The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2423: Cherish

Su Ziyue looked at Gu Xiaowan deeply for several times. Although there were so many reluctances, in the end, he could only draw that figure on his heart, outline it in his mind, and draw it clearly, forever. Indelible.

Life is so long, and it grows to be like purgatory every day, but life is so short, it is better to rush for decades, decades of time, forbearance, and then pass!

Su Ziyue still didn't look away, just fixedly looking at Gu Xiaowan, Gu Xiaowan also raised her head, never lowered, that peerless face was engraved in Su Ziyue's mind, and in his heart.


Seeing that it was almost time, Su Peian said hurriedly, "Let's go!"

Su Ziyue was reluctant to let go, but still reluctant to turn around, and slowly backed away, staring at Gu Xiaowan unblinkingly, until he got on the carriage, and the carriage went far away, still staring at the touch of the gate. Qianli’s shadow was no longer visible. Tears fell from the corners of her eyes. The wind was strong and the sky was cold. It was just a moment’s effort, and the hot tears became cold.

But that tear was held in his heart.

Mrs. Su didn't notice Su Ziyue crying. Looking at the carriage, she felt a little emotional: "This kid is a good girl."

They are penniless, where can they go out in a carriage, but Gu Xiaowan asked someone to buy a carriage and prepared all the necessary things, and also asked someone to greet them at the gate of the city and let their carriage go. Out of town.

After going out of the city gate, seeing the towering city wall getting further and further away, Su Ziyue also felt that his heart had stayed in the Qingyuan with his heart, and perhaps he would never meet her again in this life.

Madam Su looked at Su Ziyue's calm look, and looked at him with some worry. Su Pei'an pulled her hand and motioned her not to speak.

Some things, let him think about it, are much better than they said.

Su Qianyue started to eat melons and fruits on the short table, and Gu Xiaowan prepared a lot of food in it during the long journey. She took a piece of pastry, and just after eating it, she noticed something abnormal. She moved the pastry away and found something hidden under the pastry. There were several cash receipts on the table, among them Gu Xiaowan left. Note.

"What's written on this?" Su Qianyue carefully opened the note, but before she could say aloud, she was snatched by Su Ziyue.

Su Qianyue wondered: "Who wrote this!"

Familiar Pinhua lower case, he has seen it, how could he not know who wrote it?

It’s difficult to go here, so I have a small fortune and I hope to cherish it!

This is Gu Xiaowan’s words. When Su Mansion was ransacked, he didn’t bring out anything. I heard that those calligraphy and paintings had been burned to a great extent. Even the paintings he painted for her would have already been burned. Right.

I didn't think about it anymore, I didn't expect to see her writing.

See the word as face.

As if as long as you see these words, you can clearly see that person.

Life is really long! Madam Su had the final say, and gestured a number, five thousand taels.

So much money is enough for them to buy a house, and enough for them to live a stable life for ten or eight years.

Su Peian sighed, and finally said: "Stay, if you can see you again in this life, thank her face to face again!"

Su Ziyue didn't speak, leaning on the car window, staring out blankly with his eyes blank, not half-hearted.

There was silence in the carriage.

Gu Xiaowan sent away the Su family, and Zuo returned: "Girl, the five thousand taels of cash has passed. The Su family should have no trouble for the past ten or eight years!"

Gu Xiaowan still held the jade jue in her hand, nodded, and then gave the jade jue in her hand to Zuo: "You can find a box to help me put it away!"

This jade has a green body and is a very valuable piece of jade, and after seeing it for many years, Su Ziyue has always worn it with him, so it is better to put it away.

Zuo took it, found a box and put it away.

When Aya came in, she saw her sister staring outside, her eyes were beautiful, big and round, and the corners of her eyes were raised slightly, adding a lot of charm and anger.

"Are you sad?" Aya came gently to Gu Xiaowan's side, and when she saw that she hadn't reacted yet, she asked softly.

Gu Xiaowan came back to her senses and saw Aya standing by her side, frowning slightly, as if she was a little confused.

"I am not sad!" Gu Xiaowan replied.

"But you look very unhappy." Aya is still puzzled. She has always been like this since Su Ziyue left, as if she was worried.

"Aya, I just have something in my heart, I'm thinking about it, I'm not sad." Gu Xiaowan said with a smile.

Aya frowned: "Will you be sad, then?"

Gu Xiaowan smiled, touched his head, and pretended to be angrily: "Stupid boy, everyone will have a sad time. Sister, I am not in the mud. I have no emotions and desires. Of course, the clay figure will not be sad anymore, but my sister. Yes!"

Aya was still a little puzzled: "Then sister, who are you sad for?" He paused, then lowered his head, a trace of pain flashed in his eyes: "Are you only sad for that Big Brother Qin?"

"Fool, I will be sad for you, and I will be sad for you. If you don't listen to my sister, my sister will be sad and sad too!" Gu Xiaowan did not guard against how the child's voice was getting smaller and smaller, so she hurriedly comforted. : "Good Aya, stop crying, stop crying!"

After she finished speaking, she wanted to take Aya into her arms as if she were treating Gu Ning'an, Gu Xiaowan. She didn't know that as soon as the child touched her, it was like being punctuated by someone, and immediately stiffened, Gu Xiaowan Before I could ask what happened, I saw him flying away, as if someone was chasing him behind him.

Zuo was outside, and just saw him rushing out. The two of them were so close that they almost ran into each other. Zuo scolded angrily: "What are you doing so fast?"

As soon as I entered the door, I saw the girl sitting there, puzzled, and asked: "What's wrong with Ya Gongzi? It looks like there is a monster behind!"

Gu Xiaowan shook her head: "I don't know either!" She paused and said as soon as she finished her voice: "Go and prepare, I'm going to Xiangguo Temple!"

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