The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2395: Puzzled child

Aya nodded obediently: "Aya knows, grandpa, don't worry!"

After he finished speaking, he hesitated to say something, "Grandpa, do you really want to leave the Regret Mountain with her and go to the capital?"

Old Ghost nodded: "Yes."

"Then Aya can go with Grandpa?"

Grandpa is alone. For so many years, no one has ever accompanied him. Grandpa is getting old and running errands by himself is always better!

Gui Lao smiled and touched Aya's head and nodded: "OK, Aya will go with Grandpa."

When only the old man was left in the room, his always plain eyes suddenly burst into excitement, and his hands were almost shaking, but he wanted to cry.

Gu Xiaowan lay on the Babu bed and soon fell asleep.

She didn't know how long she slept before she woke up quietly.

It was already dark outside. Gu Xiaowan was really comfortable in this sleep. She didn't have a nightmare, and she didn't recognize the bed. It seemed that this place was just like the place she had lived in Qingyuan.

She got up, took the clothes from the shelf on the side, and put it on. When she lit the fire fold and lit the candle inside, she suddenly realized that she was here for the first time. No matter, how can you know where the fire fold is and where the candle is.

It's like, this place is something she is familiar with and can no longer be familiar with.

Gu Xiaowan felt strange, but after a glance, she became calm.

Xu is that she has always felt that she is in the courtyard of Qingyuan, after all, the furnishings here are almost exactly the same as the furnishings in her house in Qingyuan.

After the candle was lit in the room, Aya's voice came from outside: "Girl, you are up, go to eat?"

When Gu Xiaowan went out, she saw Aya waiting for herself with a lantern. Gu Xiaowan nodded: "Okay, please, please lead Aya to lead the way."

Aya led the way with a lantern in front of him, and went to a room with simple furnishings. Aya hung the lantern on the porter, and then led Gu Xiaowan in.

A round table was placed in the room, and a few round stools were placed under the round table. There were a few dishes on the table, with meat and vegetables. Gu Xiaowan looked a little hungry.

During these days, in order to come to the old man, they didn’t stop and didn’t dare to rest. Now people have found it. The tension and worries are gone at this moment. On the contrary, they are exhausted after they relax. Gu Xiaowan didn’t sit down, Aya, please She sat down: "Girl, sit down and eat."

"Aren't you waiting for the village chief?" Gu Xiaowan said. After all, this is someone else's home. There is no reason why the owner does not serve the table and the guests eat first. Aya smiled: "The girl doesn't have to wait for grandpa, I brought grandpa to his room to eat!"

Gu Xiaowan nodded, and Yiyan sat down. Start eating. She drank a bowl of soup first, and after drinking, she began to eat.

She was feasting, but suddenly she noticed a scorching gaze falling on her body. That gaze came from the opposite side, it was Aya.

Gu Xiaowan suddenly raised her head, and saw that Aya was too late to withdraw her sight and collided with her, and she was ashamed as if she had been caught by the current child.

The child's eyes cannot be faked, and she clearly saw the inquiry and doubt.

She glanced at Aya. He had already bowed his head to eat, and never looked up again. Gu Xiaowan knew that a stranger herself broke into someone else’s home, and it was still this dangerous place. It should be clear.

After she finished her meal, she went back to the room again.

She had been asleep for a lot of time in the afternoon, and she didn't want to sleep anymore, so she could only read in the house.

She had basically read all the books at the back of the shelf, and took a random one, which was regarded as passing the time.

As soon as I was sitting on the beauty couch of agarwood, I heard a screaming scream from outside. Gu Xiaowan stood up immediately and was about to rush outside.

I don’t know that when I first ran to the door, the old man came out, and followed Aya: "Girl, go back first, the people here, those who can come to the mountain of regret, are all suffering in this world. Everyone has their own thoughts and unspeakable concealment. Use the dark night to release your emotions. Don't be afraid!"

By the way, when I came back, I heard that the people here are the bitter people in this world. I finally got here and got rid of the disputes and pains of the outside world. However, the trauma left in my heart is not It can be cured in one or two days.

After that stern shout, there was a loud cry and laughter. Old Gui shook his head and took Aya back. Before leaving, he did not forget to remind Gu Xiaowan: "Girl, it's cold outside, go back and rest earlier."

Gu Xiaowan nodded: "I'm so tired of you!"

Those old but still shrewd eyes glanced around Gu Xiaowan's body, which made Gu Xiaowan extremely uncomfortable, but she could feel that the old man had no hostility towards him.

On the contrary, she could feel that this old man was always caring for herself.

After Gu Xiaowan returned to the room, she sat on the beauty couch again and read a book again. It took a long time for the crying and laughter outside to disappear. Then, there was the cry of sobbing. When she reached the back, she finally couldn't hear anything.

After turning a few pages, Gu Xiaowan felt that she was still a little tired. She lay back on the bed and looked at the familiar furnishings in the room. After all, she fell asleep deeply.

Aya and Gui Lao left the garden. Aya looked up at Grandpa many times, as if he was hesitant to say something. When Gui Lao saw that he wanted to ask himself a question, he didn’t say anything. He just walked forward and waited until the fork. They separated, and Aya had a word, circling in his stomach for a long time, after all, he didn't ask.

And Old Gui went straight back to his room, the scorching gaze behind him kept lingering behind him, he knew clearly, he also knew what the kid was asking, but the time was not ripe yet, and he didn't know how to answer.

Gu Xiaowan got up early the next morning, before dawn. I slept all night and took an afternoon. I was already full of sleep, and now I am refreshed.

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