The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2441: hearsay

They didn’t know what they were talking about. They were smiling and leaning forward and back together. Tan Yu’s book was a non-conformist. He danced in his place, and then threw himself into Gu Xiaowan’s arms with a smile. How happy it is.

"Lihua, Anping, Yushu, what are you talking about? We are talking so happily!" As soon as Shu Min entered, the laughter stopped abruptly, her face was full of smiles, and she almost couldn't stretch it!

Gu Xiaowan would not take the initiative to care about her, nor would Tan Yushu.

Lihua seemed to know about it, so she could only speak for herself: "Oh, we are talking about this outside of the palace. Anping said that last time I heard that a man had a dead husband, and then he was dug out by his wife. We are all thinking about the matter of corpses being thrown into the wild, this widow is really cruel, what happened to her and did such a cruel thing!"

Shu Min's eyes were like a knife, and he flew towards Gu Xiaowan, only to see her sitting there drinking tea Shi Shiran, just what I heard.

Seeing Shu Min's strangeness, Lihua was a little surprised: "Mingdu, what's wrong with your eyes?"

Everyone looked at Shu Min, and she saw that Shu Min's eyes were congested, and it made people panic!

Gu Xiaowan could feel that when Shu Min looked at her, the anger in her eyes wanted to kill herself immediately. She should have guessed it, she already knew that she had picked up her own Xianggong grave!

"Oh, it's okay, it's okay!" Shu Min immediately knew how strange she was, and swallowed the murderous intent in her heart violently, and quickly explained: "Perhaps it's because of crying a lot these days and bloodshot eyes! "

As Shu Min spoke, her voice lowered.

Gu Xiaowan didn't speak. Tan Yushu and Princess Lihua felt a little sad. Lihua frowned and said, "You should be sorrowful. After all, people cannot come back to life. You still have a long way to go!"

Shu Min hurriedly covered the killing intent in his eyes, wiped his eyes with a kerchief, and said, "Well, I know, I will definitely get better! With you by my side, I feel better now!"

Caiyue stepped forward and handed the things in hand to Shu Min. Shu Min looked at them and said, "These are some fun things I bought outside, and I know you don’t care about these things, but, after all, it’s my heart. , Please accept it!"

What she said was very sad, like asking others to accept her things, when Shu Min, who was as proud as a peacock, was so low and down, Tan Yushu and Lihua were a little embarrassed for a while.

Fortunately, Tan Yushu also talked to Gu Xiaowan about Shu Min's transformation. She still had a lot of doubts about Shu Min's transformation, but Lihua was different.

After all, she was a good partner who played with her since she was a child, and Shu Min never had any thoughts or actions that hurt her, so after she cried a few times and shouted a few grievances, Lihua's heart was subconsciously biased towards her.

"What good stuff, one for each person?" Lihua asked, looking at the exquisite sandalwood box in Caiyue's hand.

Seeing her proactively asked, Shu Min took the initiative to show her okay, and hurriedly wiped her tears and said, "Well, although they are not very precious, they are very rare. You can't usually buy them in the capital!"

Lihua casually took a box and opened it. As expected, there was a huge night pearl in it. Although it was daytime, it also exuded a bright light. Although Lihua had seen such a big night pearl, it was in the palace. It’s also relatively rare. Now that Shu Min actually gave her such a big and bright night pearl, she was a little excited for a while: "So beautiful!"

Caiyue took the remaining two boxes and gave them to Gu Xiaowan and Tan Yushu in turn. They had no choice but to take them and open them. There was also a huge night pearl inside, under the yellow brocade, emitting a dazzling light.

Gu Xiaowan had seen a lot of Ye Mingzhu, and she also had someone older than this, so she didn't have much curiosity, and Tan Yushu had seen a lot of them with Gu Xiaowan, and she didn't have much interest.

However, it was given by Shu Min, and the princess Lihua gave it to her, and she was not happy to accept it, so she said with a little embarrassment: "Thank you!"

Gu Xiaowan did the same, closed the lid and handed it to Zuo behind him: "Thank you, Princess Mingdu!"

Seeing them all received, Shu Min's face was joyful: "You like it, I originally thought, this thing, you don't like it! Just like it, just like it!"

With that, her tears dripped down again, and she wept with joy.

Gu Xiaowan turned her head and didn't want to see her anymore. To be honest, seeing Shu Min's eagerness to please, and knowing that she had other calculations, her heart responded like a fishbone, and she couldn't spit it out. , Can't swallow, stuck in the throat, painful.

Tan Yushu didn't know that Yihong had secretly visited her before Gu Xiaowan entered the palace.

Yihong sent someone a letter, saying that she was waiting for her at Jinfulou, and she had important things to say.

Gu Xiaowan passed by at that time. After listening to Yihong's words, Gu Xiaowan was shocked. The Ming Palace is about to take action with him next. Although he doesn't know what they are going to do, Gu Xiaowan knows that Shu Min's change is not really recognizing his mistakes, but a calculation.

The smile on Shu Min’s face was very sincere. Lihua took her to sit at the table. There were three people just now. This time, one more Shu Min was added. Gu Xiaowan and Tan Yushu also lost their enthusiasm. They were a little bit ridiculous, I don’t know. What to say!

Shu Min still said, "Anping said just now, who took someone else's grave?"

Gu Xiaowan wanted to sneer and asked knowingly. She tilted her head and looked at Shu Min, with a faint smile on her lips: "I don't know. It was just what a storyteller in the capital said. I heard that the corpse was later caught by the beast on the mountain. I took it away, and there were slags everywhere. When I heard it, I felt a little scared!"

When Shu Min heard this, she was also horrified: "This person is terrible, how can there be such a person!"

"That's not right, doing such a thing, but we must wean off children and grandchildren!" Gu Xiaowan said quietly.

Seeing the smile on Shu Min's face froze there, she said, "But, Xu is the one who picks up the grave. Does he have hatred with that person?"

"The princess, people say that the dead are great, and they are safe in the soil. People are already dead, and people are not allowed to rest. They have to dig out people and let the wild beasts eat them. This is how deep animosity is. This is the matter of severing children and grandchildren!" Gu Xiaowan deliberately bit the words severing children and grandchildren very tightly. Sure enough, she saw Shu Min's face stiffened involuntarily, but she couldn't say a word.

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