The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2413: I already have a sweetheart

Su Mang smiled bitterly. When he was on the battlefield, facing tens of thousands of enemy troops, he didn't even raise his eyelids, but now, I don't know when he started, his courage was so small that he didn't even dare to listen to a word. Ha ha

He walked two steps quickly, nothing more, since she thinks this is the best destination, then he will fulfill her!

As long as she is happy, he sincerely wishes her!

Seeing Gu Fangxi speaking like this, Yuan Wai Lang said happily: "Girl Gu, if you agree to marry me, I am here to promise you that in this life, in my Yuan Wai mansion, you will always be the only mistress! "

That member of the Wailang was full of sincerity, and he did what he said.

Gu Fangxi looked at this good man, smiled, and seemed to think of another person through the staff member.

If you didn't meet him, wouldn't such a man be a good home?


She had already met, and besides, she had already secretly promised her, and there was no place for other people in her heart.

"Thank you Yuan Wai Lang for his kind intentions, but I already have someone in my heart. Yuan Wai Lang's request, forgive me for not agreeing to it!" Gu Fangxi said categorically.

Her words were like a curse. With the wind, blowing and blowing, it hit Su Mang who was almost running away, like a body spell, and it stopped him.

She didn't agree, and said that she was already interested in someone?

Who is it, why doesn't he know?

Su Mang only felt that his mind had suddenly stopped. When there was a flash of light in his mind, he suddenly realized it!

Yuan Wailang didn’t give up. For so many years, it’s been a long time since he met the woman who made his heart touch. This woman, when he first saw it, he was already in love at first sight. It was not because she didn’t marry, that’s why he sent so eagerly. People talk about matchmaking, but now that she rejects herself, she feels a little disappointed.

But how can he give up on such a good woman?

He rekindled his fighting spirit: "You are not married. How can you not know about your relationship? Today you said that you are interested in someone, but how I look at it, I don’t think you have it. I rarely meet you. You are the best and most beautiful woman in my mind. I have already determined in my heart that you will not marry. Unless I see the person you like, I will not give up!"

Yuan Wailang said with determination and determination. Gu Fangxi was shocked for a while. Seeing that Yuan Wailang didn't stop at his goal, she was a little nervous: "I really want someone! He is in the capital now, how come here? Come."

The pace Su Mang walked back and forth became more determined. She said he was in the capital!

Yuan Wailang smiled: "I believe in you, but I also believe in my eyes. Unless I see him, otherwise, I will not give up, I will take the initiative to pursue you, take good care of you, and let you know who is sincere. People who love you!"

"My woman, don't bother to take care of it!" Suddenly, a domineering oath came from behind. Gu Fangxi was standing opposite Yuan Wailang. He was blocked by Yuan Wailang and never saw anyone. However, when she heard the familiar voice, her body suddenly froze!

It's Su Mang!

Why is he here?

A trace of indescribable joy and excitement flashed on Gu Fangxi’s face. Yuanwailang turned around and saw a man with a height of eight feet and a bit of a fierce appearance striding forward, taking every step firmly, every step, taking firmness. .

He just walked over and looked at Gu Fangxi from Yuanwailang's body, and the evil in his eyes was still visible. Instead, there was a look of tenderness and worry.

Step by step, his eyes seemed to be drowned.

The same was true for Gu Fangxi, staring at the visitor without blinking, her eye sockets were already slightly red in a short while, her body was shaking, as if trying to conceal her excitement.

When Yuan Wailang saw this, there was nothing else he didn't understand. He handed over to Gu Fangxi: "If this is the case, then I will say goodbye. I wish the girl happiness forever!"

After speaking, he also walked away with his head high, although he was lost, he was still proud.

Gu Fangxi glanced at him gratefully, and when he looked at Su Mang again, he didn't know when his tall body had already stood in front of him. Gu Fang liked to smell the familiar smell on his body, and couldn't help it anymore, tears burst into his eyes.

Su Mang was frightened, and hurriedly wiped her tears with his hands, being careful and cautious, but the thick calluses on the fingers of the hands that held the sword for many years were still afraid of hurting her, and the movements were very gentle.

Wiping tears, said softly: "Don't cry, don't cry"

But the more gentle he was, the more tears of Gu Fangxi flowed. Su Mang felt a little at a loss when he saw this. He had never coaxed a woman before, and he didn't know how to coax it.

All I know is that now Gu Fangxi's tears are like hot soldering iron, dripping on his heart, causing pain and pain.

The tears were wiped more and more, and Gu Fang's choking voice became louder and louder, Su Mang's hands were shaking more and more, and his heart beating faster and faster!

"Don't cry, don't cry" He turned over and over again with these few words, affectionate and gentle, but with deep tension.

Seeing Gu Fangxi whose face was full of tears, Su Mang suddenly clenched his fists, as if he had made a lot of determination, stepped forward, stretched out his hand, and took Gu Fangxi into his arms and said about him. The first love word of this life.

"If you want to cry, I hold you and cry in my arms! In this way, you won't feel lonely anymore!" Su Mang's tongue was a little numb. He said this sentence, not like it was spoken by the tongue, but It is said with heart.

After Gu Fangxi heard this, she cried more and more. She also hugged Su Mang tightly, threw herself in his arms, and started crying loudly.

Su Mang didn't speak, but hugged her tightly, stroking her with his right hand on her back, as if comforting her silently.

Sure enough, Su Mang was right. Someone was crying in a hug and didn't feel lonely at all. After Gu Fangxi cried for a while, she didn't feel any pain at all. On the contrary, the sweetness, like honey, one A little bit of occupying my heart, occupying my whole body.

She has never tasted the sweet and blessed taste.

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