The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2521: Moon-old red rope

Hearing that Shu Tianci had come back to ask this, the old woman let out a long sigh of relief and said with some joyful folds: "My old woman has a red rope wrapped around her hand for more than 50 years. Up!"

After she finished speaking, she revealed a red rope in her hand. The red rope is no longer red because of the age, and it seems to be broken with a touch, but the old woman still looked at it with cherished expression: "This red rope was tied to me by my wife. After we became dears, our red rope has never been taken off. My wife and I have been together for more than 70 years!"

She looked at the eaves behind her. Sure enough, she saw a husband sitting under the eaves. The husband had white beard and hair, and he was very old. He was very old, but she kept her eyes open and looked in the direction of the old woman. Shu Tianci looked. After a glance, the husband's eyes were muddy, his eyes were dull, and he was obviously out of sight.

But he always looked in this direction of the old woman, with empty eyes open, as if he could see her!

"We heard that this red thread is like a marriage thread held by Yue Lao's. As long as one end is tied to you and the other end is tied to her, it is the same as the marriage thread. How can it not be opened!" I am very satisfied with my red line and believe that my red line will keep people together for a lifetime. A smile on her face: "The old lady has sold the red line for a lifetime. Anyone who buys a red line from me, the last one Yes, they are all sweet and affectionate, I envy others!"

Grandpa Qi thought, then your red line relationship is really the line of fate for Yue Lao, and it sounds so nice.

But he was helpless, he didn't believe it, but the emperor believed it!

Shu Tianci looked at the red thread on the stall, blood red, like Yuelao's red thread, and then looked at the red thread in the old woman's hand. Although it had faded, it was about to break, but she also followed The heart that hadn't been taken down, only a few red threads were re-wound on the top, and the red rope was firmly lowered.

This is a life-long, one-person commitment.

The old man in the distance seemed to have a fading red thread on his wrist. Two two hundred-year-old old people who added up to two hundred years old, in these years, you look at me, I look at you, like After this life, there is still no one who will hinder their confidence and determination to be together.

"Grandma, get me two!" Shu Tianci pointed to the red rope woven in Grandma's hand and said suddenly.

Grandma didn't expect business to come, so she hurriedly responded with a smile: "Okay, okay, wait a minute, I'm almost done with this root, I will give it to you immediately!"

Shu Tian gave a graceful cry: "I'm not in a hurry, you slow down, and do it firmly!"

The old lady said with a smile: "Guest, don’t worry, I can carry this rope for fifty to sixty years without breaking. Even if it is to be broken, the one in the future will definitely connect it to you. Just like an old lady, just add a few red ropes to the top to be firm!"

Shu Tianci smiled: "Okay, then grandma will help me make it a little firmer. I also hope that I won't stop for the rest of my life!"

The old lady looked at such a handsome young man, and she also looked envious: "I don't know which girl the young man is after, and that girl is also blessed!"

Shu Tianci smiled and said, "It's the girl just now!"

The old lady hurriedly said: "But that girl is not oh oh oh" The old lady seemed to have thought of something, so she stretched out her hand and smacked her mouth and said with a smile: "I blame my old lady for this mouth, little girl, Naturally it is thin, look at my mouth!"

Shu Tianci also laughed, and stood in front of the red line stall for a while, with his grandeur and handsome face, I don't know how many little girls stopped by. They also deliberately went to the stall to look at the red string in order to take a look at Shu Tianci. , Seeing that the little boy bought two red ropes, he seemed to have found his sweetheart, and he couldn't help but feel a little lost.

Such a good-looking little boy doesn't know who's the girl he is after! I don't know whose family this son belongs to. It depends on his temperament and clothes. He is either rich or noble. He must be the son of a big family. Hey, I don't know who is so fateful!

The old lady quickly wove the last red rope and handed it to Shu Tianci and said, "Little son, this red rope is woven. This one is a slip knot. If it is bigger, the tightening point can become smaller. If it’s young, loosen it up and wear it on your feet or hands!"

Shu Tianci nodded in response, and the old lady took a snow-white veil and installed it on him: "This is the marriage line, but you must give it to that girl personally, and you can wear it personally. Yes, you must also let that girl put it on by herself, don’t put her hands on others, you know?"

Shu Tianci nodded hurriedly, indicating that he understood.

Father Qi gave the silver, and the old lady thought it turned out to be a big piece of silver, and hurriedly waved her hand and said, "No, no, too much, I only need nine copper plates! It means a long time!"

When Qi Gonggong heard this, he took another silver coin from his purse, and added the one just now, which was a hundred taels of silver, and put it in front of the stall. Then he took another copper plate from the grandma's stall and said : "Since the meaning is long, then these are ninety-nine, two-nine hundred and ninety-nine copper plates, so many nines, and the meaning is extraordinary."

Grandpa Qi wants to win a favor. Since it is said that it is long, is it more long-lasting with so many nines?

The old woman looked at the two people leaving in shock, and looked at the two silver ingots on the stall in shock. She couldn't believe her eyes. The two red ropes were sold for a hundred taels?

No, it's ninety-nine two nine hundred and ninety-nine copper plates!

For a long time!

The old woman hurriedly accepted the silver, folded her hands together, and chanted Amitabha and Bodhisattva blessings several times: "Young man, you are so kind, your girl will definitely understand your mind!"

When we first met, the old lady didn't make a mistake. The little boy looked at the young lady next to her as if she saw her sweetheart.

The old lady was a person who came over, how could she not understand the meaning in Shu Tianci's eyes, so she said that sentence at that time. It seems that this is still at the stage of Jun Youqing and the concubine unintentionally!

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