The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2416: Eyes are so familiar

When she came, she took Codan and two women alone. When she left, Su Mang was with her, and she felt that her heart was full, but happy.

Kou Dan was afraid that he would interrupt their chat. He kept sitting outside, leaving Gu Fangxi and Su Mang in the carriage. They clasped their fingers tightly. Look at me, I look at you, and his eyes are full of happiness. taste.

On the way back this time, the whole road seemed to be full of fragrance.

Gu Xiaowan intends to officially introduce Aya to the people at home.

For this reason, she asked Aunt Jiang to set up a special table of good dishes, even Jiang Buhui invited over, and Li Fan, the dining table of the flower hall was full, Gu Xiaowan took Aya's hand and stood up and said: "From now on, he will be my younger brother. From now on, he will live with us and be our family!"

Aya's face was calm, but her heart was shocked. It was Gu Xiaowan who solemnly introduced him to the whole family and asked them to recognize herself.

"He is still young. Next, I will send him to a school to study. Besides, if Ahmad gets better, I want him to learn martial arts with Ahmad." Gu Xiaowan said excitedly.

She held Aya with her hand, as if she was back to the little brother who was standing next to him ten years ago.

She has grown up with three younger siblings, and now has a younger brother. After all, she has a lot of experience, and she intends to say it again and again.

Aya didn't speak, but looked at Gu Xiaowan with some doubts. He frowned for a while, but soon let go.

After meeting everyone, even if I acknowledged Aya's status in the family.

And Ahmad's body did not disappoint, and he slowly recovered. When she took Aya to see Ahmad, Ahmad opened his eyes. Although he was still panting, his expression was much better than when she came to see him this morning.

Zuo attributed this to the medicine prescribed by the doctor and excitedly fed Ahmad.

Gu Xiaowan looked at the medicine in her hand, then looked at the brown sugar water on the side, which she brought over just now, saying that it was for Ahmad to drink more brown sugar water to replenish his body.

Ah Zuo and Ahmad followed Gu Xiaowan's words. They saw the girl specially soaked him a bowl of brown sugar water. After Ahmad took the medicine, they drank the brown sugar water directly.

The smell was a little strange, and it seemed to smell of blood. For Ahmad, who was used to smelling blood all the time, it was just a matter of nose.

However, this was the girl soaking in. He didn't ask or say anything, so he poured it in.

After drinking the medicine and drinking the brown sugar water, I felt that there was a warm current between my lungs and my lungs, and the pain of the wound on my body was alleviated a lot.

Seeing Ahmad's ruddy face, Ah Zuo was extremely excited. As long as people live, it is better than anything else.

Seeing Ah Mo drank the brown sugar water, Gu Xiaowan let go of the burden in her heart. It's not that she didn't see the doubt that flashed through her eyes when Ahmad was drinking the brown sugar water, but he didn't ask anything, and she drank it obediently, and she was relieved.

"Azuo, you take care of Ahmad so well, I'll go back first!" After speaking, she pulled Aya again and left.

Aya obediently took Gu Xiaowan's hand and left.

Ahmad saw the child for the first time and was a little strange: "Who is that child?"

"It's the grandson of the old man. He said he wanted to put him next to the girl and let the girl raise him!" Zuo said: "The girl also said that when your illness heals, let you teach him martial arts and keep him fit!"

"I always feel that the child's eyes are a bit familiar, what do you think?" Ahmad was always lying down, and his eyesight was just in sight when he was lying down.

The child's eyes were slick, like two black grapes, very beautiful, shining with glazed luster.

Zuo didn’t think so much: “Aren’t the children’s eyes all like this? The girls and the young lady’s eyes were also like this before. They are sloppy. The girl’s eyes are only picked up when they are long. Take a look. Miss, she's still younger, aren't her eyes still slick?"

Ah Mo thought for a while and nodded: "What you said! But, how can the old ghost give the child to the girl with confidence? Why did the girl accept it? If there is something wrong with the child, the old ghost What if you come to the lady to settle the account?"

Zuo sighed and tucked the bedding for him: "Why do you say the girl refused? The old man has cured Master Su!"

"What? It's really cured? Did you see it?" Ahmad got up with excitement when he heard it, but because of the wound, he whimpered in pain.

Zuo hurriedly held him down, and nervously went to see his wounds: "You can recover from your illness. What do you worry about these things, I will look at your injuries."

One of his injuries was on his fingers and one on his shoulder. At that time, the snake was hanging on the tree. Anyway, it was dark everywhere in the dense forest, because the jungle was too dense. There was no trace of the sunlight. At that time, they were looking for someone in the dense forest with a torch. They didn't see a viper roaring at all.

The snake spit out the letter, opened its mouth wide, exposing its pointed fangs, and bit on Zuo's body.

Ahmad reacted quickly and pushed Ah Zuo away, but because the viper was too fast, he bit his shoulder with one bite. The sharp fangs fell into the flesh, and Ahmad screamed. Immediately he pulled the snake, and the snake suddenly turned around and bit on Ahmad's hand, just biting his little finger.

Zuo swung his sword and swept across, which snake seemed to be aware of danger again, and one of them fell to the ground, crawling amidst the thick fallen leaves, and immediately disappeared.

Zuo didn't care about chasing him, he only went to see Ahmad's wound. The skin of the wound turned black immediately, and it was a poisonous snake.

But Ah Mo lifted the knife and dropped it, and he cut off the skin and flesh of the place where the snake had been bitten just now. The bones were deeply visible and the flesh and blood were blurred. As for the little finger, he dropped the knife with his hand, and directly chopped off his finger. The severed finger that fell on the ground quickly became pitch black.

Xu Ye Zuo hadn't seen such a **** scene for too long. She was stunned at the time. It wasn't until the hot blood sprayed on her face that she reacted and quickly took out the snake venom medicine from her body. Give it to Ahmad.

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