The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2523: Aya's future

Zuo washes the vegetables, Gu Xiaowan cuts the vegetables, Aya makes a fire. The three people work together. No one speaks, only the sound of firewood crackling and burning, and the sound of Zuo cutting vegetables, and the ingredients being thrown into the pot. The sound of sizzling, and the sound of the spatula flying in the pot.

In the bright candlelight, Gu Xiaowan saw Aya sitting in front of the stove burning on fire. With emotion, she seemed to be back ten years ago. She had just crossed over, and she did the same as she does now. The one sitting behind the stove is Gu. Ning'an or Gu Ningping are also at such an old age, as before!

For three people to eat, Gu Xiaowan prepared three dishes and one soup, and cooked the rice in the pot inside. When she was busy, the rice was cooked, and the dishes were cooked. Gu Xiaowan originally wanted to bring the food to the room to eat, Aya But he said: "Sister, there is no one left anyway, let's eat in the kitchen!"

Seeing that he wanted to eat in the kitchen, he didn't go anywhere, so he put it on a small table in the kitchen, and three people sat together to eat!

Aya was sitting opposite Gu Xiaowan. Gu Xiaowan added a bowl of soup to him first: "Drink the soup first, finish the soup, and eat!"

Aya nodded obediently, like a child, drinking the soup carefully. Seeing him recklessly, Gu Xiaowan said hurriedly: "Be careful and drink slowly!"

Gu Xiaowan reminded Aya like a child, and Aya nodded obediently: "Okay, sister."

Seeing that there was no soup in her bowl, Aya took the bowl in front of her and said, "Sister, I will add a bowl for you too!"

Seeing that he was sensible, Gu Xiaowan didn't stop him, let him add soup!

Aya is very skillful in his movements. He adds some to the soup and the vegetables and meat in it, but he adds very little meat. When Gu Xiaowan sees this, he can't help but feel happy: "You know I don't eat much meat at night?"

Zuo certainly knows that Aya knows, but as for the girl's diet and daily life, this son Aya knows more than his maid who has been with the girl for longer.

Aya smiled softly and said, "It's just that I have seen my sister not eating meat at night many times. My sister only ate two pieces of meat, so she said she was fatter!

Unexpectedly, the child observed so carefully, and the corner of his mouth was still smiling, which made Gu Xiaowan a little excited: "Yes, you child will hurt people. When you grow up, you will know how hot and cold you are!"

Gu Xiaowan seemed to have seen Aya's appearance a few years later, and she didn't know whose girl would be so lucky to be loved by Aya in the future.

At this moment, Gu Xiaowan did not see a trace of loneliness flashing in Aya's eyes.

Gu Xiaowan only felt that she was thinking a little far away, and she couldn't help but chuckled, thinking far, thinking far.

I just took the soup that Aya handed over. The soup was very fresh and her craftsmanship was good, but it hurts people and she thought it was more delicious.

Zuo felt that she was a little unreasonable, but she was still a half-year-old child. The girl had always treated this child as her own brother, and she thought too much!

After dinner, the three of them ate with gusto. After eating, Zuo stayed in the kitchen to wash the dishes. Gu Xiaowan took Aya to her room. In the past few days, she stayed at home to test Aya's knowledge in school. When Zuo came back, Gu Xiaowan asked about it. She was a little surprised. This child’s understanding is really amazing, even better than her, and I don’t know him. What kind of people are the parents who gave birth to such smart children?

On Shu Min's side, he took Xiao Yuanyao to eat dinner and supper, which made Xiao Yuanyao's stomach fat several times.

It was late at night when the two came out of Gu Ji’s barbecue. Xiao Yuanyao turned around and looked at the brightly lit Gu Ji’s barbecue.

Seeing him looking back and knowing what he was thinking, Shu Min asked, "Big Brother Xiao, reluctant?"

Xiao Yuanyao curled his lips and said with some feeling: "I still have such a delicious thing for the first time, so I can't wait to take all these three stores to Nanling!"

Shu Min smiled: "So how difficult it is, can't it be done if you just take people away?"

Xiao Yuanyao laughed: "Your emperor brother said, Princess Anping is not an authentic princess in the royal family, and he won't let her go and kiss!"

Shu Min didn't expect Shu Tianci to tell King Nanling about this matter, and hurriedly asked: "My emperor brother really said that? Is it possible that he intends to let Lihua go to marry him?"

Xiao Yuanyao shook his head: "Neither, saying that Lihua is his only imperial sister, not willing!"

This Shu Tianci made a good calculation. After hearing this, Shu Min laughed with a chuckle: "This is not willing, that disagreement, it is impossible, my emperor brother will also find someone to be canonized as a princess, and let her go and marry. Nothing?"

Xiao Yuanyao frowned, "You and your emperor brother really agree!"

It really is!

After Shu Min heard it, she seemed amused: "Then just find someone, what's the difference between the identity of Princess Anping? Neither of them are authentic princesses!"

"I think so too, but your emperor brother doesn't want to, and I can't help it!" Xiao Yuanyao spread his hands, looking like I can't help it.

Shu Min looked like I was sad for you: "Brother Xiao, you are so good to talk! Although Princess Anping is a little lower, she is still a princess anyway. Besides, you still love to eat things that she tinkers with. She took it to Nanling. Whatever you want to eat at that time, let her do it for you! Why bother to run with three stores! Besides, you don’t know that the annual harvest of these three stores is nothing. Yes, if you let Princess Anping get married, you will marry a golden mountain and go back!"

Xiao Yuanyao touched the beard on his face, looking so surprised.

"But your emperor brother disagrees!" Xiao Yuanyao said with a look of disappointment.

Shu Min thought a thousand times, and suddenly stood still, and looked at Xiao Yuanyao with a smile on his face: "Brother Xiao, let's make a deal, okay? I will settle the emperor for you, and Princess Anping must be married."

Shu Min saw clearly, Xiao Yuanyao's eyes burst out with dazzling light behind the thick bangs.

Xiao Yuanyao returned to the post house, and Feng Chi said at this moment: "Wang, do you really want to cooperate with the Princess Mingdu? Your subordinates have discovered that this Princess Mingdu hates Princess Anping!"

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