over, looking at so many scrolls, he took out a pair, opened it, and she was also a slim and graceful woman. She was slightly small, but it was a pity that she had no face.

He looked a little irritated, rolled the scroll at random, and threw it back into the tank. Then, he grabbed his head and sat down at the desk, looking so painful, Xiao Nian Ji wanted to cry.

He bit his lip fiercely, didn't let himself cry or disturb the master, just watched him silently endure the painful pain and despair.

"Awan Awan, where are you, where are you?"

A broken and whispering voice came out of his mouth. His voice was full of enchanting poison, which made people listen to it once and despair once. Although it was painful, it couldn't help it.

Seeing the pain of the master, Xiaonian couldn't help it anymore, and ran outside and suddenly brought him a picture scroll: "Master, this is a painting by the master, you can take a look!"

The painting spread out in front of Anan, I saw that the woman in front of me was as beautiful as a painting, with a sweet smile, with crooked eyebrows, like stars and crescents, and it seemed that the beauty was not in the world.

Anan couldn't help feeling it, and Xiaonian said in a choked voice, "Master, you have suspected her a long time ago, right?"

That elder sister, although she has only a slight resemblance to her Madam, but those eyes, lifted up slightly, a single glance can deprive the soul of a person.

Although not exactly the same as Shi Niang's eyes, there was a faint shadow of Shi Niang.

Anan didn't speak, but stared at the painted portrait, suddenly, as if thinking of something, he suddenly stood up.

The hopeless eyes were stained with hope.

"I'm going to find the old bald donkey."

They were right, whether there were any recognizable marks on her body.

How can there be a mark? Her body was soft, smooth and white, like flawless silk, without a trace of damage.

However, she has other marks.

Although, he was not sure that she must have that kind of mark, but if it is crooked, does she really have it? Has that proved more than half?

Just as Xiaonian wanted to say something, a dark shadow flashed in front of him, and the person had disappeared.

Master Huiyuan was meditating when he saw the door of the Buddhist room being pushed open vigorously. Being so rude and rude, he doesn't need to open his eyes. There is only one person in this world who can push his door like this.

"Are you here?" He greeted faintly, holding down the last Buddhist bead, and then slowly opened his eyes, and saw that Anan was already sitting opposite him, pouring tea familiarly.

With a touch of alienation and indifference on his face, Master Huiyuan didn't care about it at all and only took the tea he handed over.

"Su Ziyue is seriously ill, did you know that?" Anan asked.

Master Huiyuan nodded: "I'm dying, there is no cure for medicine and stone!"

"Is there really no medicine for medicinal stones?" Anan said hesitantly.

The cup in Master Huiyuan's hand suddenly trembled: "Do you want her to go?"

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