The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2532: Why is she so stupid

After speaking, Gu Xiaowan really knelt down on the ground. Father Qi was shocked and hurried to help her up: "Princess Anping, you can't do it, you can't do it!"

Gu Xiaowan knelt on the ground, her voice indisputable: "Please go and report it!"

Father Qi couldn't help, so he hurried to pass in. When Shu Tianci heard it, he frowned, but knew that Gu Xiaowan was not good at the moment, so he got up and went out, wanting to let Gu Xiaowan go first.

Where did I know that Xiao Yuanyao also followed him out.

Seeing the emperor, Gu Xiaowan straightened up hurriedly, without anyone speaking, she said directly: "The emperor is interrogating the prisoner?"

Shu Tianci was taken aback and blurted out: "How do you know?"

This thing was done in a concealed manner, and Xin Gui didn't come over with a big fan. How could she know? Could it be that someone deliberately passed this matter to her ears?

Could it be that

Shu Tianci's eyes were bright and gleaming with cold light: "Are you here for the people inside?"

Xiao Yuanyao has always watched Gu Xiaowan like a good show, and then at Shu Tianci, it seems that he is guessing what the story is!

Gu Xiaowan raised a smile at the corner of her mouth and exhausted all her strength: "The prisoner inside is Anping’s sweetheart. He also hoped that the emperor raised his hand and let him go! He also saw my injury and stole Xingui’s plaster. For all the responsibilities, Xingui must be blamed on Anping's head!"


how is this possible?

Shu Tianci suddenly furious: "Anping, do you know what you are talking about?"

Xiao Yuanyao on the side was also taken aback: The one kneeling here, but an inferior guard, the Princess Anping, actually said that this person was her sweetheart. Could it be that the guard was right?

Has he really kept up with Princess Anping? Where did Princess Mingdu find such a person?

Xiao Yuanyao originally thought it was fake, but now he didn't expect it to be true. In his opinion, he should take a good look at this scene! No, I don't know if it is real or fake!

Gu Xiaowan expected that Shu Tianci would be furious, and smiled helplessly: "Please calm down the emperor's anger. Anping knows that this matter is detrimental to the royal family's face, but that all sins will be borne by Anping. For this matter, please also the emperor and the nobles Don't blame him!"

Shu Tianci didn't expect Gu Xiaowan to admit that he had an affair with the people inside. He became angry for a while. He took two steps and lifted Gu Xiaowan up, and roared, "You are a princess. The guards are struggling? If this matter is spread, do you know what your reputation will be like?"

Gu Xiaowan was lifted up by Shu Tian, ​​but she still couldn't feel the pain in her body. She could hear clearly in her mind. Some people said that the guard was about to be beaten to death by Xingui. How could she watch the death of Yanzhi's brother? !

She also knew how it would hurt her face if she said it at this moment, but she couldn't care about it: "That night, I was punished by the empress dowager and knelt in the side hall. He changed shifts with others. He gave me the ointment. He has a deep and righteous affection for me. I can't just watch him go to death!"

Shu Tianci now understands everything: "You said, he gave you the plaster that night?"

Gu Xiaowan nodded: "That's right!"

Shu Tianci was about to be crushed by Gu Xiaowan. She is a high emperor. She doesn't love it. How could she have trouble with a guard, even if he knew that all this was done by another person, but what she is doing now , It really made him feel heartbroken: "Are you sure he gave you the plaster?"

Before Gu Xiaowan answered, Shu Tianci hugged Gu Xiaowan, who was staggering, and walked into the Imperial Study Room. Gu Xiaowan wanted to struggle, but Shu Tianci refused to give her this opportunity.

The two struggled to come to a guard who was kneeling on the ground covered in blood. Shu Tianci kicked it hard and shouted, "Do you know him?"

Gu Xiaowan saw that he was bloody, and now she was kicked by Shu Tianci and spit out several mouthfuls of blood. She was distressed and distressed. Just when she wanted to see her injury, she saw the guard looked up and a strange face appeared. In front of him, even though the beating was vaguely flesh-and-blood, Gu Xiaowan could still tell at a glance that he was not the person he thought at all!

Before Gu Xiaowan spoke, she saw the guard as if she saw a life-saving straw, clutching Gu Xiaowan's dress, she shouted heartbrokenly: "Princess, save me, princess, save me!"

Gu Xiaowan's dress was caught by him, and Shu Tianci's eyes seemed to be bloodshot, and he shouted: "Come here, cut off this person's hand for me!"

Then I saw a person who looked like a guard came in, with a knife in his hand, and the guard's hand was chopped off alive, blood splattered all over the place, and even the white casual clothes that Shu Tianci had changed had blood stains on his head. .

Shu Tianci didn't care about it. Looking at Gu Xiaowan who was still struggling, she clasped her shoulders and yelled, "Have you seen it clearly this time? Do you know him?"

Gu Xiaowan didn't expect it to be Qin Yizhi. She was shocked for a while and heard the emperor's roar. Only then did she come to her senses, and her mind became clear: "I don't know him!"

Seeing this scene, the warm blood splashed on her face, Hua Rong turned scared and she screamed.

When Shu Tianci heard the scream, he turned his head and glanced at Xin Gui fiercely. Xin Gui's scream stopped abruptly. He looked at the originally elegant and majestic emperor in horror and walked towards the wailing guard step by step. His eyes are like the charming Hades in Purgatory: "Say, who asked you to frame Princess Anping?"

Xin Gui's fart **** out of fright, his body was like a swing.

She has never seen such a terrifying emperor. Everyone says that the emperor is a gentle and elegant person, but people are wrong after all. He is very gentle and elegant, but he is still the emperor, holding the lives and deaths of all the people in the world. Daquan, such a person, how can anyone say gentleness?

The guard with the severed hand was stepped on his chest by Shu Tianci, and besides howling, the guard felt the panic of death. This is the demon of purgatory, and now he wants to kill the Quartet.

The guard wailed in pain, still afraid to tell the truth: "The emperor, the slave is really Princess Anping's sweetheart, Princess Anping herself just said it!"

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