The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2473: Know the truth

Seeing her worried and scared, Gu Xiaowan got up hurriedly, helped her up, and sat on the chair next to her. Her voice was softer than before, and her fierce aura disappeared: "What happened? I have the right to know what happened to me. If you don’t tell me, I can ask Dr. Hao Lian, but you know that you are the most intimate around me. If you don’t tell me, I I won't keep you again!"

Gu Xiaowan did what she said!

Zuo knew that if she didn't say anything at the moment, if the girl asked Hao Lian, the first thing she would do would be to drive herself away.

"I won't keep people who are unfaithful to me! You should know my temper!" Gu Xiaowan said immediately.

Seeing Zuo frowning and thinking over and over again, he said, "Girl, do you remember your high fever last time? I also fainted suddenly!"

Gu Xiaowan nodded: "Remember!"

That was something not long ago, of course she remembered.

Zuo swallowed and said the thing that made her doubtful: "I was also waiting for you next to me, and I also let you soak in cold water. When I took off your clothes, I found out."

When she said this, she only felt a little dry.

That's weird!

It was so strange that she almost thought it was her own illusion.

"What did you find?" Gu Xiaowan frowned.

"Your back, there is a flower blooming!" Zuo pointed to her behind and said, "I was a little scared at the time, so I just looked at it and helped you into the tub. I was soaked in cold water. Then I looked at your back again, but there was nothing. I thought I was dazzled, so I didn’t care, didn’t tell you, and didn’t tell anyone."

"What then?" Gu Xiaowan was also surprised in her heart, a flower bloomed on her back?

"This time you have a high fever. After I took off your clothes, I saw the flower that was ready to come out again. This time, because I haven't helped you into the tub, I saw the flower with my own eyes. From a little bit of flower bones, it grew into a flower. After soaking in cold water, I found that the flower behind you is still there. It can't be wiped off no matter what!

When Gu Xiaowan heard this, she took off her clothes hurriedly. Zuo took a bronze mirror and shone it. There was a wide bronze mirror opposite her. Sure enough, behind her, there was an enchanting blood-red flower growing there, as white as jade. On the general back, the look is strange and amazing.

Gu Xiaowan hurriedly shouted: "Help me wipe it off!"

Zuo knew that he couldn't wipe it off, but he took a piece of cloth and wiped it fiercely. However, even if the surrounding white flesh was already rubbed red, the flower still grew there, and the petals became redder due to friction. , The red is like blood, and the weird one stops breathing.

Like Zuo, Gu Xiaowan was shocked: "What the **** is going on?"

Zuo shook his head: "I don't know, that flower, I just watched it grow out of your flesh."

Gu Xiaowan quickly recovered from the shock and weirdness. She put on her clothes and asked, "Who else knows about this?"

Zuo shook his head: "No one knows that Xiaoyu and I were waiting for you. I remembered what happened last time, so I asked her to make medicine. In the shower room, I was the only one!"

Seeing that no one knew the flowers blooming behind her, Gu Xiaowan frowned, "Don't tell anyone about this, including aunts, don't tell anyone!"

Zuo nodded hurriedly and said, "Don't worry, girl, I won't tell anyone!"

"Apart from this flower, what characteristics did I have at the time?" This flower must have appeared later, before that, after she fainted, is there anything dangerous.

Zuo nodded: "The situation was dangerous at the time, and you barely breathed!"

Gu Xiaowan looked back at her, shocked: "What?"

After Lihua got dressed, she came over and knocked on the door: "Anping, are you all right?"

Zuo hurriedly responded inside, "It's going to be done soon!"

He fastened the girdle on Gu Xiaowan's body, and then helped Gu Xiaowan to walk out. Seeing Gu Xiaowan in a black dress, Lihua was a little surprised: "Hey, Anping, don't you rarely wear such dark clothes?"

Gu Xiaowan nodded and said with a smile: "I usually wear less, I think it's okay to wear it occasionally!"

Tan Yushu and Shu Min also came out one after another. When they saw Gu Xiaowan waiting for them in the middle of the yard, their eyes suddenly lit up.

I saw that Gu Xiaowan was wearing a dark black dress today. Although the dress is black, the big red plum blossoms embroidered with branches and vines on the head are almost suffocating because of her fair skin. Like moonlight, the black and red are alternated against her skin, which can be broken by blowing like a newborn baby.

The collar and cuffs are embroidered with winter plum flowers with red silk thread, and the branches are embroidered with black silk threads on the wide dress, and the branches are embroidered with red silk threads on the head of the branches. His temperament is beautiful like a fairy in the world, detached from the world.

When Shu Min saw her dress up, she looked at the pale pink dress she was wearing, and her eyes flashed in flames.

Tan Yushu was dumbfounded. She had never seen her sister wear such dark colored clothes. She only felt that the black was dull, but because of the cuffs and neckline and the lifelike plum blossoms embroidered on the top of the dress, the beauty was just Like the winter sweets, it seems to exude bursts of fragrance.

"Sister, you are so beautiful, I have never seen anyone wear black clothes out of the feeling of a Lamei fairy!" Tan Yushu praised heartily.

Gu Xiaowan also laughed: "Today has changed so much. I didn't expect you to like it so much. Xiao Yi made this dress for me. If you like it, go back and let her make it for you!"

Tan Yushu nodded hurriedly, said okay, thought about it, and said: "Then I should change the color. My skin is not as white as yours. I wear it out. I really don't know where the clothes are and where is me!"

Gu Xiaowan was amused by her. The shocked and strange thoughts just now disappeared.

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