The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2431: Joking to change

However, Gu Xiaowan looked at the arc of the corners of her mouth, and knew that she was angry.

Gu Xiaowan patted her head, leaned to her ear, and whispered in a whisper that only two people could hear: "Let you sleep with me tonight, okay?"

When Gu Xiaoyi heard this, she was very energetic and quickly stepped aside.

Gu Xiaowan couldn't laugh or cry, so she inserted a stool and let Aya sit next to her.

The table is a round table on the upper and lower floors. There are so many people sitting on it. It is just right and somewhat loose. The wine bought by Shen Wenjun is just right. Every adult has wine in every glass. Gu Xiaowan looks at Aya’s. The cup was empty, but the child couldn't drink, so he stood up and put a bowl of soup in the cup.

Then he put it in front of Aya, and said as he put it, "Children can't drink. When you want to drink, you can drink this soup, you know?"

Aya nodded obediently, and said that.

Dinner has officially begun.

After Gu Xiaowan drank a glass of wine, no one asked her to drink a second one. Zuo watched her tightly. Gu Xiaowan was a little greedy. Anyway, it was in her own home, so she discussed with Zuo: " I’ll just have another drink, okay? It’s at home anyway. If I get drunk, just help me go back and rest!"

She was pleading and acting coquettishly, perhaps because after drinking a glass of wine, her face was flushed red, and she looked as if she was smeared with coquettish coquettish. Zuo hadn't let her drink, but she couldn’t hold back Gu Xiaowan’s bitter pleading. Everyone's pleading, thinking about it, anyway, it's not outside, and no one else, if the girl is drunk, just let the girl go back to sleep, so as not to disturb the girl's good mood.

For a long, long time, the girl rarely had such a good mood, so she said: "Well, girl, you have to relax, don't drink too much and hurt your body!"

Gu Xiaowan smiled, her coquettish eyes picked up, and it seemed as if there was brilliance flowing in her eyes, revealing the intoxicating poison: "No problem."

The wine Shen Wenjun bought was good, and because of the girls who took care of the family, the wine was not strong, but it was fragrant.

Gu Xiaowan has experienced too many things these days, and she thinks she can take a long breath after all. Gu Xiaoyi's affairs are almost over, and both families have put the matter of making a marriage on the table, just waiting for auspicious day, the two families have made a marriage first.

Then there is Gu Ning'an.

Lin Jingru sat on Gu Ning'an's left hand. Although Gu Ning'an looked very calm, his hand shaking from time to time when he was picking up vegetables revealed his tension at the moment.

He has never had such close contact with a girl's house. He has lived for more than ten years. He has only served food for his sister and aunt, and he has never served food for the girl next to him.

Because Lin Jingru was the first to come back for dinner, it was inevitable that she was a little cramped on the table. Gu Ningan talked to her from time to time to make her feel at ease. The dinner table was filled with mist and happy. Shen Wenjun sat beside Gu Xiaoyi and took care of her. Tan Yushu was sitting next to Gu Xiaowan, and occasionally the two people talked and laughed, looking like sisters.

Looking at herself again, sitting next to Gu Ning'an, bothering him, a Dali Temple Shaoqing, waiting for herself so cautiously, Lin Jingru felt that her nose was a little sour, but she was uncontrollable joy and excitement. Gu Xiaowan said to Lin Jingru: "My house is messy, with four brothers and sisters, and there are many people. If you want to come to play in the future, you can come anytime. You don’t need to post those fake posts. !"

Tan Yushu sat next to Lin Jingru, smiling and holding her arm, with a look of flattery: "Yes, just like me, come as you want, leave as you want, just treat this as your home! Don't follow Sister is polite, no one will say what you want to eat or do, you are very free! There are not so many rules!"

Lin Jingru lowered her head with a smile on her face. She tilted her head to look at Gu Ning'an invisibly, and saw Gu Ning'an keep nodding towards her. She smiled and said, "Okay, that Jingru Just disturb the princess!"

"Huh? What kind of princess is not a princess, just like me, I call my sister. Anyway, I will call you in the morning and at night. It is better to change your tune earlier and be familiar with it, don't you think? Master Gu?" Tan Yushu looked at Gu Ning'an mockingly. A smile on his face.

Gu Ning'an had a thin face, and when she said this, her face flushed.

Shen Wenjun still had some clues about the second monk, until Gu Xiaoyi said a word in his ear, and Shen Wenjun immediately understood.

The eyes looked on the faces of Lin Jingru and Gu Ning'an, and then they looked at Gu Xiaoyi, with a face of pampering, under the table, the hands of the two were clasping their fingers tightly together, never separating.

Gu Ningan's face flushed, but she also knew that she was going to relieve Lin Jingru at this moment, otherwise, she was afraid that she would be embarrassed to get under the table.

He said: "If this is the case, then you should also change your mouth as soon as possible."

"What kind of mouth?" Tan Yushu was puzzled for a while.

Gu Ning'an is very serious: "I'm older than Ning Ping, you naturally want to call me elder brother with him, anyway, you call me in the morning and at night, so it's better to change your tune and familiarize yourself!

The people at the dinner table roared with laughter, and Tan Yushu's face turned red with shame, and then he nestled in Gu Xiaowan's arms embarrassedly, not daring to get up for a long time.

Seeing her ashamed, everyone laughed and opened up.

Lin Jingru glanced at Gu Ning'an gratefully, thanking him for helping him out. Gu Ning'an smiled and put a chopstick crystal shrimp in her bowl.

He took a careful look just now, her taste is relatively light, and he also eats some spicy in it on weekdays, fearing that it will change the taste in the future.

Where do I know, Lin Jingru also stretched out his chopsticks, put a piece of boiled pork on the table, and put it in Gu Ning'an's bowl. The two looked at each other and smiled. Without talking, they already understood each other's feelings.

There was excitement in the eyes, and finally the girl had a thin face. Lin Jingru lowered her head shyly, smiling and eating the crystal shrimp in the bowl.

She eats slowly, but she has a happy face.

Aya hasn't spoken, and has been eating with a dull head.

His taste has always been very light, not salty, but tasteless, just to meet the needs of the body.

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