The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2421: Su family come

Gu Xiaowan went to see Ahmad after eating, and secretly dripped a few drops of blood in his soup medicine, and then walked back. Aya has been following her all the time, looking at her thin but firm sister. The figure, fluttering in white clothes and fluttering black hair, seemed to be the person he had always dreamed of meeting.

When I was in a trance, someone from outside reported: "Girl, the Su family is here!"

Gu Xiaowan hurriedly put down the wolf howl in her hand, her expression of joy: "Hurry up!"

Headed by Su Peian, his face was full of smiles, and Mrs. Su and Su Qianyue who followed were also smiling happily. Behind them was a tall man with a drapery covering his face. He knows what he looks like, but just from his steps, one can tell who it is at a glance!

Gu Xiaowan also smiled, her eyebrows curled, her phoenix eyes deep into her temples, her charm is like poppies. It has always been long in someone's heart, and it has always been long. Can't let go of the obsession in the red dust!

Gu Xiaowan personally went to the yard to greet him. When Su Peian saw Gu Xiaowan, he knelt down with a plop, and Madam Su and Su Qianyue knelt on the ground with a plop.

The man in the black dress and hat only paused for a while. With a thin but tall figure, he glanced at Gu Xiaowan with such a certain degree, and then pulled off his robe and knelt straight down.

Gu Xiaowan hurriedly stepped forward to help: "Uncle Su, what are you doing? Get up, get up!"

Gu Xiaowan went to help Su Peian. She couldn't help but she could only help Madam Su. Madam Su also couldn't get up. She looked at Gu Xiaowan and said sincerely: "Princess, this kneel, you can bear it! Let us kneel. , If it weren't for you, we and me"

Her gaze involuntarily looked behind her, this is a living Su Ziyue, alive!

That day was seven days later. Until the evening, Su Ziyue still showed no signs of resurrection. His body was still cold and stiff. Madam Su thought it was just a little bit of hope that Gu Xiaowan left them. , But in the end, this hope was lost.

I don’t know, Su Ziyue actually coughed as soon as the sun went down and Gui Lao’s needle was pulled out. At that time, in the small ruined temple, only a small, almost non-existent cough was heard. Without speaking, no one made any movements, but looked at Su Ziyue lying on the ground with good eyes, until he coughed slightly again.

They almost fainted with joy, and Madam Su was indeed fainted. When Su Ziyue opened his eyes faintly, his expression was very tired, but his eyes, his voice, and his tone were still the same as before. His.

People who have been dead for three days, after seven days of diagnosis and treatment, actually live.

The Su family could hardly believe this was true, until Su Ziyue reached out his hand and pulled Madam Rasu's sleeve: "Mother, what's wrong with you?"

His voice was very weak, and his voice was almost hoarse, but Mrs. Su still heard what he said.

Suddenly, tears crossed her cheeks and fell on Su Ziyue's hand. Madam Su grabbed Su Ziyue's hand and shouted sadly: "My son."

Gui Lao left some medicine and told them to give Su Zi and take it on time so that they could take care of their health. Where did the Su family dare not follow it, they almost knelt all the way to send Gui Lao out of the ruined temple.

They originally wanted to thank Gu Xiaowan earlier, but after Su Ziyue knew that he had been rescued by Gu Xiaowan, he didn't speak for a long time until everyone thought he could not say anything, Su Ziyue opened his mouth:" When I get better, let's go together!"

Su Ziyue took a deep look at the woman in front of her. The woman's white clothes was as white as snow, and her hair was as jet black as black. It reached her waist. She looked like a beautiful face. What came out of the painting was the same. She had always been pure and beautiful, but now she can see the charming and charming taste in her eyebrows.

She is so beautiful!

After many days of absence, Midea has become more and more exciting and unforgettable!

Su Ziyue didn't dare to look again, for fear that he would take another look, and for the rest of his life, he would have to live in endless love and pain.

He was wearing a drapery hat, Gu Xiaowan couldn't see his face clearly, but he could still feel the fiery eyes staring at him tightly. It wasn't until Gu Xiaowan couldn't stand it anymore that the hot eyes moved away, and since then, it never passed again.

Gu Xiaowan hurriedly invited everyone into the house and closed the doors and windows tightly before asking the first sentence: "She doesn't know about Su Gongzi, right?"

she was?

Everyone, look at me, I look at you, and immediately understand who she is!

Su Peian frowned: "I don't know, we are very careful, and since Zi Yue woke up, we have never seen our heads. This is the first time I have gone out. I also wear a drapery hat carefully. Others should not see it!"

At that time, when Gu Xiaowan was still ruining the temple, she told them not to let others know that there are ghosts who are saving Su Ziyue. Firstly, they are afraid that people who know about it will disturb the situation, and secondly, they are afraid that someone will be disadvantageous to the ghosts. , The medical skills that can kill people and kill people are shocking to the world. If Master Huiyuan hadn't told her that there was such a person, how would she know that there is such a superb doctor in this different world!

Thirdly, I am a little afraid of Princess Mingdu!

She had a deep obsession with Su Ziyue, and she didn't know what she would do if she knew that Su Ziyue was still alive!

When Gu Xiaowan saw that Su Peian said that no one knew, her heart fell.

"Master Su's identity is no longer available now. I will go to the government to take care of it. Then I will buy a fake identity for Su Gongzi." Gu Xiaowan said.

Su Pei'an had this idea a long time ago. If it were before, he would have done it very well, but now he is just a piece of cloth. Such a small thing before has become a big thing now.

After he heard this, he immediately got up and thanked Gu Xiaowan: "Thank you princess!"

"Uncle Su, you should call me Xiaowan. If you insist on calling my princess, then I really don't know what to call you!" Gu Xiaowan smiled.

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