The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2500: You're the best

After applying the medicine, Qin Yizhi carefully lowered her trousers, and put Gu Xiaowan in his arms. Gu Xiaowan nestled in his arms, smelling the familiar smell, and wide and warm. She felt relieved in her chest.

"Brother Yizhi, do you know? I was a little scared when you were away, but I always cheered myself up, don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid, you still have brother Yizhi! Then as long as you show up, I will do nothing Don't be afraid anymore."

"Fool, you are a princess now, you don't need to be afraid!" Qin Yizhi felt distressed and hugged her tightly, as if afraid of losing.

Gu Xiaowan shook her head: "The princess is also afraid. I sometimes think that everything in this capital is good, just under the feet of the imperial city. You have to live with your heart. It's really not as good as Liu Jiazhen, not as good as Gu Yuan."

Gu Xiaowan was longing for life in Liujiazhen. Hearing Gu Fangxi said that the children of the stone could all jump around, and she called grandparents, father and mother, and Gu Xiaowan looked forward to it.

"Did you know? Stone children will call people, my aunt said, that little guy has a tiger-headed brain, so cute, I really want to go back and have a look!" Gu Xiaowan said quietly.

Qin Yizhi nodded and agreed: "When King Nanling is gone, we will get married."

"Okay, we will go to Liujiazhen for our honeymoon, right?" Gu Xiaowan said immediately when she heard of the marriage.


Qin Yuyi didn't understand: "What is a honeymoon?"

Gu Xiaowan didn’t guard that she was too excited. She even uttered modern vocabulary. She hurriedly explained: “The honeymoon is the period when the couple just got married. It’s like mixing oil in the honey. The couple can play everywhere. Having fun, just two people, happily, lived the sweet days that belonged to them when they first got married."

When were you just married?

Qin Yizhi disagreed with this statement. He said, "That's not a honeymoon."

Gu Xiaowan asked back: "What is that?"

"Obviously it is honey for a lifetime!" Qin Yizhi said earnestly, how could he only have the same month as honey, it is obviously

As long as you marry her, you will spend all your life in honey.

Seeing him saying this, Gu Xiaowan was so happy, she took the initiative to put her arms around Qin Yizhi's neck, and said coquettishly: "Your mouth is so sweet, did you just come here after eating honey?"

Qin Yizhi raised his eyebrows: "Eat or not, you should know!"

Gu Xiaowan just wanted to ask how she knew, when she saw the handsome and unparalleled face gradually approaching, a warm touch came from her mouth, and she swallowed it just as soon as she was about to.

She stuck out the tip of her tongue teasingly and felt the sweetness coming from her mouth. She was dizzy for a while, and there was a broken whistle in her mouth: "It's really honey!"

The mother outside was tapped by Qin Mozhi on the acupuncture points, and she would not be unconscious for too long. Qin Mozhi let go of Gu Xiaowan, and seeing her face as gorgeous as rose petals, she could not wait to pack her back immediately, but now

She can only be wronged to stay here. He suddenly took out something from his arms and lifted Gu Xiaowan's skirt away. Gu Xiaowan asked, "What are you going to do?"

Qin Yizhi didn’t answer. He directly tied the things in his hands to her knees. Gu Xiaowan touched it. It turned out to be a thick knee pad. Gu Xiaowan smiled: "You are in the palace all day, where did you come from? This thing?"

Qin Yizhi tied both feet, and then said: "It was prepared a long time ago, and there has been no time to use it. It just happened to come in handy today!"

This is Qin Yizhi's own. It was clearly that he heard that Gu Xiaowan was punished to kneel. He hurriedly asked people to make it quickly. There was a lot of cotton in it, and the knee pads were sewn thick and strong. Kneeling on the ground, it still felt Not any pain.

Gu Xiaowan knelt specially, and then said excitedly: "This thing is really easy to use, it's easy to kneel!"

"Easy to kneel?" Qin Yizhi listened to her, and then said seriously: "I also said that it is called knee pads. Kneeling is easier and better."

Gu Xiaowan smiled forward and closed.

She wouldn't tell Qin Yizhi, this is the name of a crazy gege in the previous TV series. Kneeling is easy, right? Anyway, she thinks it is really easy. The hard floor tiles do not feel pain. It doesn't matter if you kneel for two days.

Gu Xiaowan looked at Qin Mozhi's arms again, and stretched out her hand to dig it out: "Prepare it for me, where is Zuo?"

Qin Yizhi shook his head: "Not prepared!"

"Huh?" Gu Xiaowan heard that she was about to take off her knee pads quickly. Qin Yu saw her and hurriedly held her down: "What is this?"

"You prepared it for me, if you don't prepare it for her, how can you make me wear it!" Gu Xiaowan said dubiously.

"You are the master, what can't you wear!" Qin Mozhi said with condensed eyebrows.

"Although I am a master and servant, but I love my sisters, if it is really impossible, I will be with her one by one! It is better to hurt one leg than two legs!" Gu Xiaowan said.

A Zuo outside heard the girl's voice. When he heard these words, Zuo felt that his heart was bulging and his nose was sour, as if he was full of something.

Girl, never treat her as a person, but treat her like a sister.

Qin Yizhi silently took out another pair of knee pads from his arms. Gu Xiaowan saw it and his eyes lit up: "Fortunately, you brought it, and you lied to me!"

Qin Yizhi looked at her seriously, and said very seriously: "Whoever can be with you is the greatest blessing in his life. Whether it is me or other people, it is my life to know you. , The happiest thing!"

Gu Xiaowan smiled: "Me too!"

Qin Yizhi took advantage of the darkness and quickly left. The two mothers outside also woke up one after another. Seeing the current hour, he looked through the crack of the door and looked at the two people who were still kneeling inside. Both of them wiped their saliva. , One after another unanimously turned over the matter of falling asleep.

As soon as Qin Yizhi left, a court lady suddenly appeared at the corner. Seeing Qin Yizhi's leaving back, she was a little surprised. Looking inside the palace, Zuo just pushed the door in.

It seemed that that person was Gu Xiaowan's lover, otherwise the two would not stay alone in the palace.

Seeing a sneer, Jian Yu immediately hid behind the palace and disappeared into the dark night.

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