The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2504: Worried

The more Lihua thought about it, the more something went wrong, and simply said: "Moreover, Erchen felt strange that Anping is not the kind of improper person. How could she enter the treasure without the permission of the emperor. Erchen felt it was impossible!"

When the queen mother heard this, her body straightened up when she was sitting crookedly, and she looked at Lihua so directly. Lihua was a little confused. The majesty of the superior made her a little suffocated: "Mother, what's wrong with you?"

The queen mother stared at Lihua for a while, then waved her hand and said, "The family is exhausted, so go back!"

Lihua got up and quit.

When Aunt Jin came to the Queen Mother, she saw the Queen Mother's Phoenix eyes twisted slightly, her face was solemn, and Aunt Jin was shocked: "Queen Mother, you"

Before I finished speaking, I saw that the Queen Mother suddenly raised her hand and pushed the tea cup she had just drunk to the ground. The top blue and white glaze tea cup was all broken!

Aunt Jin hurriedly stepped forward and asked, "Queen dowager, what's wrong with you? Don't get angry, be careful of your body!"

I saw the Queen Mother sneered and said: "The Ae Family still doesn't know. The Ae Family has lived a lot of age. When they were young, they never dared to make a heart in front of the Ae Family. Now that they are old, they have become others' swords!"

Aunt Jin was shocked: "The Queen Mother, who dares to be so courageous? Queen Mother, Queen Mother"

The queen mother stood up, looked outside with a grimace, and then said: "Has the emperor come here?"

Aunt Jin said: "It should be here soon!"

I saw the Queen Mother turned around and said, "Go and see! If the emperor hasn't come yet, let's go to the Imperial Study Room! The Aijia go to the next emperor today!"

Aunt Jin didn't know what happened, so she said hurriedly. I sent someone outside to ask, knowing that the emperor was in court, but he didn't go to Cining Palace, but went to the palace of the princess.

When Aunt Jin heard the news, she was shocked for a while. You know, after so many years, the emperor will come to the queen mother to please peace. I don’t know what happened today, but she didn’t come, and she went to the princess. there.

When Aunt Jin told the Queen Mother, she knew that the Queen Mother just frowned, as if she didn't take this matter to heart at all: "You go to the next emperor and say that the mourning family is going to the Imperial Study Room. If he is coming, Let him go directly to the Imperial Study Room!"

Aunt Jin hurriedly responded, and the queen mother sat in Feng Hu and went directly to the Yushufang, while Aunt Jin sent someone to inform the emperor.

Shu Tianci didn't know what he had heard or said in the courtroom, he only knew that the string he had been tense all the time seemed to be about to break, and he felt pain from head to toe when he was tense!

Father Qi was always watching. Seeing the emperor’s absent-minded appearance today, he was very anxious. Those ministers in the middle of the court, who are not fiery eyes, who are not dozens of bends in their stomachs, see the emperor’s desperate face Looks like, very things can be guessed two or three points. now is the time when the weather is smooth, the people live and work in peace and contentment, and when Nanling bows to his head, the emperor is in despair. It is certainly not a national event.

Only children's affair is left, and the emperor has just reached the age of Huaichun!

When Grandpa Qi got Princess Anping's appearance in the princess palace, he hurriedly told the emperor, Shu Tianci looked excited, changed the look of the gray-headed face, the look of ecstasy, the hearts of all the ministers watching One hop.

Sad for a while, joy for a while, what is going on?

Shu Tianci sat on Yuhu, and instead of going to Cining Palace, he went directly to Princess Lihua. God knows how he went up and down today. When I heard the news that Grandpa Qi said that Gu Xiaowan had appeared, if Gu Nian hadn't been in the hall, Shu Tianci was afraid that he would just fling his sleeves and leave.

When I arrived at the gate of the Long Princess Palace, I just saw Gu Xiaowan coming from a short distance. Shu Tianci went directly to Yuhu and walked towards Gu Xiaowan quickly.

Seeing the emperor coming up, Tan Yushu hurriedly bowed and bowed. Gu Xiaowan wanted to move. Shu Tianci directly supported her. Seeing that her legs were a little uncomfortable, he asked, "What happened to your legs?"

Before Gu Xiaowan spoke, Tan Yushu said on the side: "My sister has been punished for kneeling all day and night, and her knees are red and swollen. Brother Huang, please let me help my sister in!"

Before Yu Shu's words were finished, I saw myself being pushed away vigorously. Gu Xiaowan felt that the world was spinning, and people were already being picked up. Gu Xiaowan was shocked: "My lord, let me go down!"

The palace ladies and eunuchs who came and went gathered here, Gu Xiaowan was extremely nervous.

Shu Tianci doesn't care about her at all. He is a man, and his strength is naturally much greater than Gu Xiaowan: "If you don't want a leg injury, don't move!"

How could Gu Xiaowan not move? She struggled hard, but was afraid that the movement would be too loud for others to hear: "The Emperor"

Shu Tianci ignored her, strode towards the Piandian, followed by Zuo, who followed closely, and a surprised look of Tan Yushu, and Father Qi followed behind, with a helpless face.

Fortunately, there were no people in the entire princess palace. After Shu Tianci hugged Gu Xiaowan in, he put it on the soft collapse. He wanted to talk about the wounds, but he still didn't say anything when he thought of the difference between men and women.

When the people behind were about to enter the hall, they saw the palace gate closed in front of them. Tan Yushu saw that it was the door closed by the emperor himself. The sadness, distress, and anxiety on his face just passed through the cracks of the door and was a little bit by Tan Yushu. see.

When did she ever see the expression of Brother Huang, for a while, she was shocked on the spot.

"How did the queen punish you? Why didn't you say that I had agreed with you to read a book?" Shu Tianci had a faint fire in his heart, as if he was obviously good, but he had a weak sense of loss, no pain or itching, but let him You are extremely uncomfortable.

"In return to the emperor, Xiaowan Xiaowan did not tell the queen mother, you have agreed to it!" Gu Xiaowan replied realistically.

"Why didn't you tell the Queen Mother?" Shu Tianci sat on a stool by the table, several meters away from Gu Xiaowan's collapse, and the two sat so far away.

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