The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2457: Bite tongue and swallow blood

The chaotic brain, hot body, and weak body all told her that she was in love potion. It's just that, because there are not a lot of measures, there is no such an urgent need to interact with others.

The person next to him was afraid that he was an older doctor, and his words made Gu Xiaowan instantly understand who was saving her!

Gu Xiaowan really didn't count this point, it turned out that Nanling King rescued her!

Gu Xiaowan was originally a person with amazing endurance. After a little clarity at this moment, I thought in my heart that I was afraid that he was calculated this time, and even the one who was calculated, it is estimated that there is this person who has saved himself, but does not know that he is about to mess The king of Nanling is in disaster.

Gu Xiaowan pinched herself hard, and suddenly thought that her blood could bring her back to life. She didn't know if she could detoxify. Thinking of this, she bit her tongue hard, biting very hard, almost enduring the pain of her heart. Sweet blood came out, Gu Xiaowan swallowed it all without thinking.

Sure enough, when the first bite of blood went down, her mind became clear again, she did not dare to slack off, and then took another bite.

She didn't know how many bites she bit herself, only that her mind became clearer and clearer, and her hot body was slowly returning to normal.

Xiao Yuanyao watched Doctor Yun treat her, and suddenly, there seemed to be a strong smell of blood in the air, which made him frown, and when he heard it carefully, he was suddenly shocked.

A step forward, Gu Xiaowan lifted off Gu Xiaowan's cloak, and she saw her eyes sharp as a knife, her eyes calm and watery, where there was the charming and tenderness just now.

There are traces of blood on the corners of the mouth. Her eyes flew up, and the corners of her mouth squeezed slightly. Her stunning appearance, stained by the traces of blood, was even more enchanting, such flying and unrestrained, such charming style, unexpectedly better than after the love potion. , And amazing!

After Xiao Yuanyao was shocked, she was shocked. She bit her tongue and forced herself to become clear.

Doctor Yun was also shocked when he saw that she was an unparalleled little girl. Then I saw her withdraw her hand and sat up on the ground, not at all like a person who had been caught in love potion!

She looked straight at Xiao Yuanyao, and Qingming's eyes were as sharp as Doctor Yun who hadn't noticed for a while, only that those eyes were so familiar.

Gu Xiaowan opened her mouth coldly, and looked straight at the man who opened her cloak in front of him. He was full of beard and tall and tall. He couldn't see his true appearance, but felt that his eyes were as sharp as an eagle: " King Nanling, thank you for your help!"

After speaking, Gu Xiaowan stood up and walked out.

When did Xiao Yuanyao meet such a funny little girl, she was not afraid to bite her tongue out to clear herself up, she was a cruel character, and he was full of infinite curiosity about this little girl.

After Gu Xiaowan said that, she would rush out. If her analysis was good, someone would immediately run into this yard. She didn’t know who was calculating herself, but that person’s thoughts were probably very simple, and she stinks herself. And the reputation of King Nanling, and then forced her to make a marriage.

Thinking of this, Gu Xiaowan felt a pain in her heart.

Princess Lihua who left too early will it really be her?

Gu Xiaowan didn't have time to think about it. Just about to open the door, there was a loud voice from outside: "Wang, there are a lot of girls coming outside, saying that they are coming to see Princess Anping. It is said that someone saw Princess Anping coming here!"

Xiao Yuanyao also grew up in conspiracy and calculations. How could a girl know how to Chinese love potion, how could he be discovered? These calculations caused Xiao Yuanyao's blood to flow all over.

Only he counts others, how can others count him! Thinking of this, Xiao Yuanyao said angrily: "This is the way of Daqing's hospitality. I have never seen a master who counts guests!"

Gu Xiaowan turned her head and smiled coldly: "King Nanling, haven't you heard that a mouse **** breaks a pot of porridge? It seems that this mouse **** is still messing up!"

Xiao Yuanyao's anger just now dissipated a lot by Gu Xiaowan's words. Although it was calculated, but he did not expect to meet such a funny girl, it was beyond his expectation.

"Then what does Princess Anping plan to do with that rat shit?" Xiao Yuanyao said, squinting.

Gu Xiaowan can't actually see Xiao Yuanyao's eyes because the hair on his face is so exuberant. The miscellaneous hairs on his head cover almost the entire forehead, even if he covers half of his eyes, he will think him. He squinted because Gu Xiaowan felt that his eyes became sharper.

It seems that that is the reason why small eyes gather light!

"Anping thanks Nanling King for his life-saving grace today. Originally, he only wanted to owe Nanling King a favor, but he didn't expect that he would continue to let Nanling King do Anping a favor!"

Xiao Yuanyao smiled and showed his teeth. His teeth were as white as pearls: "No problem, don't say one, help a hundred more, this king is also happy!"

Gu Xiaowan didn't hear any other meanings, she just thought Xiao Yuanyao didn't like being calculated by others, so he would stand with herself.

Seeing that his king took the little girl away, Yun Xiang stood aside in embarrassment. This was calling him what to do!

He hasn't finished that little girl's pulse, so why is this all right?

Is it okay? It's impossible. The master said that he was allowed to see it. He also said that the girl had a love potion. This is strange. They were all carried. How could they be alive and well after a word? It looks like a love potion!

Zuo and Xiaoyu were also at the door, yelling to go in. He and the guard have been through several tricks, but still can't even rely on the door, and at this moment, Shu Min brought the group of young ladies over.

More than a dozen people came to this side mightily, and the faces of Zuo and Xiaoyu suddenly turned black.

Shu Min looked nervous. Seeing Zuo fighting against others, he hurriedly shouted: "I am the county lord of Mingdu in the Qing Dynasty. You are fighting in the palace. How proper are you? Stop it!"

I heard the noise in the palace, and soon people came out and shouted, "Stop!"

Both sides retreated, and Zuo saw the person coming out of the palace, and he wanted to tear him apart with his own hands.

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