The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2410: You have to protect her

Aya was initially a little reluctant. When Gu Xiaowan pulled his hand, his body was obviously stiff, but when he heard Gu Xiaowan’s intimate words again, he raised his head and looked at Gu Xiaowan, who was half-bent and talking to him. Inexplicable emotions.

This caused Qin Mozhi on the side to suddenly feel a strange smell in his heart.

The child looked cold, but seemed to be hoping for Gu Xiaowan's affection.

Gui Lao didn't want to see Ahmad and Ah Zuo, so Gu Xiaowan had to send them back to the yard they had cleaned up. After dinner, Gu Xiaowan and Qin Yizhi went to Ah Zuo's room.

From the time Gui Lao refused to agree to save Ahmad and Zuo, she had a plan in her heart.

Gu Xiaowan asked someone to prepare a basin of water, and then pushed Qin Yizhi out: "I will help Zuo wipe his body, you go out first!"

Qin Mozhi frowned: "This can be done for the next person, you are her master, you don't need to do this!"

Gu Xiaowan looked at Qin Yizhi seriously, and then said very seriously: "When I was injured and sick, she took care of me like a sister. Now that she is sick, I take care of her. What else can I take care of?"

Qin Yizhi didn't say a word, just holding Gu Xiaowan in his arms, stamped a kiss on her forehead, and said softly: "Then don't tire yourself. If you are tired, call the next person over."

Gu Xiaowan nodded, and Qin Yizhi reluctantly left and closed the door for her before leaving.

Gu Xiaowan smiled, and the smile on her face suddenly disappeared. She tilted her head and looked at the sword that Zuo had been using.

When rescuing Su Ziyue, Gui Lao asked herself to feed Su Ziyue's blood for seven days. Although she has always been strange, why do you want to feed her blood? Although Gui Lao only said that her blood was used as a medicinal primer, but if that was the case

There was a thought in her mind, that is, maybe her blood had some other purpose, and she never knew it.

Seeing Zuo who had been unconscious and dying with only one last breath, Gu Xiaowan planned to give it a try!

Even after Su Ziyue drank her blood, he could come back to life, what about Zuo?

Gu Xiaowan drew her sword, raised her sleeves, and drew a line on her hand and arm, gurgling blood flowed out.

After filling a bowl of blood, Gu Xiaowan felt dizzy. This was a sequelae caused by excessive blood loss. She hurriedly took the white porcelain bottle, poured a pill from it, put it in her mouth, and swallowed it.

After a while, I felt dizzy much better. She took the blood and carefully fed it into Zuo's mouth.

When the feeding was over, she hurriedly used the water in the basin to clean up some remnants. Then she bandaged the wound, put down her sleeves, and went out.

Qin Yizhi has been waiting for her outside the door, leaning on the column and closing his eyes to rest his mind. Seeing her come out, he said hurriedly, "Alright?"

Gu Xiaowan nodded: "Alright!"

"Go back and rest early, there are people here who will take care of them!" The doctor was in the next room, and some people Li Fan had brought, who were all his guards, pretended to be small servants and came to help. Will take care of Zuo and Ahmad.

Gu Xiaowan originally wanted to go to Ahmad's room, but seeing that he was so determined, and that he was a woman, went to a man's room without any excuses, she had to give up.

Gu Xiaowan left the room without seeing it at all. There was a small figure outside the bedside under the window, listening quietly to the movement inside.

Seeing that Gu Xiaowan had gone out, the little child hurried away.

The night was very dark, there was no moonlight, and the original winding road, but the child came to a secluded courtyard as if he were familiar with the road. An elderly man closed his eyes and rested. Hearing the voice, he heard the child say : "Grandpa, she used her blood to save that person!"

The old man took a long breath first, and then another long sigh, the room was quiet. There was no quiet sound, only his desolate sigh.

She was suspicious after all!

In the past days, she was afraid she would remember it a little bit!

Aya came to the old man and frowned somewhat aggrievedly and said: "Grandpa, I don't want to stay here, I want to go home with you!"

The old man touched the child's head and looked at his round eyes, feeling reluctant, but still shook his head resolutely and said, "My child, this is your home!"

Aya didn’t understand, he blinked his eyes and looked at the old man. The old man didn’t speak any more and closed his eyes again. Just when Aya thought he could not say anything, the old man spoke again: "You must remember and protect Good her. Even if you are desperate, you must protect her!"

Aya seemed to understand, but he wanted to listen to everything Grandpa said, and nodded heavily: "Aya knows that Aya will protect her sister."

The night is as cold as water, and there is nothing to say all night.

Gu Xiaowan slept very heavily this night, and she seemed to have some dream again.

I only dreamed of a wailing, with refugees everywhere, corpses everywhere, burning fire everywhere, and stacked corpses indiscriminately. The raging fire burned and the air was full of charred. Meaty.

Those people were either lying or sitting there, their faces pale, or they covered their stomachs and shouted in pain, and some people, in front of her, covered their stomachs, and finally died of pain alive.

The voice was hoarse at the end.

This is not the world, this is purgatory!

Gu Xiaowan frowned, and when she saw only a dim shadow, a shout of surprise came from outside: "Wake up, wake up, Zuo wakes up!"

Gu Xiaowan was awakened, everything in her sleep was interrupted, and she couldn't bother to think about what she had dreamed of in her dream, how the dead bodies were all over the place, she got up hurriedly, found a piece of clothing on the shelf and put it on, hurriedly He ran outside, pushed open the door, and saw Zuo standing in front of her, holding the copper basin in his hand, with a bright expression on his face.

Gu Xiaowan looked at Zuo and was shocked.

Zuo, who was dying yesterday, today

Her face was flushed, she didn't look like she was seriously injured at all, it was completely different from what she looked like yesterday. Gu Xiaowan asked hurriedly: "Has your injury healed? Why don't you just go back and lie down? You don't want to do these things!"

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