The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2401: The grave was dug

Gu Xiaowan endured the shock and headed for the outskirts with the old ghost. It didn’t take much effort to find the new tomb, not because of its grandeur, but

The new tombstone was smashed to pieces, and the three characters Su Ziyue could be seen vaguely. The erected grave was dug up, and there were fresh mud turned up everywhere, and a brand-new coffin was also knocked to pieces and scattered all over the floor.

The grave was dug!

Seeing this scene, Gu Xiaowan always felt that a tomb robber had come to robber the tomb.

But when I searched again, I didn't find Su Ziyue's body. Moreover, in the scattered soil around, I found some things like Ganoderma lucidum, ginseng, and deer antler, which were smashed and trampled.

It can be seen vaguely that these things are top-grade, so why don't the tomb thief steal these things?

Is it because these things are insignificant, it is impossible!

Gu Xiaowan took things seriously and looked at them carefully. These things are very good things, and they are new tombs. These things must be valuable. Why not?

The most confusing thing is where is Su Ziyue's body?

This is a barren mountain, could it be taken away by a wild beast?

However, she quickly dispelled the idea.

No matter how the tomb thief robbed the tomb, it would be impossible for a tomb thief to smash the coffin like this, so that the deceased would not enter the soil for safety. Such an approach seemed to have a great hatred of Su Ziyue, but Su Ziyue was cautious and gentle. The gentleman Qianqian praised by everyone in the capital, he has never been evil with others, who is so cruel to smash his coffin like this.

Just as Gu Xiaowan guessed, Aya also made new discoveries.

Aya saw a lot of shredded paper, picked it up, and pieced it together a little bit. Gu Xiaowan leaned in to see it, and with a buzzing brain, she knew who did it!

Aya's pieced together is obviously a silver ticket, the silver ticket has been torn apart, it looks like the person who tore things seems to be angry. Gu Xiaowan knew the bank note, and it was she who asked Li Fan to return it to Su Zi.

Now, even the ginseng, Ganoderma lucidum, and deer antler I saw just now know the source.

Li Fan once said that he would return the bank note to Su Ziyue. At that time, he once told him to buy some good ginseng and Ganoderma lucidum to see Su Ziyue, and Li Fan agreed.

And these things can already be determined that they were all sent by Li Fan!

But why do these things appear here?

If the tomb thief is only for money, why would this thousand tael banknote be torn apart?

And why these things appeared next to the new tomb, there is only one possibility, when Su Ziyue was buried, these things were his funeral objects.

Thinking of this idea, Gu Xiaowan almost guessed who did it. However, she still feels strange that she loves him so much, how can she be willing!

Gu Xiaowan calculated Shu Min's love, but not her hatred.

A man thought about others when he was alive, and he wanted to be buried with him after he died. It was also the things that other people sent. Whose wife can be so generous.

"She is crazy!" Gu Xiaowan's hands trembled a little, and she took Gui Lao and Aya down the mountain.

Su Ziyue's body must have been taken away by Shu Min.

At this moment, a person came down from the mountain and saw them standing next to the new tomb. He asked, "You are here to pay homage? Hey, I don't know who is so cruel. People's graves are made like this! I finally got into the soil for peace, but I was dug out and thrown on the mountain at will. How can I do this? It's a crime!"

"Uncle, did you see who made it?" Gu Xiaowan asked hurriedly.

The uncle shook his head: "I don't know who did it, but I saw who dragged the body away!"

Gu Xiaowan's face suddenly became serious.

According to that person, Gu Xiaowan took Gui Lao back to the capital again. After searching for a long time, she finally saw the Su family in a ruined temple west of the city.

And Su Ziyue's body was placed in the courtyard of the ruined temple, with hay and firewood underneath him. Su Peian looked solemn and sad, holding a torch, and was about to burn Su Ziyue's body.

Madam Su and Su Qianyue stood by, crying almost back.

Just when Su Peian was about to light the hay, he only heard an anxious voice: "Master Su, no!"

The three of them turned their heads and saw a dusty person rushing in from outside.

Her complexion was a little dusty, but the three of them recognized that she was Princess Anping with her tall figure and beautiful face.

And the ones who followed Anping Princess were an old man and a child. The three of them looked solemn and walked in.

The torch in Su Peian's hand trembled, and then he stuck it on the wall and came over to salute: "Caomin pays respects to the princess!"

Gu Xiaowan didn't look at him, but looked at the body that had been placed in the middle, tears bursting into her eyes, and her voice muttered, "Why? Why not hold it for a few more days?"

When Mrs. Su and Su Qianyue heard this, they both cried sadly.

"My son, my mother, I'm sorry for you"

The doctor said that Su Ziyue died of depression, how could she not know what he was because of depression? Over the years, how many times he said that he did not like Princess Mingdu, did not like her, and he did not want to be with her. However, they always thought that this was the curiosity of the Mingdu Princess. After this period of time, let it go. Later, they thought that the Mingdu Princess was noble and unparalleled, and that they could marry the Su family.

But they never thought about how uncomfortable Su Ziyue had been living for so many years? The same is true for Su Qianyue, her guilt and guilt are even worse!

She thinks that Princess Mingdu likes her brother, then they are the stepping stones of the Su family, but she forgot, what a proud man her brother is, he likes, he spends his life to protect, he never likes, then It will only become a thorn in his heart.

The **** was getting deeper and deeper, and in the end, the wound ulcerated and became pus.

Su Qianyue cried and shouted: "Brother, you come back, I will never let you marry the princess again, never want you to marry the princess again, brother, brother"

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