The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2428: Same invitation

The butler seemed to understand Lin Haitian's thoughts, and hurriedly said with a smile: "Old madam, you can get Miss Sun and Master Gu to get engaged first! Well, it's good, naturally it depends on grabbing!"

Lin Haitian smiled and stroked his beard and said, "It's reasonable and reasonable, but my Jingru is also a leader. Let's not worry about this matter, let's not worry!"

I didn’t see that Gu Ning’an had this meaning before. Lin Haitian was naturally anxious. After all, this kid is so good, it’s not good to be boarded by others quickly. Now that I see what this kid means, the big stone in Lin Haitian’s heart finally It's landed.

My granddaughter is a good one, and this child is also a good one. If two people can finally get married with a lover, that would be a great event in life!

Gu Ningan followed the servants to Lin Jingru's yard, and Lin Jingru was writing in the study at the moment.

Her study was leaning against the window, and the afterglow of the setting sun hit the window lattice, hitting her body, glowing with golden brilliance.

Lin Jingru's beauty is not as good as Gu Xiaowan's. Now she is thrilling. Her beauty is more atmospheric and graceful, the graceful beauty that has settled after the baptism of poetry and books.

Gu Ning'an couldn't take his eyes off a bit, but the self-supporting scholars couldn't think of anything wrong, and quickly looked away.

At this time, a maid told Lin Jingru that she just raised her head, and the sun hit her face. The afterglow of the setting sun was as smooth as a fairy in the heaven, making people fall in love at first sight and never forget.

And her eyes were lit by the rays of sunlight, shining out of dust.

Gu Ning'an was a little dumbfounded.

The footsteps that were supposed to go past were so set on the spot. But the gaze that should have been turned away seemed to be stuck, looking at Lin Jingru with a good eye.

Lin Jingru was also a little dazed for a while, and the two of them stared at each other in this way, until the maid beside her smiled and shouted, "Master Gu, what do you do?"

This is the first time Gu Ningan has entered the backyard of the Lin family, and has never personally visited Lin Jingru in the backyard. After Lin Jingru recovered, she was also a little curious, and hurriedly invited Gu Ningan into the house: "Master Gu, hurry up Please come in and sit"

Gu Ning'an waved his hand and said respectfully: "Thank you Miss Lin! I have something to tell Miss Lin next, so I won't go in!"

Lin Jingru asked, "What's the important thing for Master Gu?"

Gu Ning'an thought for a while and thought about it again and again. For some reason, Ben had already chewed it thousands of times in his heart.

"I'm here today to invite Miss. There is a family dinner at home tonight. I want to invite Miss to a banquet. I wonder if Miss will go together?"

Lin Jingru was stunned!

Just looking at Gu Ning'an with such determination, a thought called joy swept through his body.

Family dinner?

He came to invite himself to participate?

Lin Jingru was ecstatic in her heart, but her face showed her daughter's shyness: "Master Gu, this is."

"The family banquet in the mansion was personally made by my sister. If the lady does not dislike it, I would like to invite the lady to join him." Gu Ningan felt a bit reckless, but

This is a rare and good opportunity. Since my sister wants to come by herself, she thinks this is a perfect opportunity!

If she agrees to go there, then she is also affectionate to herself. If she doesn't agree to go there, it doesn't matter, he will always be gentle to her a little bit.

Plant the seed of yourself in her heart first, such a good girl

My sister said, if you don't hurry up and get robbed, you will regret it! Therefore, although Gu Ning'an felt a little embarrassed, he came here without hesitation, because he was afraid that she would be taken away by others. If something like that really happened, he would really regret it for a lifetime.

At this moment, Gu Ningan looked at Lin Jingru earnestly, without any impurities or other emotions in his eyes. His eyes were filled with expectations and expectations.

Lin Jingru didn't even think about it, she blurted out and agreed: "Okay!"

Gu Ningan smiled and let out a long sigh of relief.

I almost jumped out of my chest nervously, and just jumped back into my stomach unharmed.

The smile on his face is gentle, his eyes are gentle, looking at Lin Jingru, he said softly: "Then I will wait for the young lady outside."

Lin Jingru nodded shyly, turned and went inside.

When the maid changed her clothes, Lin Jingru still felt a little confused! She hadn't thought about how the pie would fall in the sky and hit her!

She admires Gu Ning'an, otherwise, she would not accompany him to visit the people and fill out the household registration register when he is in trouble. It’s just that, after all, he is a rising star. He is still young and has a lot of time. Sometimes, she once dreamed and wondered what would happen to Gu Ning’an’s future wife. What?

Occasionally, Grandpa would follow her words, and Lin Jingru did not hide Gu Ning'an's excellence or her admiration for Gu Ning'an. It’s just that sometimes it’s just a matter of thinking.

The Lin family is an aristocratic family in the capital, and Gu Ning'an is more than enough. I don't know how many princes and nobles come to propose marriage, but I don't know why, Lin Jingru just looks down on everyone.

Until I saw Gu Ning'an, her eyes and her heart were all occupied by him. I thought I would take this lovesickness until I was old, but I didn't expect that Gu Ning'an would actually visit him in person.

Lin Jingru was excited and happy, even her body was trembling slightly.

What does Master Gu mean?

Does he have the same mindset as himself?

Half worried, half scared, half nervous, and half expecting, Lin Jingru was both happy and scared. If she was really happy, she couldn't even think about it.

Lianxin, the maid beside her, saw the desperate look of the young lady, and then thought of the look of the lost soul when Gu Ningan saw the young lady just now, and said with a smile: "Miss don't worry, slave maid looks at that, Master Gu means that. !"

Lin Jingru asked: "Does he really mean the same thing with me?"

Lianxin smiled: "Miss, what do you mean? What do you mean to Master Gu?"

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